You have a razor-sharp brain if you can find the different pair of eyes in 5 seconds!

Brain Preview puzzles provide healthy brain exercise by testing individual logic, analytical and critical thinking skills. Using these puzzles can help improve cognitive function, improve memory and enhance the ability to quickly recognize patterns.

Practicing these puzzles regularly will help you get a keen eye and pay close attention to details.

Are your brain sharp and your eyes very careful?

Let’s find out the answer!


People with only 20/20 vision can find cats in 7 seconds!

Brain trailer: Finding different eyes

This brain trailer will test your brain and observation skills.

Check out the picture below.

Source: Brightside

A pair of eyes can be seen.

At first glance, all of them look the same.

They are not.

One is different from the others.

Can you spot different eyes in 5 seconds?

Your time begins now!

Double-check the image.

If you have excellent observation skills, you may immediately notice different mushrooms.

Experts suggest that brain trailer puzzles can improve your brain strength and enhance problem-solving skills.

Have you found another pair of eyes in the picture?

hurry up!

Time runs out.


Time is up.

Have you noticed which pair of eyes differs from the other eyes in the picture?

Congratulations to readers who have solved the brain trailer; your visual skills and high IQ.

Now, let’s check out the answers provided below.


If you can solve math puzzles in 9 seconds, there is a razor brain with a high IQ!

Brain trailer: Solution

Different eyes are at the bottom left of the picture.