20 Best Spirited Away Quotes, Ranked


  • The best
    Spirited Away
    quotes show why it’s considered one of the most beloved Studio Ghibli movies to date.
  • Memorable quotes in
    Spirited Away
    come from almost every single character, from Chihiro to Lin to Haku.
  • While some are funny and others bitter-sweet, the best lines in
    Spirited Away
    all serve to highlight the themes underpinning the magical story.

A spell-binding tale with themes of identity and the blurred lines between good and evil, Spirited Away is an entrancing adventure full of mystery and memorable Spirited Away quotes. The Oscar-winning masterpiece by director and animator Hayao Miyazaki follows a young girl named Chihiro, who is in the process of moving to a new town with her parents. They stumble into a mysterious Spirit Realm, where Chihiro gets separated from her parents. Chihiro adapts to this unfamiliar place while trying to reunite with her family.

The movie explores themes of growing up, memory, and consumerism, and these ideas are reflected in the dialogue.Spirited Away contains a fair few bizarre Studio Ghibli creatures based on folklore meant to indoctrinate Chihiro, rebranded Sen, into Yubaba’s strange and mystical prison. Her two biggest companions become the river spirit Haku and bathhouse worker Lin. While the narrative zeroes on in Chihiro’s experiences and arc, attention is paid to side characters and their memorable or wise Spirited Away quotes.

Feature Image Spirited Away Changed Animation Related How Spirited Away Changed Animation Forever

Spirited Away is Studio Ghibli’s most successful movie and one of the best Hayao Miyazaki movies, introducing elements that changed animation forever.

20 “I Finally Get A Bouquet And It’s A Goodbye Present. That’s Depressing.”



Spirited Away is such an endearing movie not just because of the visual spectacle of the Spirit Realm or its intriguing premise, but also because of how easily it is to root for Chihiro as a protagonist. One of the best Spirited Away quotes serves as the perfect introduction to Chihiro’s surprisingly insightful character before she enters the Spirit Realm. Chihiro starts Spirited Away feeling dejected.

She has to move away from the life that she knows, which includes her friends, and though she has a beautiful gift from them, it only serves to remind her of her current situation. This highlights the loneliness and unexpected humor within Chihiro, and while she’s something of a stubborn child, she’s also incredibly funny while being so (and, admittedly, not wrong either). It shows her childish response to the kind gesture, establishing the point from which she will grow throughout Spirited Away.

19 “I’ve Gotta Get Out Of This Place. Someday I’m Getting On That Train.”


Lin rowing her boat in Spirited Away

Chihiro isn’t the only incredibly endearing character in Spirited Away, and she’s also not the only one who feels (either metaphorically or literally) trapped in Yubabba’s Bathhouse. Lin, who reluctantly takes Chihiro under her wing, is in a similar situation emotionally, and like Chihiro dreams of a future when she can finally leave. This particular line from Lin could voice her desire to escape her current life in the bathhouse. However, it’s one of the best Spirited Away quotes because it also serves a greater purpose.

It’s suggested that Lin has worked at the bathhouse for a long time, and she is skilled at her job. Because of this, the quote implies that Lin doesn’t necessarily want to escape the physical space of the bathhouse, but rather that she desires to build her own life. Additionally, this desire to leave gives Lin and Chihiro a common goal, allowing them to grow closer to one another.

18 “Come On! Quit Eating! Let’s Get Out Of Here!”



The moment that the family in Spirited Away took a quick pit-stop on their journey and discovered an inexplicable buffet marked the initial downfall of Chihiro’s parents. While Chihiro begging her parents to leave is easy to dismiss as a child simply wanting to leave, it’s actually one of the best Spirited Away quotes because it instantly sets out some fundamental facts about her as a character.

There is something about this line children can connect with; a lack of parental understanding.

It not only suggests Chihiro instinctively knew the food her parents were eating was not meant for them, but also serves as a way to show she is incredibly different from her mother and father. Furthermore, there is something about this line children can connect with; a lack of parental understanding. Parents often don’t heed the warnings of their children. Ignoring Chihiro’s plea soon proves to be a big mistake, as her parents’ greed leads to them being transformed into pigs.

