Why is May December Not on Netflix? How to Watch May December on Netflix?

May December

MayDecember is a gripping 2023 American drama directed by Todd Haynes and centered around the character played by Natalie Portman, the actress. Immerse yourself in the controversial life of Julianne Moore’s character, loosely inspired by the Mary Kay Letourneau scandal. The film intricately explores a 23-year relationship, beginning when the husband, played by Charles Melton, was just 13 years old. The film was announced in June 2021, shot in Savannah in mid-2022, and premiered at the 76th Cannes Film Festival on May 20, 2023.

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Netflix acquired the North American distribution rights and released the film in select U.S. theaters on November 17, 2023, followed by streaming on December 1. MayDecember received critical acclaim, was nominated for four Golden Globe Awards and became one of the American Film Institute’s top 10 films of 2023 for its compelling narrative and outstanding performances.

Is MayDecember available on Netflix?

You can watch MayDecember on Netflix. The film initially had a brief stay in theaters, but after premiering at the 76th Cannes Film Festival in May this year, Netflix acquired the rights. So, as of now, you can watch May 12 on Netflix. If you can’t find it on the platform or have concerns about its availability, it could be due to regional restrictions, updates, or technical issues.

To get the most accurate information about the movie’s release in a specific region, it’s best to check the latest updates on Netflix or contact their support. Watch MayDecember on Netflix.

May and December endings explained

May-December ends with a series of unanswered questions, inviting the audience to interpret its ambiguous ending. The film follows the intricate relationship between Joe, Gracie and Elizabeth. When Joe confronts Gracie about their past, the fragile foundation of their marriage is exposed. In a show of strength, Gracie shrugs off Elizabeth’s disturbing revelations, leaving the authenticity of her past uncertain.

The twins’ graduation ceremony is a poignant backdrop, with Joe’s emotional breakdown contrasting with Gracie’s calm exterior. The film deliberately conceals the fate of Joe and Gracie’s marriage, the truth behind Gracie’s history, and the lasting impact of Elizabeth’s intrusion.

The audience is left in deep contemplation, grappling with moral ambiguity and the consequences of uncontrolled storytelling obsession. MayDecember forces viewers to confront the complexities of relationships, personal truths, and the blurred lines between victimhood and control, creating a haunting ending that emphasizes the unpredictability of relationships.

May December cast list



Natalie Portman

Elizabeth Berry

Julianne Moore

Gracie Atherton-Yoo

charles melton

Joe Liu

Corey Michael Smith


Elizabeth Yu

Mary Atherton-Yoo

Gabrielle Chung

Charlie Atherton-Yu

Piper Kodak

Honor Atherton-Yoo

DW Moffitt

Tom Atherton

Lawrence Arancio

Maurice Sperber

May December plot

MayDecember follows actress Elizabeth Berry as she immerses herself in Gracie Atherton-Yoo and Joe Yoo’s life in an indie film In an intricate narrative. Gracie faced controversy in 1992 over her romance with 13-year-old Joe. Since marrying him, they have had three children, and Elizabeth’s quest for authenticity reveals the complexities of Gracie and Joe’s lives.

The story follows the couple’s unconventional journey, from the origins of their relationship to the challenges of today. Tensions rise as Elizabeth reveals secrets, including trumped-up abuse accusations by Gracie’s son, Georgie. Joe has an emotional breakdown as he contemplates the future with Gracie.

The climax unfolds as the twins graduate, leaving unresolved questions about the fate of the family. The power Gracie projects into Elizabeth’s quest adds an additional layer of complexity. The film’s ending is marked by Elizabeth’s relentless pursuit of realism, emphasizing the blurred lines between reality and performance, leaving the audience with lingering questions about the intricate and morally ambiguous nature of human relationships.

May December trailer

How to watch May 12 on Netflix?

To watch May 12 on Netflix, simply log into your Netflix account and search for the movie in the platform’s search bar. The film will be available to watch online on Netflix shortly after its theatrical release.

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