10 Unused Spider-Man Villains Who Would Be Perfect For The MCU’s Spider-Man 4

Some of Spider-Man’s stranger villains would also be perfect additions to the MCU, despite not representing end-of-the-world threats like Kang.


  • The introduction of more bizarre Spider-Man villains, such as Stegron and Kangaroo, could provide entertaining additions to the MCU and offer a break from universe-ending threats.

  • Characters like Screwball and Living Brain could put a modern spin on Spider-Man’s rogues gallery and explore relevant topics like social media and artificial intelligence.

  • Villains like Doppelganger and Spot could offer opportunities for Spider-Man to delve deeper into the horror genre and potentially introduce the Spider-Verse and characters like Miles Morales into the MCU.


When it comes to Marvel villains, Spider-Man often encounters the strangest ones, and some of them would be perfect additions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The MCU has proven that it can take dark and downright strange villains and turn them into on-screen powerhouses, as with Avengers: Age of Ultron and Black PantherIt’s Klaw. Even generally low-level villains like Mysterio and Vulture have managed to keep Spider-Man on his toes like the archvillains of his own films.

Now that the stakes are higher than ever, it might be difficult for Marvel to come up with a Spider-Man villain who can measure up to characters like Kang or Thanos. However, with the arrival of the multiverse and its infinite possibilities, Marvel could turn the strangest villains into real threats. Even with their outlandish powers and origins, these ten strange Spider-Man villains have the potential to be perfect additions to the MCU, with compelling reasons to make their cinematic debut.

10 stegron

Stegron The Dinosaur Man takes off his costume in Marvel comics

Aside from perhaps a new MCU Green Goblin, it’s hard to imagine Marvel reintroducing one of the famous rogues’ gallery icons who’ve already had their moment in the spotlight. Even villains from past films made a pivotal comeback in Spider-Man: No Way Home. While this means it’s unlikely to see Curt Conners’ Lizard taking on Spidey in an MCU fight, Lizard-adjacent enemies are a different story.

Stegron, also known as Dinosaur Man, is a character similar to Lizard, and even uses Connor’s formula to undergo his transformation. The main difference is that he exhibits the traits of a stegosaurus and is generally associated with dinosaurs. The introduction of Savage Land, where Stegron’s origins are tied, would be a tremendously entertaining addition to the MCU, which the newly introduced multiverse could easily facilitate. It could also allow the MCU to introduce its own Connors without turning him into the Lizard.

Related: Spider-Man 4: cast, story and everything we know

9 kangaroo

10 Spider-Man Villains Who Might Be Too Strange For The MCU

While he’s probably not the type of character who deserves main villain status, Kangaroo’s arrival in the MCU could be a welcome source of comic relief to counteract the melancholic tone of Spiderman: No way home‘sending. As the name suggests, Kangaroo’s abilities focus on jumping very high, making him one of Spider-Man’s least threatening villains. But between the prevalence of Stark technology in the MCU providing a suitable route for a version of Brian Hibbs’ character and the fatigue of facing universe-ending threats, Kangaroo could provide a healthy dose of silliness. If not, perhaps the Kang variant, Kangaroo the Conquerer, could fill that kangaroo-shaped hole.

8 nutty

Screwball Insomniac's Spider-Man

Screwball is a recent addition to Spider-Man’s rogues gallery, as evidenced by her unconventional defining characteristic: being a social media influencer. Screwball is one of those villains who can be hard to imagine posing a threat to Peter Parker, at least at first glance. But if Quentin Beck proved anything, it’s that exposing himself is Spider-Man’s greatest fear. Shortly after regaining his anonymity, Screwball could enter the MCU as a real threat to Parker’s grand designs while also being relevant to the modern era. The multiverse could also provide Screwball with a route into the MCU through the Marvel’s Spider-Man videogame.

