You have high visual acuity if you can find three mistakes in the picture in 9 seconds!

IQ tests help determine an individual’s intelligence. These types of puzzle challenges appear in the form of picture puzzles readers. You have to solve the picture puzzle within a time limit. These challenges assess individual psychological functions such as logical reasoning, pattern recognition, memory and analytical thinking.

Practicing these tests helps a person build a sharp brain and develop thinking out of the box. Today’s IQ tests are performed in the form of family pictures in restaurants. There are three errors in the picture and you need to find them in 9 seconds.

Are you highly observant?

Let’s find out the answer!


Only people with high IQ can find the cat’s owner in 4 seconds!

IQ test: Three errors found in the picture

Source: Brightside

A family enjoys snacks in the scene of this restaurant while the waitress stands next to them.

At first glance, the pictures look pretty good.

But that’s not.

There are three errors in the picture.

Can you find them in 9 seconds?

If you can, your IQ is high.

Your time begins now!

This IQ test is an excellent way to test your concentration and thinking skills.

View the image and study it carefully.

Have you noticed the error in the picture?

Time runs out, so act quickly.

Scan the image correctly to see if you can spot anything in the image.


Time is up.

How many of you can spot the error in the picture?

Congratulations to readers who have done it.

You pay great attention to detail and a high level of intelligence.

Those who can’t scroll below for a solution.


3 differences between families in breakfast table pictures in 19 seconds!

IQ test and solutions