Sailor Moon Universe
“Sailor Moon Universe” is a new Japanese animated film released in 2023. The two-part film tells the story of Sailor Moon, based on the manga by Naoko Takeuchi. The film is a special finale to the Sailor Moon Crystal series and follows 2021’s Sailor Moon Eternal. The story begins with Usagi and her friends enjoying a peaceful life until her boyfriend Wei mysteriously disappears.
Things get even more complicated when a group called Shadow Galactica, led by Sailor Galactica, begins stealing Starseeds from across the galaxy. To save her friends and face this powerful enemy, Usagi transforms into the Eternal Sailor Moon and joins forces with Sailor Starlight for an exciting and possibly final battle.
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Featuring a talented cast of voice actors, the film will be released in Japan in June 2023. It continues the adventures of Sailor Moon and her friends as they face new challenges and powerful enemies while protecting the universe. Sailor Moon fans can look forward to this two-part epic film providing an exciting conclusion to the Sailor Moon Crystal franchise.
Will Sailor Moon Universe be on Netflix?
The release of Sailor Moon Universe on Netflix has not yet been confirmed, but it is likely that it will be available on Netflix. Looking at the release pattern of the last “Sailor Moon” movie, “Sailor Moon Eternal,” which opened in Japan and hit Netflix about five months later, “Sailor Moon Universe” will likely follow a similar schedule.
So fans eagerly awaiting the film’s release can keep an eye out for announcements, and if this pattern continues, they can expect to see Sailor Moon Universe on Netflix in late 2023 or early 2024.
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Sailor Moon fans looking forward to watching “Sailor Moon Universe” are asked to wait patiently for the latest news. While an exact release date on Netflix has yet to be confirmed, the release pattern of the previous film suggests that it will likely hit the streaming platform in the near future, giving fans a chance to enjoy the conclusion to Usagi Tsukino’s cosmic adventure as Sailor Moon.
Where can I watch Sailor Moon Universe?
As of now, “Sailor Moon Universe” has not been officially released outside of Japan. The film is set to premiere in Japanese theaters in June 2023, but it has not yet been announced where international audiences can watch it. Fans eager to watch the two-part animated film will need to keep an eye out for updates and official announcements regarding its release on streaming platforms or in theaters outside of Japan.
Meanwhile, for those who want to catch up on the Sailor Moon series, the first three seasons of Sailor Moon Crystal are currently streaming on platforms like Crunchyroll, Netflix, and Hulu, while Sailor Moon Eternal is also Can be watched online on Netflix. This allows fans to enjoy the early parts of the Sailor Moon story while waiting for Sailor Moon Universe to be released in the United States.
Sailor Moon Universe Plot
In the Sailor Moon Universe, the story takes place after the heroes defeat the Dead Moon Circus. Tsukino Usagi and her friends live a peaceful life in Tokyo as ordinary high school students.
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But things take a sad turn when Usagi’s boyfriend Mamoru Chiba disappears after proposing to her at the airport. Usagi cannot accept his disappearance and hides the memory of that moment. Meanwhile, a bad organization called Shadow Galactica, led by Sailor Galactica, begins stealing Starseeds from across the galaxy.
The Sailor Starlight Group is a group of Sailor Guardians from another galaxy who also came to Earth. In order to save her friends and stop Sailor Galaxy’s evil plan, Usagi transforms into Eternal Sailor Moon and joins forces with Sailor Starlight to fight a powerful enemy in what may be her greatest challenge yet. The fate of the Milky Way may hang in the balance.
Sailor Moon Universe cast list
Features |
Japanese voice actor |
Tsukino Usagi/Eternal Sailor Moon |
Mitsuishi Kotono |
Luna |
Guangqiao Liang |
Chiba Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask |
Nojima Kenji |
Ami Mizuno/Eternal Sailor Mercury |
Hisako Kanemoto |
Rei Hino/Eternal Sailor Mars |
Rina Sato |
Makoto Kino/Eternal Sailor Jupiter |
Koshimizu Ami |
Minako Aino/Eternal Sailor Venus |
Shizuka Ito |
artemis |
Taishi Murata |
Chibiusa/Eternal Sailor “KO Little Boxer” Moon |
Fuyuan Miri |
diana |
Shoko Nakagawa |
Setsuna Pluto/Eternal Sailor Pluto |
Maeda Ai |
Haruka Uranus/Eternal Sailor Uranus |
Minagawa Junko |
Neptune / Forever Sailor Neptune |
Sayaka Ohara |
Tomoe/Eternal Sailor Saturn |
Fujii Yukiyo |
Light Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter |
Marina Inoue |
Daiki Yuki/Sailor Star Maker |
Hayami yarn weaving |
Kō Yaten/Sailor Star Healer |
Sakura Ayane |
Princess Hanajiu/Sailor Hanajiu |
Mizuki Nana |
“Red Cliff” – “Red Cliff”/Sailor “Red Cliff” – “Red Cliff Moon” |
Mitsuishi Kotono |
sailor universe |
Kitagawa Keiko |
confusion |
Mitsuki Saiga |
sailor galaxy |
Megumi Hayashihara |
Sailor Iron Mouse |
Koizumi Sena |
sailor aluminum siren |
Ayumu Murase |
sailor leader crow |
Hikasa Yoko |
Sailor Dinyanko |
Ise Maria |
Sailor heavy metal butterfly dog |
Haruka Kudo |
Sailor Wangchuan |
Shiori Mikami |
Sailor Mnemosyne |
Kanae Ito |
Sailor Fee |
Mizusawa Fumie |
Sailor’s Chronicle |
Komatsu Yuka |
Sailor Moon Universe release date
Sailor Moon Universe is an exciting two-part film premiering in Japanese theaters in June 2023. The first part of the movie hit screens on June 9th, and the thrilling second part followed suit, opening in Japan on the 30th of the same month. In the summer of 2023, Japanese fans will have the opportunity to enjoy the epic continuation of the Sailor Moon story on the big screen.
For those eagerly waiting to watch Sailor Moon Universe at home, the Japanese Blu-ray and DVD release is scheduled for December 20, 2023. This means fans who missed the theatrical release or just want to relive the magical adventure will have the opportunity to take the movie home during the holidays, making it a special treat for Sailor Moon fans.
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Category: Entertainment