Where to Get Flax in Pax Dei

As you wander the world of Pax Dei, you’ll inevitably stumble upon various resources. In a crafting-focused game, there’s wood and rock, but there’s also flax, reeds, and clay that you can dig up with your bare hands. Here’s where to get flax in Pax Dei!

How to Get Flax in Pax Dei

You can find Flax in the following biomes in Pax Dei:

  • grassland
  • grassland
  • bush
  • Pine Forest
  • Oak Forest

Flax Mountain Peace SocietyPrima Games Screenshots

More specifically, I found my first flax near a rocky hill. Flax will grow on a variety of rocks, including gneiss and clay, both of which need to be present in large quantities. You’ll notice that flax is a reddish-orange color in Pax Dei, which is certainly not the brightest. So unless you pay close attention to your surroundings, it will usually blend in with the environment.

Why is Flax Needed in Pax Dei

You will need to have a good supply of flax at times for the various crafting and building recipes. You can use flax to make straw, various types of rope, and even tailoring tools so you can make your own clothes.

Rope is probably one of the most useful byproducts of linen. You’ll need rope for many other crafting recipes, including clothing items like shirts and pants. Pax Dei does include some survival elements, after all, so you’ll need to dress appropriately to avoid the weather conditions.

While there are no traditional classes offered in the game, it’s still nice to play a character and dress for success, right?

Where to store linen at Pax Dei

You can store a lot of flax in your personal inventory, but over time it will start to take up free space. Therefore, you’ll need to revisit your plot frequently to discard excess resources. To do this, I recommend placing a simple chest. You can discard any unwanted items and resources, save them for crafting, or give them away when the time is right.

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