The Great Pretender
The Pretender is a Japanese television series produced by Wit Studio. The series is directed by Hiroshi Kaburagi and written by Ryota Ozawa. The series is known for its cleverly constructed storylines, called “cases”. The first case, titled “Los Angeles Connection”, premiered on Netflix Japan in June 2020, followed by the global release of the first three cases, including “Singapore Sky” and “London Snow” in August 2020. The series continued to air on Fuji TV’s +Ultra anime zone from July to December 2020.
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The plot revolves around various robberies and scams planned by a group of characters, each with their own unique skills and motivations. These cases take the audience to different locations and scenes, adding to the suspense and excitement of the show.
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The sequel, The Pretender: Razblito, is scheduled to premiere in February 2024 and will continue the adventures of the characters from the original series. Combining elements of comedy, crime and heist, The Pretender has attracted loyal fans around the world with its fascinating storyline and vibrant animation style.
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Will there be a season 3 of The Great Pretender?
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As of now, there has been no official announcement regarding the third season of The Pretender. Fans are eagerly awaiting news on whether or not this beloved anime will continue to air. The first two seasons were widely praised for their engaging narrative and unique animation style. While the series’ animation studio, Wit Studio, has not confirmed its involvement in the production of the third season, their reputation for producing high-quality anime has fans hoping for its return.
Although The Pretender began as an Original Network Animation (ONA) series, it was later adapted into a manga. However, the manga is currently on hiatus due to the author’s health issues, and future storylines are uncertain.
The series follows the adventures of con man Makoto Edamura and his adventures with charming thief Laurent Thierry. With its intricate plot and diverse characters, The Liar has captivated audiences around the world.
Although there has been no official confirmation, many enthusiasts remain optimistic about the possibility of a third season for The Great Pretender. Fans eagerly await any updates from the creators while also cherishing the anticipation for future adventures of the beloved anime.
The Great Pretender Synopsis
In “The Great Liar”, Japanese con man Makoto Edamura tries to steal from foreigner Laurent Thierry but fails and discovers that he is not the greatest con man. Instead of stealing from Laurent, Makoto Edamura chases him to Los Angeles.
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There, Makoto learns that Laurent is involved in a dangerous criminal organization. Now, Makoto is drawn into a world of intrigue and deception that is beyond his imagination. Can he escape the clutches of the mafia? The series follows Makoto’s adventures in the intricate world of crime and deception.
The Great Pretender Cast
Features |
Japanese Voice Actors |
English voice actor |
Edamura Makoto |
Kobayashi Chiaki |
Allen Lee, Griffin Faulkner (children) |
Laurent Thierry |
Suwabe Junichi |
Aaron Phillips |
Abigail Jones |
Fujiwara Natsumi |
Kausar Mohammed |
Cynthia Moore |
Sonozaki Mishige |
Laura Post |
Kudo |
Yohei Tadano |
Mike Pollock |
Kim Si-won |
Whale |
Karen Hui |
Ozaki Seiji |
Sakuya Shunsuke |
Kirk Thornton |
Dorothy |
Komatsu Yuka |
Laura Starr |
Where can I watch The Great Pretender?
Liars is available to watch on Netflix. The series tells the story of Japanese con man Makoto Edamura who teams up with cunning thief Laurent Thierry. Together they pull off elaborate heists that target corrupt officials.
With its gripping storyline and vivid animation, Liar Liar has become a global hit with audiences. The show combines comedy, crime, and clever intrigue to keep viewers entertained. Whether you prefer thrilling adventures or intricate plots, Liar Liar on Netflix has something for everyone.
Trailer of The Great Pretender
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Category: Entertainment