You have a genius brain with a high IQ if you can find the knife in this picture puzzle in 4 seconds!

Did you know that solving brain trailers and puzzles provides you with much-needed psychological exercise? These puzzles are an excellent medium of entertainment and help develop better observational abilities. Solving these puzzles regularly can greatly improve your attention to detail and enhance your ability to discover hidden objects in your images.

Are you one of those with excellent observation skills?

Then you should try this picture puzzle challenge now!


Optical hallucination IQ test: Find different birds in 5 seconds!

Image puzzle to test your IQ: Find the knife

Source: Pinterest

The picture above depicts a beauty salon scene where a woman is receiving haircut and makeup applications from a hairstylist.

Hidden in the picture is the knife. Can you find it in 4 seconds?

Now use this picture puzzle to test your observation skills.

Finding a knife is tricky even for some experienced puzzle solvers.

You need strong concentration and keen attention to detail to find the knife.

Research shows that puzzles like this can stimulate the brain, enhance cognitive skills, while improving logic and analytical thinking. Those who work hard to solve them are often known for their high intelligence and sharp problem-solving skills.

Have you found the knife?

The clock is ticking…

hurry up!



Time is up!

How many of you have found the knife in the picture puzzle?

Congratulations to those who do so. You have observation skills for razor emanating.

If you can’t solve the picture puzzle, don’t worry! We provide the answer below.

To increase your speed, you need to continue practicing.