17 “If You Make Sen Cry I Won’t Like You Anymore.”


Boh looking angry in Spirited Away

Despite the initial distrust and prejudice Chihiro (Sen) experienced from the bathhouse staff and residents, there are many spirits there who learn to look past their expectations and see Chihiro as the individual that she is. This quote comes from one of the most unlikely sources, and one of the most surprising allies Chihiro manages to aquire throughout Spirited Away.

When Chihiro is face-to-face with the movie’s antagonist, Yubaba, the oversized and somewhat intimidating Boh comes out with one of the most uplifting Spirited Away quotes, as it shows the impact Chihiro has made in the spirit realm. Spoken by the baby Boh to his mother Yubaba, it shows how much he has grown as a person from Chihiro’s friendship. Boh defies his mother’s expectations by siding with Chihiro, and by asserting his own will on behalf of someone else, rather than for selfish reasons.

16 “The Radish Spirit!”


Lin greets the Radish Spirit in Spirited Away

One of the reasons Spirited Away is such a gem even among the incredibly acclaimed library of Studio Ghibli movies is that the dozens of unqiue spirits seen in Yubaba’s Bathhouse are impossible to forget when rendered in the studio’s beautiful animation style. This exclamation references one of the best spirits from Spirited Away, the Radish Spirit.

This may not be one of the most complex Studio Ghibli quotes, but it is still one of the most memorable as it illustrates the exuberance of the characters in the film and the uniqueness of the characters Miyazaki creates. While most spirits are not the main characters in the movie, they do a great deal to flesh out the Spirit Realm. Some are resented by staff, some are benevolent, some come purely to test the staff, and some have darker motives. The Radish Spirit would later become an ally to Chihiro, and Lin’s greeting of him shows that she doesn’t fear him.

Related Every Studio Ghibli Movie, Ranked Worst To Best

From beginning to end, we’re taking a look at the vast and beautiful filmography of Studio Ghibli, ranked from worst to best.

15 “Quit Whining. It’s Fun To Move To A New Place, It’s An Adventure.”


Chihiro in the backseat of the car, arms crossed, in Spirited Away

Studio Ghibli characters are not known for being meek, with even minor and supporting characters shown to be possessing their own views and opinions more often than not. Such is the case with Yūko, Chihiro’s mother, in Spirited Away, and it’s because of this she’s the source of one of the best quotes from the earlier moments of the movie.

Viewers only meet Chihiro’s mother for a few brief scenes, but even in this short time, a clear dynamic is established between the parents and their daughter.

Viewers only meet Chihiro’s mother for a few brief scenes, but even in this short time, a clear dynamic is established between the parents and their daughter. Chihiro starts the movie as a demanding, upset child. Her parents have no patience for her behavior, not considering their big move from her point of view, and urge her to see the change as an opportunity. At the same time, this line hints at the huge adventure to come, though it’s not the sort that Chihiro’s mother imagined.

14 “So, Your Name’s Chihiro? What A Pretty Name! And It Belongs To Me Now.”


Yubaba yelling at Chihiro in Spirited Away

This Spirited Away quote comes from the antagonistic owner of the bathhouse, the witch Yubaba. It explains the premise of the film and how she keeps others under her control. It also demonstrates why she’s among the most powerful Studio Ghibli villains and an antagonist that Chihiro and the other spirits of the bathhouse are right to fear. Yubaba isn’t just making an idle threat to Chihiro, as — thanks to her incredible abilities — she is able to literally take ownership of the child’s human name.

After Lin leads Chihiro to Yubaba, the witch admits she took an oath to give anyone work who asks for it. However, this job comes with a catch. When Yubaba presents Chihiro with a contract, she quickly renames her Sen, declaring her old name belongs to her. Haku explains that taking away her name in Spirited Away and making her forget is how Yubaba traps people.

13 “I Don’t Need Any Help, This Place Is Full Of Soot.”



