- Each of the 12 Zodiac signs perfectly aligns with a specific stormtrooper type in Star Wars.
- Different trooper types showcase unique traits, from ruthlessness to loyalty and intellect.
- The many types of stormtroopers in Star Wars reflect the complexity and variety of the Zodiac signs.
Although the Imperial stormtroopers are undoubtedly the best-known stormtrooper type in Star Wars, there are actually many types—and these 12 are perfectly suited to each of the Zodiac signs. Stormtroopers have been a part of Star Wars movies and TV shows from the very beginning. In fact, they have become a throughline in the Star Wars timeline, as both the original and sequel trilogies incorporated stormtroopers, and the prequel trilogy effectively saw the stormtroopers’ origin with the Clone Wars-era clone troopers.
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However, stormtroopers have become so much more complicated since they first appeared in A New Hope. Indeed, many of Star Wars’ more recent shows and movies have introduced brand-new trooper types with unique features. Based on these specific traits, these 12 stormtrooper types perfectly align with each of the Zodiac signs.
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Related Star Wars: Every Type of Stormtrooper In Canon Explained
Some of the most popular characters from Star Wars are the stormtroopers, and there are many variants across the official canon timeline.
A Ruthless Aries Would Be An Ideal Purge Trooper
Purge Troopers Worked Closely With The Imperial Inquisitors
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Purge troopers are best known for working alongside the Imperial Inquisitors, specifically as the Inquisitors were tasked with tracking down and destroying any survivors of Order 66 and other Force-sensitive beings, children included. Clearly, this role makes these troopers even more intimidating than the average stormtrooper. While all Imperial stormtroopers served the Empire and no doubt committed terrible acts, this type of trooper is truly one of the most ruthless of them all.
This makes the purge trooper a perfect fit for an Aries.
This makes the purge trooper a perfect fit for an Aries. This isn’t to say that every Aries is evil; like any Zodiac sign, there are positive traits and negative traits, and no one sign is all bad or all good. However, several Aries qualities make them best suited to this stormtrooper role. Specifically, Aries is a Zodiac sign known for being bold, brave, and, yes, a bit aggressive. Clearly, these skills would be essential for any purge trooper.
The Headstrong Taurus Would Make A Brilliant Dark Trooper
Dark Troopers Were Nearly Indestructible
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Dark Troopers have proven to be a fascinating addition to Star Wars. Initially, Dark Troopers, like other stormtroopers, were human. However, Dark Troopers ultimately transitioned from the human pilots in suits of armor during the Dark Times to the entirely robotic battle droids used by Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian. In either case, though, one of the key features of the Dark Trooper armor was that it was nearly indestructible.
In light of this feature, Dark Troopers are best aligned with the Taurus Zodiac sign. As the symbol of the bull suggests, this sign is known for being incredibly headstrong and stubborn. Clearly, this is a perfect fit for the nature of Dark Troopers, not only in their armor but also in their role. Moreover, Taurus is one of the signs mostly strongly associated with loyalty, which would certainly be essential for a Dark Trooper (and was no doubt precisely what Moff Gideon was looking for).
Imperial Super Commandos Could Only Be Geminis
These Troopers Were Mandalorian Warriors
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Interestingly, there is one faction of stormtroopers that specifically comprises Mandalorian warriors: Imperial Super Commandos. These troopers were quite unique, as they had been raised with the Mandalorian values and traditions but were nevertheless loyal to the Empire. Moreover, these Imperial Super Commandos were known for being ruthless and brilliant when it came to combat.
These specialized troopers are therefore wonderful fits for Geminis, who are known for being clever and adaptable. Both of these traits would be absolutely essential for an Imperial Super Commando, particularly when it came to their required combat skills. Notably, Geminis are prominently known for being outgoing and social, which would be incongruent with most stormtroopers; however, the Gemini sign is symbolized by twins for a reason—there is another side to this Zodiac sign, and it would make them perfect for this trooper type.
