You have IQ above 130 if you can solve this math puzzle in 11 seconds!

Math puzzles are intellectual games that test readers’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills by challenging them to solve problems. These challenges have the potential to increase intelligence and improve concentration.

Brainteaser challenges mainly involve solving puzzles, cracking codes, finding hidden objects or bugs, or detecting errors in images.

Practicing challenges like these regularly can help improve problem-solving skills and provide a healthy workout for your brain.

Do you have excellent problem-solving skills?

Let’s find out!

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Math Puzzles – Solve math puzzles in 11 seconds

In the picture shared above, a football-themed math puzzle is presented to the readers.

The challenge is to solve this math puzzle within 11 seconds.

This math puzzle will test your analytical and logical thinking skills.

Your time starts now!

Take a look at the image and study the pattern carefully.

Did you find the final values ​​of all components?

Hurry up, time is running out.

Only a few seconds left.


The time limit has ended!

How many of you successfully solved this math problem?

Congratulations to those readers who were able to solve the math problem within the allotted time.

You are truly geniuses with high IQs.

Those who are unable to solve math puzzles need to practice such puzzles regularly to improve their speed and accuracy.

Now check out the solutions provided below.

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Visual skills test: find the unusual one in 4 seconds!

Solving Math Puzzles: Solutions

In this puzzle we see:

Referee + Referee + Referee = 30

Referee = 10

Whistle + Whistle + Whistle = 15

Whistle = 5


Football + Football + Referee = 26

2 footballs = 26 – 10

2 footballs = 16

Football = 8

Now the most interesting one is the last one

Football + Referee with Whistle* Whistle

The referee blows the whistle and counts 10+5=15

Using the BODMAS rule, we get the value

8 + 15 * 5 = 83

If you enjoyed solving this brain teaser, share it with your friends and family to see who performs best.

Also, check out more cool challenges in the Recommended Reading section below.