Just like the Radish Spirit and Boh, Kamajī, the boiler operator of Yubaba’s bathhouse, is an incredibly memorable character that’s near-impossible to forget. When Chihiro arrives in the Spirit Realm, she is told by Haku to go to the boiler man and ask him for work. When she finally finds him, he curtly remarks he has all the help that he needs. The audience is then introduced to the soot sprites (also known as Susuwatari), soot creatures that look like small fluff balls with big eyes, and who previously featured in My Neighbor Totoro.

One of the best non-human Studio Ghibli characters, they capture the whimsy of the Spirit Realm, showing that not everything in the place is scary. This Spirited Away quote is also so memorable because it’s something of a juxtaposition and shows just how unlike the world of the living the spirit realm is. In any other circumstance, a soot-filled workspace would be a sign that more help is needed, but in Yubaba’s bathhouse it simply indicates that Kamajī has things under control.

12 “Play With Me Or I’ll Break Your Arm.”


Boh threatening to break Chihiro's arm in Spirited Away

Boh is Yubaba’s giant baby son who she keeps locked away. While Boh may be one of the most menacing characters at first, and is definitely one of the more disturbing inhabitants of Yubaba’s bathhouse, he’s also the source of several of the best Spirited Away quotes. While many of these come later on in his story, one of the funniest occurs early on. It’s the bluntness of Boh’s threat to Chihiro that elicits a nervous laugh from most viewers, and establishes quickly that the menacing character really just longs for companionship.

This quote is a stark representation of how much Boh grows in
Spirited Away
, from a shut-in antagonist to a loyal ally.

Like the other Spirited Away side characters, Boh gets his own arc, and his current state of mind is easily guessed when, upon meeting Chihiro, he threatens her. When Chihiro first encounters Yubaba’s monstrous offspring under a sea of blankets, he suggests that she should play with him, or else he’ll break her arm. This quote is a stark representation of how much Boh grows in Spirited Away, from a shut-in antagonist to a loyal ally.

Chihiro standing next to a statue looking angry at the beginning of Spirited Away. Related How Spirited Away Kept Hayao Miyazaki Out Of Retirement

Studio Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki planned to retire in the late ’90s but decided to come back to directing for Spirited Away in 2001.

11 “Thank The Boiler Man, You Idiot.”


Kamaji at the boiler in Spirited Away

Soon after meeting Kamajī the boiler man, one of Spirited Away‘s characters with mythological origins, Chihiro meets Lin, the bathhouse worker. Initially, Lin gives Chihiro a hard time, insulting her intelligence and seeming displeased she will have to help her find a job. While it’s a harsh introduction, it is similar to Kamajī’s first words to Chihiro. Only a few minutes after he speaks these words, the boiler man protects her by claiming she is his granddaughter.

This parallel points to the fact that Lin will soon become a friend to Chihiro. What’s more, it’s also a strong introduction for Lin as a character. While Chihiro may not initially think so, Lin is a character that many viewers find impossible not to like right from the moment she’s introduced. Fiery and feisty, Lin has no time for nonsense, and it becomes increasingly clear why as Spirited Away progresses, since she seems to be one of the few employees at Yubaba’s bathhouse who knows how to do their job properly.

10 “We Don’t Want Her. She’ll Stink The Whole Place Up.”

The Bathhouse Workers

The bathhouse workers look at Chihiro warily in Spirited Away

This Spirited Away quote is one of the funnier moments in the movie, as it seems incredibly bizarre that — despite the array of strange and at-times grotesque-seeming inhabitants and visitors of the bathhouse — the human girl Chihiro is seen as revolting by many of her new colleagues. Once Chihiro enters the Spirit Realm, she finds herself out of her depth.

Although she gets her way into a contract to stay on and work, it doesn’t do her much good when she comes face to face with her fellow workers, most of whom deliver some harsh quotes to her. Nobody wants to take Chihiro on as a co-worker, citing her foul human “smell” as the reason. This prejudice adds to Chihiro’s feelings of isolation in the story but also motivates her to prove her worth as a hard worker so that the group will accept her.

9 “This Is A High-Class Place I’m Running Here!”



Yubaba has very few Spirited Away quotes that elicit laughter, but this is certainly one of them. While Yubaba explains the finer points of Chihiro’s new job, she proudly declares she’s running a high-class establishment and Chihiro should behave herself. The bathhouse can hardly be considered “high-class.” The establishment is also run by people who have been stripped of their identity.

