Brain Teaser IQ Test: How Many Holes Are In This T-Shirt? 99% Fail To Answer Correctly in 8 Seconds!

Brain teasers and IQ tests go hand in hand when it comes to improving your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Brainteaser IQ tests not only measure intelligence but also assess how quickly you can recognize patterns, think logically, and pay attention to details.

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Today’s brain teaser will test your acumen and speed – can you find out how many holes there are on this T-shirt in 5 seconds?

Only the sharpest minds can solve this tricky puzzle!

Brain teasers and answers

For those still searching, don’t worry. The correct answer is eight holes – two for the arms, one for the neck, one on the bottom, and four from the cuts in the fabric.

Brain teaser: How many holes are there on a T-shirt?

Share this puzzle with your friends and family. Challenge them to tell how many holes there are in the shirt in 8 seconds or less!