Where to Find Chest of the Mundane in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Where can I find the Mundane Treasure Chest in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The depths of the Underdark are a strange realm, from radiant drow blades to mysterious blue trees that drain your magic, and even talking fungi. Yet among these wonders, it is often the simplest objects that contain charm. This is the story of the Ordinary Treasure Chest, a humble treasure with the extraordinary ability to serve as a storage bag. This is a guide to finding mundane treasure chests in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Mundane Treasure Chest Locations in Baldur’s Gate 3

For those looking for the location of mundane treasure chests, a journey into the Underdark is the first step. There are multiple ways to enter this newly revealed area, and we strongly recommend that adventurers gather a party of level 4 companions before venturing deep underground.

After successfully reaching the Underdark, the expedition must sail to the lower levels of the western expanse, where the majestic Arcane Tower stands. Note that this place is filled with vigilant sentinel turrets that will unleash their wrath upon any disturbance. To traverse this treacherous terrain, players can seamlessly transition into turn-based mode, ensuring safe passage among hostile machines.

Alternatively, the delicate Susul flowers that bloom on Susul trees can be harvested and strategically dropped near the turrets to temporarily distract them. Upon reaching the main entrance to the Arcane Tower, the brave members of the party must venture through the open window. Once inside, the journey leads to a balcony located to the right of the main door.

It is here that elusive worldly treasure chests adorn the balcony railings and shroud in understated splendor. Simply right-click to grant ownership, transferring the chest to your character’s inventory. While discerning its mystical nature may require a successful Arcana roll, rest assured that its extraordinary qualities are still achievable even without a successful assessment.


Daily use treasure chest

The name “Common Box” comes from its unique ability to transform devices into everyday items such as forks, spoons and ladles. The real point of this box, however, is that it greatly eases the burden of modifying your gear. Essentially, a Mundy Chest is an extraordinary tool that enhances its bearer’s load-bearing abilities, proving particularly beneficial for holding heavy objects.

The process of restoring an item to its original form is as simple as containing it. Additionally, the weight savings extend their impact to other containers as well. It is worth noting that players have the opportunity to store various weapons and armor in mundane chests, as a result of which the total weight of the entire container is significantly reduced.

In some cases, this reduction may even translate into single digits or lower, a feat that emphasizes the versatility of breasts in alleviating burden issues. However, it is worth noting that this feature sometimes exhibits a certain level of complexity. Whenever items are placed into or removed from a mundane chest, the holder of the chest may observe a fluctuation in its overall load. Despite this occasional intricacies, the utility and advantages of this magical treasure chest remain a valuable asset for those adventurous.

What’s in the mundane treasure chest in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The depths of ordinary treasure chests contain the following treasures:

  • glittering gold ingot
  • Illuminating Heart Light Bomb
  • Magical Mystra’s Boots of Grace
  • Valid scrolls for mage armor
  • Scrolls of Protection from Evil and Good

When you first come into contact with this box, all you see is a variety of crude silverware. However, these humble forms instantly transform into their true nature once incorporated into your inventory. Along with the enchanting Mystra’s Boots of Grace comes a series of extremely beneficial magical scrolls.

Alongside these revelations, a hidden attribute of secular treasure chests also emerged – extraordinary utility. It has the extraordinary ability to reduce the weight of its contents to just 0.05 kg, bringing a new lightness to bulky items. The best feature of this revelation is its almost unlimited capacity to accommodate a large number of objects.

While the Mundane Chest itself weighs around 20kg, you can choose to include it in your inventory and use it as a storage container. Therefore, it is prudent to ensure that the box accompanies your endeavors, as its potential to amass a collection of items becomes a priceless asset and a safe haven for hoarders and collectors.

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