This quote has an additional layer of significance. It further highlights just how different things are in the spirit realm compared to the world Chihiro knows.

Regardless, it says a lot about Yubaba’s character and points out the differences between her and her sister Zeniba. What’s more, this quote has an additional layer of significance. It further highlights just how different things are in the spirit realm compared to the world Chihiro knows. While the strange venue may not be “high-class” by the standards of the modern real world, it’s clearly considered the place to be in the spirit realm, as evidenced by the number of patrons it has on a nightly basis.

8 “I Promise I’ll Get You Out Of Here… Just Don’t Get Any Fatter Or They’ll Eat You!”


Chihiro and Haku visit Chihiro's parents in Spirited Away

Spirited Away sees Chihiro learning to be independent, and it’s also an intriguing reversal of the parent-child roles. As soon as they’re turned into pigs, Chihiro knows she’s responsible for their safety and protection, a clear difference from the usual arrangement when they, as her caregivers, are responsible for her wellbeing. Chihiro takes to this incredibly well, especially considering that she only landed in this sticky situation as a result of her parents’ greed.

One of the best Spirited Away quotes refers to the fact that they refuse to stop eating at a sacred buffet intended for spirits, and, as punishment, are turned into pigs. The teachers in this tale are not the parents. Indeed, as is the case in many of Miyazaki’s films, the parents are just as flawed as the children. In a way, this acts as an equalizer and sets up Chihiro as the protagonist and a complex individual.

7 “No-Face, If You Even Put One Scratch On That Girl, You’re In Big Trouble.”


Lin yelling at No-face from her boat in Spirited Away

One thing that’s clear about Lin is that she fears little, and this great Spirited Away quote shows than not even the incredibly powerful spirit No-Face can intimidate the headstrong bathhouse employee. After Chihiro has made the journey from co-worker to ally in Lin’s eyes, she takes Chihiro to the station to see Zeniba, but Chihiro wants to invite No-Face along.

Lin vehemently protests this, as No-Face has only recently regurgitated all the food and workers he’s eaten. The quote showcases just how much Lin has grown to care for Chihiro and her safety throughout Spirited Away, while she was initially annoyed and reluctant to lend a helping hand. It also demonstates Lin’s fearlessness, since many of the other spirits in Yubaba’s bathhouse are shown to be incredibly fearful of No-Face. Lin doesn’t share this sentiment, and has no issue letting No-Face know it either.

6 “If You Completely Forget…You’ll Never Find Your Way Home.”



While Spirited Away may be a magical tale, it can’t really be described as whimsical, since the stakes for Chihiro are incredibly high — as evidenced by this quote from Haku when he reminds her just how much she actually has to lose. Haku imparts this wisdom when he gives Chihiro a piece of paper with her name on it. Yubaba took Chihiro’s name, decreeing that she would now be known as Sen, in doing so gaining control of her and preventing her from returning to her old life.

Haku has forgotten his true name and doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Chihiro.

Haku has forgotten his true name and doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Chihiro. This quote illustrates one of several instances where Haku helps Chihiro, and also speaks to the mutability of identity, and how holding on to the identity that one prefers is not always a given but takes conscious effort.

5 “I Can’t Believe You Pulled It Off! You’re Such A Dope, I Was Really Worried.”


Lin and Chihiro talking in Spirited Away

While many of Lin’s best moments come when she’s not taking any nonsense from the other workers at Yubaba’s bathhouse, Chihiro, or even the intimidating No-Face, some of her most memorable also arise when she lets her guard down and displays that she’s actually quite caring underneath. Lin cares more for Chihiro than she originally intended to, leading to some of Lin’s most heartwarming Spirited Away quotes.

This is the case with many of Spirited Away’s characters, showing that beyond assumptions and prejudice, real connections can be formed. Initially, Lin seems like a hardened worker with only her own interest in mind, but as the movie progresses, she is a kind person hoping to find a way to better her life. Lin’s blunt treatment of Chihiro comes from a place of care, even if her words can seem thoughtless.