Loyal Cancers Would Make Perfect Night Troopers
Grand Admiral Thrawn’s Night Troopers Are Truly Terrifying
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Grand Admiral Thrawn’s Night Troopers are one of the most chilling factions of troopers in all of Star Wars. As revealed in the Ahsoka show, the Night Troopers were trapped on Peridea along with Thrawn, and they served him loyally even as they were stuck on the planet for years, far away from the main galaxy and the Empire. However, what made them all the more disturbing was that the magick of the Nightsisters of Dathomir was able to re-animate them when they died. This means that Thrawn’s army of Night Troopers was at least partially undead.
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Ahsoka episode 8 confirms the persistent theories about Grand Admiral Thrawn’s Zombie Stormtroopers at his command in the new Star Wars show.
Based on this undying loyalty (quite literally), Cancers are the perfect Zodiac sign to be Night Troopers. While Cancers are known for being emotional, they are also fiercely protective, both of themselves and of those they care about. Clearly, Thrawn’s Night Troopers are willing to die and will continue fighting even after they’ve died to protect Thrawn. This level of loyalty therefore solidifies Cancer as the perfect sign for these troopers.
Leos Are The Best Fit For Sith Troopers
Fiery Leos Really Are Best Suited To Sith Troopers
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Despite their name, Sith troopers are not actually Sith or dark side Force-users themselves. Rather, they were highly skilled soldiers of the Sith Eternal army who were tasked with destroying anyone who threatened the Sith. Of course, these troopers are also easily identifiable because of their bright red armor, which stands out among all other iterations of the stormtroopers.
These troopers are perfect fits for Leos, as they clearly match the fiery spirit of this Zodiac sign. Leos are one of three fire signs, along with Sagittarius and Aries, but Leos in particular are known for their passionate, at times outright brash nature. Moreover, Leos are one of the most loyal Zodiac signs. This makes Leos an ideal fit for a group of troopers so dedicated to the ways of the Sith and the dark side of the Force.
The Organized Virgo Would Make An Ideal Imperial Stormtrooper
The Empire Was Obsessed With Order
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Of course, among all stormtrooper types, Imperial stormtroopers remain the classic. These troopers were introduced in A New Hope, and they continued to be heavily featured in the original trilogy. In fact, although the prequel movies then introduced the clone troopers as the origin of the Imperial stormtroopers, it’s clear that all troopers in Star Wars have been modeled off of this original stormtrooper type.
Imperial stormtroopers remain the classic.
Both because of their status as the classic stormtrooper type and because of the cause they stand for, Imperial stormtroopers are very clearly Virgos. Yes, the Empire was evil, but that wasn’t why many Imperials joined their ranks. Rather, the Empire pushed the idea that it was all about order. That notion would be incredibly compelling to Virgos, who prioritize organization, order, and logic above all else. In fact, at times, Virgos can be led astray because of their strong convictions, making this an even better fit.
The Diplomatic Libra Would Fit The Executioner Trooper’s Role
Executioner Troopers Played A Key Role In Star Wars: The Last Jedi
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Executioner Troopers were featured in Star Wars: The Last Jedi when Finn and Rose Tico were nearly killed by the First Order. In fact, it was only because of the Holdo Maneuver that these troopers didn’t execute Finn and Rose, as they had their weapons held to the heroes’ necks when the impact hit. As their name suggests, these troopers are charged with carrying out executions, and they are therefore highly dedicated to keeping order.
This makes Executioner Troopers and Libras a perfect match.
This makes Executioner Troopers and Libras a perfect match. Libras are known for prioritizing justice, balance, and harmony. Although this may seem like a far cry from the role of an Executioner Trooper, in truth, this is what makes Libras such a perfect fit. Undoubtedly, Executioner Troopers believed they were doing the right thing. Like the Empire, the First Order pushed the narrative that they were attempting to establish order and justice in a chaotic galaxy. Therefore, Libras would be compelled by the idea that they were helping to maintain peace, even if it meant a few executions.
Scorpios’ Secretive Natures Would Make Them Perfect Death Troopers
Death Troopers Were Experts In Stealth
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Death Troopers not only have an incredible design in Star Wars but also played a very important role. Specifically, as their sleek black armor suggests, Death Troopers were meant for stealth and espionage, and they excelled in this capacity. This is no doubt part of the reason why Darth Vader selected Death Troopers to be his personal security detail, revealing just how incredible these troopers were. In fact, Death Troopers were both covert and lethal, making them ideal bodyguards.