7 living brain

Spider-Man, the living brain of Steve Ditko Marvel

Another culturally relevant figure comes in the form of a villain who was first introduced in 1963. Living Brain is a robot with the ability to store an infinite amount of data on its hard drive and the ability to think at superhuman speeds. Since artificial intelligence is such a hot topic today, it’s easy to imagine how this incredibly intelligent supercomputer could be appropriate for a modern MCU. Living Brain could also be used to introduce an MCU-specific Doctor Octopus, who once stored his consciousness in the robot from the comics.

6 Styx and stone

Styx and stone

Marvel has a knack for creating sympathetic villains in the MCU, and Cult of Entropy members Styx and Stone could be the next to join that list. Styx’s destitution and his attempts to make ends meet put him in the path of Stone, whose experiment gone wrong and turns Styx into a “living cancer” whose life force is maintained through death. With the ability to kill any organic matter they touch, these are two of the strangest Spider-Man villains who could pose a genuine threat within the MCU. His inclusion could also facilitate the formation of a team between Deadpool and Spider-Man, now that Deadpool is part of the MCU.

5 double

Spider-Man double clone comic

As one of the most visually striking Spider-Man villains, the monstrous Doppelganger could provide the perfect opportunity for Spider-Man to further explore the horror genre similar to certain scenes within. Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness. Doppelganger is a nearly mindless rip-off of Peter Parker that exemplifies the horrors that could have occurred if Parker’s encounter with a radioactive spider had gone seriously wrong. Given that the MCU is wrapped up in the multiverse and the countless variants it hosts, it’s not that hard to see how a variant of Peter Parker could take on this hideous appearance and deliver some unusually terrifying moments.

4 points

Miles Morales fighting Spot in Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

Following Spot’s fundamental role in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, there’s a clear opportunity for this strange Spider-Man villain to enter the MCU. Armed with the ability to launch portals attached to his body, Spot is a testament to Marvel’s creativity. Spider-Man: No Way Home offered a satisfying taste of what portal-slinging fight scenes could look like in the MCU, and it’s safe to say that Parker has developed some pretty hands-on experience dealing with them. Spot, in particular, has already provided an obvious setup for the Spider-Verse and MCU universes to successfully collide, potentially making Spot instrumental in introducing Miles Morales to the MCU.

3 swarm

A comic book depiction of the Marvel villain, Swarm.

As a villain whose body comprises a colony of bees run by human intelligence, Swarm’s weirdness is quite evident. However, he is also a villain who could be quite relevant in a modern setting, given his proximity to beekeeping and the importance of it when it comes to maintaining a healthy global ecosystem. Thanos’ drive to curb the consumption of limited resources was what made the archvillain so compelling, and Swarm could follow a similar drive, albeit on a much smaller scale. While this would deviate from Swarm’s more overtly nefarious origins, a clever weaving of creative license could even put Swarm on the sympathetic side of the villains.

2 human fly

Human Fly Richard Deacon

Between Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and The Wasp, insect-themed heroes are pretty well served in the MCU. However, an insect-themed villain could provide an interesting dynamic for Parker to explore in the future. Richard Deacon, the MCU’s own Human Fly, could provide that interaction. The MCU’s J. Jonah Jameson could become a much more important character due to his involvement in the creation of this particular villain. While largely a non-threat, Deacon could also help introduce a payoff to Scorpion’s abandoned taunt during the post-credits scene of Spider-Man: Homecomingsince both villains were created by one of the scientist Stillwell brothers in the comics.

1 white rabbit

White Rabbit preparing to go into action.

He Alice in WonderlandThe White Rabbit themed villain would be a true tour-de-force if Marvel decided to introduce her to the MCU. While Lorina Dodson has no superpowers to speak of, her penchant for petty crime and her chosen mode of transportation (a giant mecha-bunny) has the potential to be endlessly entertaining. White Rabbit also has a habit of teaming up with other strange villains, including “The Menagerie,” which comprises animal-themed rogues like Hippo, which could open the floodgates for a true invasion of Spider-Man’s strangest villains in the Universe. Marvel Cinematic. .