4 “I Remember You Falling Into My River, And I Remember Your Little Pink Shoe.”


Haku and Chihiro floating in the river in Spirited Away

The ending of Spirited Away is one of Studio Ghibli’s most uplifting, and not just because Chihiro manages to save her parents and navigate her way out of the spirit realm and Yubaba’s clutches. One of the biggest triumphs in Spirited Away is that Chihiro keeps hold of her identity, and Haku regains his.

By helping him regain his true name, Chihiro also helps Haku reclaim his identity as the Kohaku River spirit. The two then share an incredibly touching moment when Haku confirms Chihiro’s story and he remembers when she fell into the river to retrieve her little pink shoe. The fact that Haku saved her life many years prior and the love between Chihiro and Haku is one of the sweeter elements of the movie. No one expected that while trying to help Chihiro keep her identity, Haku would rediscover his.

3 “Welcome The Rich Man, He’s Hard For You To Miss; His Butt Keeps Getting Bigger, So There’s Plenty There To Kiss!”


Aniyaku dancing for No-Face in Spirited Away

No-Face first appears as a mysterious spirit offering gold to the bathhouse workers, who are all wary of him despite the immense riches he can bring htme. No-Face puts their greediness and selfishness on display. The staff try to please No-Face to earn as much gold as they can from him. No-Face, on the other hand, consumes everything around him but is never satisfied.

One of the best
Spirited Away
quotes surrounding No-Face comes in his earliest moments, when the bathhouse host Aniyaku comes up with a little rhyming song to welcome him.

He tries desperately to please Chihiro, implying that No-Face’s initial gluttony is a symptom of loneliness. Ultimately, the character has a happy ending, finding a quiet life that suits his true nature with the witch Zeniba in the countryside. However, one of the best Spirited Away quotes surrounding No-Face comes in his earliest moments, when the bathhouse host Aniyaku comes up with a little rhyming song to welcome him.

2 “Staying In This Room Is What Will Make You Sick!”


Boh hiding under blankets in Spirited Away

Chihiro has surprisingly one of the wisest Spirited Away quotes when she confronts Boh over his captivity. Boh is convinced if he goes outside he will be exposed to deadly germs. He tells Chihiro not to touch him, declaring she will make him sick. Chihiro isn’t a fool despite her age, and she displays it yet again when she pinpoints the true source of Boh’s imagined ailments — that his mother, Yubaba, has kept him confined to the same room his entire life.

This quote from Chihiro doesn’t only signify her understanding of situations that are far more emotionally complex than many children can grasp, but it also signals a turning point in her growth as a character. The quote contrasts with the Chihiro that audiences were first introduced to. She learned exposure helps one grow, and she recognizes that Boh is being harmed, not protected, by being so coddled.

1 “Once You’ve Met Someone You Never Really Forget Them. It Just Takes A While For Your Memories To Return.”



Spirited Away has ultimately a bittersweet ending. While Chihiro and her parents experience life-changing events in the Spirit Realm, they leave without retaining memories of them. Chihiro forgets those who helped her get there. However, one of the best Spirited Away quotes from Yubaba’s benevolent and incredibly wise sister suggests these memories could return.

Zeniba says this line to Chihiro, and it’s relevant not only concerning the movie’s conclusion but also about the lost memories and names of the bathhouse workers. It summarizes the movie’s themes poignantly and simply, and as such is perhaps the best and most memorable quote in the entirety of Spirited Away.

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Spirited Away, a masterpiece by Hayao Miyazaki, is an animated fantasy film that follows the enchanting journey of a young girl named Chihiro. Trapped in a mystical world after her parents are transformed into pigs, Chihiro must navigate a realm filled with spirits and peculiar creatures to save her family.

Director Hayao Miyazaki Release Date July 20, 2001 Studio(s) Studio Ghibli Distributor(s) Toho Writers Hayao Miyazaki Cast Rumi Hiiragi , Miyu Irino , Mari Natsuki , Takashi Naitô , Yasuko Sawaguchi , Tsunehiko Kamijô , Takehiko Ono , Bunta Sugawara Runtime 125 minutes Expand

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