Yoga Day 2024: How Yoga is included in Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity List?

June 21 is International Yoga Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the holistic benefits of this ancient practice. Established by the United Nations in 2014, Yoga Day is more than just physical postures; it celebrates a philosophy that promotes mental, spiritual and physical well-being. But did you know that yoga also enjoys a special place on the world stage?

Yoga receives unique recognition from UNESCO

In 2016, yoga was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This recognition highlights the significance of yoga as more than just a sport.

The UNESCO designation highlights several key aspects of yoga:

  • Universality: Yoga transcends culture and religion. Its core principles, including mindfulness, breathing, and physical postures, are suitable for everyone, regardless of background.
  • Social Impact: Yoga impacts society, not just individuals. From promoting health and stress management to fostering community through group practice, the impact of yoga is wide-ranging.
  • Knowledge transfer: Traditionally, yogic wisdom was passed down through a guru-disciple system. Today, yoga schools, ashrams and even online platforms continue this tradition, ensuring the longevity of the practice.
  • Promotes Health: Yoga is recognized for its contribution to mental, spiritual and physical health, as recognized by the International Yoga Day.

UNESCO states: “The philosophy behind the ancient Indian practice of yoga has influenced every aspect of how Indian society functions, whether in the fields of health and medicine or education and the arts. Yoga’s values, based on unifying the mind with the body and soul to achieve greater mental, spiritual and physical well-being, form an important part of the society’s ethos.”

Yoga’s inclusion in the Intangible Cultural Heritage List shows that it is a living tradition. It is more than just a set of postures in a dusty old text; it is an evolving practice that continues to enrich the lives of people around the globe.

This sentiment is perfectly captured in this year’s 2024 International Yoga Day theme, “Yoga for Self and Society.” As we celebrate Yoga Day, we acknowledge the power of yoga to empower individuals while fostering a sense of community and well-being for all.

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