Brain Teaser IQ Test: Can you find 3 three legged horses in 9 seconds?

Brain teaser IQ test is one of the most popular tests on the internet to test the brain power of an individual. These exciting challenges are based on finding the hidden objects in the picture within a specific time limit.

These types of puzzle challenges are popular among netizens because they provide a quick way to participate and kill time.

Are you ready to test your visual intelligence?

Let’s start!

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Brain teaser IQ test: Find the three three-legged horses in the picture

Source: Pinterest

The image shared above depicts a herd of running horses.

Although most of the horses in the picture have four legs, there are three horses in the picture with three legs.

Can you find 3 three-legged horses in 9 seconds?

Test your visual acuity with this challenge.

Your time starts now!

This is a difficult challenge, so look closely at the image.

If you pay attention to the details in the picture, you might be able to quickly identify the positions of the three horses.

The reader needs to have excellent visual skills to spot the three three-legged horses hidden in plain sight.

Did you find them?

Continue to check the image once it’s in focus. You will definitely notice the horses.

Hurry, the clock is ticking.

Quickly check the image again.


time up.

Stop looking!

How many of you can tell the difference between horses?

Readers who spotted the three three-legged horses had the highest level of visual intelligence.

Those who can’t do this need more challenging exercises to improve their vision.

Now, let’s check out the solution.

READ ALSO: Picture puzzle IQ test: Find the mistakes in the dining table picture in 4 seconds!

Find 3 three-legged horses: Solution

The three three-legged horses are marked with red circles for easy identification.

If you like this brain teaser, share it with your family and friends to see who can solve it the fastest.

Before you go, don’t forget to try out some more challenges in our recommended reading section below.

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