Age of Empires 4 Tier List 2024

age of empires 4

Age of Empires IV is the latest game in a series of strategy games co-developed by Relic Entertainment and World’s Edge and published by Xbox Game Studios. It was released for Windows on October 28, 2021, and later for Xbox on August 22, 2023, and is the fourth entry in the Age of Empires series.

The game features different civilizations and historical campaigns and received generally positive reviews. While praised for its civilization diversity and engaging campaign, some reviews noted the series’ conservative approach to its formula and expressed concerns about historical accuracy.

The game’s second expansion pack, “The Ascension of the Sudan,” introduces new civilizations and variant factions, expanding players’ gaming experience.

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Age of Empires 4 2024 Tier List

Choosing the right civilization is crucial to winning the game, and Age of Empires 4 offers a variety of civilizations, each contributing to the game’s success. A game’s success is often attributed to key elements like unique characters and engaging storylines.

In Age of Empires 4, civilizations play an important role in shaping the gameplay experience. To help players choose the best civilization, these civilizations are divided into different levels. Listed below are the necessary levels for strategy games, providing players with valuable insights to enhance their gaming strategies.

S+ Tier List

French civilization

In the game, French civilization is by far the best choice. It brings versatility to the gaming experience and players can easily master its dynamics.

French civilization has a powerful army, and the Royal Knights have provided effective pressure since the Second Age. Their naval prowess was unparalleled, with powerful sailing ships.

The fleet of French civilization was unparalleled, thanks to the dominance of sailing ships, making it the most powerful fleet on the water. Taking advantage of this civilization brings many rewards that gradually increase throughout the game.

Despite its advantages, it’s worth noting that France’s strategy is known to require players to perform well in order to achieve victory. Civilization has unique units such as the Arbalétrier, Cannon, Galleass, and Royal Knight, and has a medium difficulty level of ⅓.

The French era in the game runs from AD 840 to 1559 and features mounted combat, continental economy, and production fronts.



unique unit

Arbalétrier, Cannon, Galleass, Royal Knight



difficult period

AD 840-1559

Other features

Cavalry warfare, mainland economy, production front

S level list

british civilization

The British civilization is one of the best in the game, only the French civilization is considered better. They stood out for their excellent archers and were known as longbow archers.


  • An early attack from the Longbow Archer can quickly turn the tide in your favor and potentially end the game early.
  • Playing as an Englishman, you’ll benefit from reduced wood costs and increased farm profitability, making management easier.
  • The British defense was very efficient, thanks to defensive buildings and armed villagers.


  • However, if you prefer an offensive strategy, other civilizations may have better options.

Key details:

  • Unique unit: Longbowmen
  • Difficulty: 1/3
  • Period: 850-1555 AD

Unique features:

  • defense
  • economy
  • castle network
  • Defend Beyrig
  • agricultural island



unique unit





AD 850-1555

Other features

Defense, Economy, Castle Network, Defensive Balig, Agricultural Islands


Although the Rus civilization lacks water cards and a three-color navy, if it has these characteristics, it may be more powerful, making the French more powerful in comparison.

key point:

  • Managing the Rus civilization is fairly manageable, adaptable and challenging for opponents by the end of the game.
  • The outstanding feature of this civilization is its economy, which is known to be strong and diverse.
  • However, the role of the economy can be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on how you play, making it crucial in both the early and later stages of the game.


  • Ross’s buildings were somewhat primitive, with laminate timber structures but lacking stone walls. This isn’t necessarily a disadvantage.
  • An aggressive playstyle works well, allowing you to rush at enemies quickly and gain a significant advantage.

Units and Abilities:

  • Unique units of the Rus’ civilization include the Rodian Ship, the Streltsy, and the Monk.
  • The difficulty of this civilization is 2/3.
  • The period of this civilization was from 882 AD to 1547 AD.
  • Unique traits include the Druzhina Follower, the Hunter Prince, and the Woodland Alliance.



unique unit

Rodian Ship, Streltsy, Monk




882-1547 CE

Other features

Druzhina Followers, Hunter Prince, Woodland Alliance

A+ grade list


Mongols are known for their ferocity in real life and in the game as well. Getting the Cavaliers is a significant advantage for them.

The main advantage:

  • The Mongols have knights in their arsenal who can launch a powerful charge at the start of the game to quickly overwhelm their enemies.
  • The Mongols’ mobility was a major advantage and could easily adapt to enemy strategies.


  • Mastering the Mongols is a difficult task and requires more practice than civilizations like the British or French.

Unique features:

  • Unique units of the Mongol civilization include the Khan, Mangutai, and Tractor Trebuchet.
  • The difficulty level of this civilization is 3/3.
  • The period of this civilization spanned from 1000 to 1500 AD.

Notable features:

  • aggression
  • Nomadic
  • Mobility
  • great reign
  • Khanate
  • saint aobao



unique unit

Khan, Mangudai, tractor trebuchet




AD 1000-1500

Other features

Invasion, Nomadism, Mobility, Great Rule, Khanate, Holy Obo

Tier list

Abbasid Dynasty

The Abbasids in the game have unique units called camel archers and camel riders.

Key details:

  • This civilization has a difficulty level of 2/3.
  • The period of this civilization ranged from AD 750 to 1517.

Notable features:

  • Research
  • anti-cavalry
  • golden age
  • cavalry warrior
  • pursuit of knowledge



unique unit

camel archer, camel rider




AD 750-1517

Other features

research, anti-cavalry, golden age, cavalry warriors, pursuit of knowledge

B+ grade list


The Chinese civilization in the game has unique arms such as musketeers, grenadiers, imperial officials, hives, palace guards, and Zhuge Nu.

Key details:

  • The difficulty mark for this civilization is 3/3.
  • The Age of Civilization extended from AD 907 to 1644.

Notable features:

  • dynasty
  • gunpowder
  • expansion
  • gunpowder
  • great dynasty



unique unit

Musketeers, Grenadiers, Court Officials, Beehive, Palace Guards, Zhuge Nu




907-1644 CE

Other features

dynasty, gunpowder, expansion, gunpowder, great dynasty

Class B

Holy Roman Empire

The Holy Roman Empire in the game features unique units called Landsknechts and Bishops.

key point:

  • This civilization has a difficulty level of 2/3.
  • The civilization spanned from 936 AD to 1517 AD.


  • infantry
  • religion
  • defense
  • imperial army
  • Influence
  • religious fervor



unique unit

Bishop Landsknecht




936-1517 CE

Other features

infantry, religion, defense, imperial army, influence, religious fervor

Class C

Delhi Sultanate

The Delhi Sultanate in the game has unique units such as fishing boats, scholars, and war elephants.

key point:

  • The difficulty mark for this civilization is 3/3.
  • Civilization existed from 879 AD to 1526 AD.


  • army
  • Research
  • defense
  • border fortifications
  • garden bounty
  • academic culture



unique unit

Fishing boats, scholars, war elephants




879-1526 CE

Other features

Military, research, defence, border fortifications, garden bounties, academic culture

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