Death Troopers are the perfect stormtrooper type for Scorpios.
Given these traits, Death Troopers are the perfect stormtrooper type for Scorpios. As the scorpion that symbolizes the sign suggests, Scorpios are known for their secretive natures. This trait would be essential in the Death Trooper’s role. Moreover, Scorpios have a sharp, intuitive wit, which would no doubt also be a key quality in a Death Trooper.
The Innovative Sagittarius Would Be A First Order Stormtrooper
The First Order Wanted To Re-Imagine The Empire
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Although the sequel trilogy was criticized for repeating many of the plot points from the original trilogy, the return of the stormtroopers in the sequel movies did prove interesting. Whereas the stormtroopers of the original trilogy joined because they believed in the message of the Empire, the recruitment process of the First Order included practices such as kidnapping children and forcing them to be stormtroopers. However, not all First Order stormtroopers were recruited this way; as Captain Phasma made clear, many of the First Order’s ranks wanted to see the First Order succeed where the Empire failed.
For that reason, the Sagittarius Zodiac sign is perfect for the First Order stormtroopers. Unlike the order and discipline of the Empire, the First Order was about adapting what the Empire had done and improving it, in the hopes that it would finally succeed. While this ultimately did not work out, this approach was perfectly suited to the nature of a Sagittarius, which is bold, adventurous, and optimistic.
Resilient Capricorns Would Succeed As Snowtroopers
As Their Name Suggests, Snowtroopers Worked In Challenging Climates
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Snowtroopers have been seen throughout Star Wars, beginning in The Empire Strikes Back on Hoth. As their name suggests, snowtroopers are stormtroopers that can endure harsh, cold climates, such as the frozen planet of Hoth. Given this role, these snowtroopers also have quite unique armor; in fact, their appearance was even more specialized in the original trilogy, which saw the troopers donning long, scarf-like masks. Clearly, this type of stormtrooper requires even more discipline and fortitude than a typical stormtrooper does.
For this reason, Capricorns are a perfect fit for snowtroopers. Capricorns are known for being disciplined, hardworking, and determined, all of which would be essential traits for snowtroopers as they fight in freezing temperatures and harsh environments. In fact, Capricorns would not be daunted by this aspect of the role and would instead rise to the challenge, making them the best sign for this stormtrooper type.
The Intelligent Aquarius Could Only Be A Scout Trooper
Scout Troopers Were Used For Reconnaissance Missions
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Scout troopers, also called patrol troopers, have also been seen throughout Star Wars. In fact, while scout troopers were featured in the original trilogy, they have also appeared in Star Wars TV shows and several video games. Just as their name implies, these troopers were tasked with reconnaissance missions, uncovering anti-Imperial sentiments and Rebel plans in order to protect the Empire.
This role of scout troopers makes them a perfect fit for Aquarians. The Aquarius Zodiac sign is known for its intellect above all else, which would be of great benefit to scout troopers, who were sent out to find information. In fact, the classic Aquarius intelligence and analytical nature would help them to excel in this capacity. Moreover, Aquarians are known for being creative and adaptable, and these traits would only improve their abilities as scout troopers.
The Intuitive Pisces Would Make A Perfect Imperial Shock Trooper
The Personal Guards Of Palpatine Needed To Be Incredibly Perceptive
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Imperial shock troopers, also called Coruscant shock troopers, were a pivotal stormtrooper type serving in the Coruscant Guard. In fact, shock troopers even served as Palpatine’s personal bodyguards, proving how essential this stormtrooper type was to the Empire. Indeed, although shock troopers had first been part of the clone army during the Clone Wars (when they also protected Palpatine, then the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic Senate), their role became even more important early in the Dark Times.
Although Pisces might seem like an odd fit for a stormtrooper type, as Pisces is a sign known for empathy, emotion, and compassion, the Pisces intuition makes them perfect for this stormtrooper role. Imperial shock troopers had to be incredibly perceptive in order to protect Palpatine, which would require a high level of intuition. While they might not have a violent nature, Pisces would be the ideal sign to serve in this capacity. Surprisingly, even a sign as kind as Pisces has a perfect Star Wars stormtrooper counterpart.
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