Where to Find Cougars RDR2? How to Hunt Cougars RDR2? Best Place to Find Cougars RDR2

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is an action-adventure game released by Rockstar Games in 2018. It is the prequel to the 2010 game Red Dead Redemption and the third entry in the Red Dead series. The game is set in the fictional United States in 1899 and tells the story of outlaw Arthur Morgan, a member of the Van der Linde Gang.

As the Wild West era comes to an end, Arthur must contend with a variety of challenges, including government forces, rival gangs, and other adversaries, while trying to survive. The game provides first-person and third-person perspectives, and has a vast open world for players to freely explore.

Development on Red Dead Redemption 2 began shortly after the release of the first game and took more than eight years. It became one of the most expensive video games ever made, with all of Rockstar’s studios collaborating to promote its development. The team drew inspiration from real locations to create an authentic depiction of the period and focused on crafting well-designed characters and an immersive world.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is designed specifically for eighth-generation consoles, with Rockstar leveraging the technical capabilities they explored during their port of Grand Theft Auto V. The game’s soundtrack features an original score composed by Woody Jackson and a vocal track produced by Daniel Lanois.

However, the development process has been criticized for its lengthy overtime hours, which involve mandatory and unpaid overtime. The game also includes an online multiplayer mode called Red Dead Online, which allows up to 32 players to participate in various cooperative and competitive game modes.

After releasing on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in October 2018, Red Dead Redemption 2 broke multiple records and became the second-largest release in entertainment history. It generated a staggering $725 million in sales during its opening weekend and surpassed its predecessor’s total sales within two weeks.

Where can I find Cougars RDR2?

Red Dead Redemption 2’s Hunter Master Challenge 6 is a test of patience, requiring players to kill and then skin five cougars with a bow. This challenge can be very frustrating because it takes time to figure out the best hunting spots for cougars. In this guide, we’ll provide proven methods for finding, killing, and skinning a cougar.

As a bonus, we’ll also be recommending a location on the western edge of the Great Valley in our Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougar guide. Not only does this location help with the Cougar Challenge, it also allows you to complete other challenges at the same time, reducing monotony.We will discuss this further in the final section of the guide

Kojgarh location

Due to their rarity, finding cougars in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be a time-consuming task. However, cougars do appear in one specific location in the game. This site is located northwest of the town of Strawberry, along a north-south road along the western edge of the Great West Elizabeth Valley.

To increase your chances of encountering a cougar, head to the area and build a campfire nearby. Sleep until morning as cougars seem to be more active during this time. While the exact spawn point may not be on the road itself, it is usually on the east side of the road. Mountain lions often cross roads nearby.

By focusing your efforts on specific locations indicated on the map, you can increase your chances of encountering a cougar and completing Master Hunter Challenge 6. Patience is key as you may have to wait for the cougar to show up, but being in the right place at the right time significantly increases your likelihood of success.


How to hunt cougar RDR2?

To effectively hunt cougars in Red Dead Redemption 2, it is recommended to use improved arrows instead of regular arrows. The improved arrows increase damage, making them more effective at taking down cougars.

When targeting a cougar, target its weak points, which are its head and heart. Use modified arrows to shoot at any of these areas and take down a cougar in just one shot. For this method of hunting, a long-arm back bow is also recommended.

By utilizing improved arrows and targeting the cougar’s weaknesses, you can maximize your chances of successfully hunting and eliminating cougars in Master Hunter Challenge 6. It is crucial to maintain accuracy and precision in your shots to ensure a quick and clean takedown of the cougar.

Tips and Tricks for Hunting Cougars

Knowing the prime spots to find cougars on the Red Dead Online map is only half the battle. If you’re not properly prepared, an encounter with a cougar can quickly turn deadly. To improve your chances of survival, here are some valuable tips and tricks to help you hunt a cougar and survive an encounter.

Tip 1: Choose the right weapon:

To effectively hunt mountain lions and ensure a perfect shot, it is recommended to use a rifle or bow. Choose a weapon of appropriate caliber, such as any rifle available in the game. Alternatively, you can use a bow or an improved bow equipped with improved arrows for more accurate and powerful shots.

Tip 2: Dismount:

When approaching a mountain lion, it is recommended to dismount. Mountain lions are predators and the presence of horses may scare them. If your horse is scared, it may throw you off, leaving you vulnerable to a mountain lion attack. By dismounting, you reduce the risk of being caught off guard and increase your chances of self-defense.

Tip 3: Invest in a Safari Vehicle:

To ensure the safety of your mountain lion carcass, consider purchasing a safari vehicle. Once you have successfully killed a cougar, it is wise to sell or store it immediately. The cougar is a valuable target and other players may try to take it from you. With a hunting wagon, you can generate it and store your cougar safely inside for later use or sale, minimizing the risk of losing your hard-earned trophy.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay

In the game, players can freely explore the vast open world and engage in various activities. Combat plays an important role, allowing players to use melee attacks, guns, bows, projectiles, and explosives to fight enemies. Dual-wielding weapons is also an option. The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is diverse, with varying landscapes, wildlife, and urban settlements, ranging from small farmhouses to bustling towns and cities.

Horses are the main means of transportation, and players can steal or tame wild horses to use as their own. Building a bond with your horse through care and interaction can give players an advantage.

Throughout the game, players have the opportunity to make choices that shape the plot and impact the overall narrative. Conversation options with non-player characters can be friendly or confrontational, and the player can decide whether to spare or kill the NPC.

These choices affect the player’s honor level, which in turn affects their image in the game world. Maintaining a high honor level will bring benefits such as special clothing and discounts, while a low honor level will increase the chance of robbery.

When a player commits a crime, witnesses may call the police, leading to consequences. Law enforcement will investigate and, if discovered, a bounty will be placed on the player’s head. As players continue to commit crimes, the bounty will increase and more law enforcement officers and bounty hunters will be sent to hunt them down.

Evading law enforcement includes hiding from the immediate area, hiding, or eliminating pursuers. If captured by law enforcement, players can surrender while unarmed and on foot. The consequences can be eliminated by paying for time spent in jail or by paying bounties.

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