Dead Island 2 Lost and Found Quests
Dead Island 2 features a total of 15 Lost and Found quests, consisting of 6 Lost Weapons quests and 9 Missing Persons quests. Completing 5 out of the 6 Lost Weapon quests will unlock the Sharpest Tool in the Box trophy, while completing all 9 Missing Person quests will unlock the Sole Survivor trophy.
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None of the Lost and Found quests can be missed, as you can freely explore and fast-travel after completing the main story. These quests become available as you progress through the story and side quests. It is recommended to finish all main quests and side quests first to unlock access to all Lost and Found quests. You can refer to the guide Dead Island 2 All Side Quests for assistance with the side quests.
You are watching: Dead Island 2 Lost and Found Quests: A Complete Guide
Lost and Found Weapon quests are not marked on the map initially. They are triggered by discovering hidden items, usually journals. On the other hand, the 9 Missing Person quests can be accepted from the wall in the HQ of Ocean Avenue, and they will have red markers on the map. The Lost and Found quests involve following a series of clues by collecting journals and keys. Sometimes, these clues are not marked, making these quests the most challenging to figure out. They require extensive searching and reading the journals to find hints on where to go next.
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All Lost and Found Quests in Dead Island 2
Beverly Hills (1 Lost & Found Quest)
- The Clean and the Snatch (Weapon Quest)
Bel-Air (1 Lost & Found Quest)
- My Mailman Was A Zombie! (Weapon Quest)
The Pier (1 Lost & Found Quest)
- Fool’s Gold (Weapon Quest)
Venice Beach (2 Lost & Found Quests)
Ocean Avenue (10 Lost & Found Quests)
Drunk And Disorderly (Weapon Quest)
Missing: Laura (Missing Person)
Missing: Davis (Missing Person)
Missing: Jamal (Missing Person)
Missing: Pablo (Missing Person)
Missing: Greg (Missing Person)
Missing: Shane (Missing Person)
Missing: Nadia (Missing Person)
Missing: Steve (Missing Person)
Missing: Rainier (Missing Person)
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Beverly Hills (1 Lost & Found Quest)
The Clean and the Snatch (Weapon Quest)
The Clean and the Snatch is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. In this mission, players start in Beverly Hills and must track down an heirloom sword stolen by a local pool cleaner named Obi, who sought revenge on a rude client. The objective is to follow the trail of clues left behind during Obi’s last round of cleaning the pools in Beverly Hills and claim the sword for yourself.
The quest begins by picking up Journal #1 A Parting Gift at the Pool outside Beverly Hills Headquarters, a villa with a workbench on the right side of the map. Next to the journal is a lockbox containing Obi’s Things, which requires Obi’s Keys to open. The keys will be obtained during the quest, and players will need to backtrack to retrieve the contents of the lockbox.
To progress, players must find three more journals scattered around the pools of Beverly Hills. These journals are necessary to trigger the appearance of Obi for the next objective:
Journal #2: Dave’s Phone – Found on the sunbeds outside a pool in the eastern part of Beverly Hills.
Journal #3: Note from Michael – Located inside an empty pool in the middle of Beverly Hills.
Journal #4: Obi’s Phone – Found outside a toxic pool in the middle of Beverly Hills.
Once all the journals have been collected, players need to travel to Bel-Air (a different region) and go to the GOAT Pen villa in the south. This villa has fake grass on the roof. Inside the pool, players will encounter a zombie named Obi the Pool Guy. Defeating him will cause him to drop Obi’s Key.
After obtaining Obi’s Key, players need to backtrack to the lockbox in Beverly Hills where the quest began. Using the key, they can open the lockbox and complete the quest. Doing so unlocks the Electrocutor Officer’s Sword, which is a powerful early-game weapon. Players also receive 2000 XP as a reward.
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Bel-Air (1 Lost & Found Quest)
My Mailman Was A Zombie! (Weapon Quest)
My Mailman Was A Zombie! is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. In this mission, players start in Bel-Air after completing the Main Story and the Side Quest: #Clickbait. The objective is to follow the mailman’s paper trail to find a powerful firearm that was part of a delivery schedule.
The quest begins by picking up a journal behind the delivery truck on Alpine Dr street in Bel-Air. Next to the journal is a locked weapon crate that requires the Mailman’s Keys, which players must obtain during the quest. To progress, players need to locate and interact with three mail packages in fixed locations at the entrances of villas in Bel-Air. Interacting with each package correctly will remove the interaction button and trigger a character dialogue. The last package visited will spawn the Zombified Mailman, a formidable enemy who holds the Mailman’s Keys. It is recommended to follow the order below:
Mail Package #1: Outside the GOAT Pen villa in the south of Bel-Air, near the main entrance door.
Mail Package #2: At the locked gate of a villa in the west of Bel-Air.
Mail Package #3: In front of the garage of the first house entered in Bel-Air, located in the north. If the previous two packages have been collected, the Zombified Mailman will immediately spawn. He is a large enemy who attacks with acid vomit, so players should dodge his punches and avoid the acid.
Once the Zombified Mailman is defeated, players can retrieve the Mailman’s Keys. They need to return to the starting location and use the keys to unlock the weapon box behind the delivery truck. Inside the box, players will find a unique rifle called Raven. Completing the quest rewards players with the Raven rifle and 2000 XP.
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The Pier (1 Lost & Found Quest)
Fool’s Gold (Weapon Quest)
Fool’s Gold is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. In this mission, players start at The Pier in Santa Monica and must follow a paper trail left by a group of individuals who tried to bury a stolen murder weapon in a safe. The objective is to track down the safe and retrieve its contents.
The quest begins by defeating a unique Crusher named Dante, who spawns below The Pier Lifeguard HQ after completing the main story. Dante drops Journal: A Totally Legit Letter, which initiates the quest. From there, players need to find three more journals to progress and unlock the buried safe, which holds a weapon reward.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
Located a few steps away from where Dante spawned, players can find Randy’s Locker at the end of a building with workout equipment. Interact with the left locker to obtain Journal: Deep Shit.
Head to the southeast corner of the pier and find a bench near the water. On the bench, players will discover Journal: Meeting of the Minds, which marks the next step in the quest.
In the northwest corner of the map, players will come across an alley with trash next to some restaurants. Among the trash on the ground, they need to pick up Journal: Flaws in the Plan. Obtaining this journal completes the paper trail and leads to finding Randy’s Burner Phone.
Now find their buried safe! The buried safe is located east of the Lifeguard HQ. Outside the building, players will find a small path behind it, and in the middle of that path, the safe is buried in the sand. It will be marked on the map when players approach it.
There are too many zombies to enter the code safely. Defeat them all! Upon reaching the safe, several waves of zombies will spawn, and players must defeat them before proceeding.
Dig up the buried treasure! After eliminating the zombies, interact with the buried safe to dig it up. This action will reward players with the Blood Rage legendary weapon.
Completing the Fool’s Gold Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 grants players the Blood Rage dagger and 2000 XP.
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Venice Beach (2 Lost & Found Quests)
Jo’s Rainy Day Stash (Weapon Quest)
Jo’s Rainy Day Stash is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. In this mission, players start at Venice Beach and must follow a paper trail to locate and open Jo’s secret stash, rumored to contain a powerful weapon.
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To begin the quest, players need to enter Jo’s Rentals, a building with a shark figure in front. Smash the windows to gain access and find two items: Journal: Jo’s Secret Stash on the left and Jo’s Staff Room Key on the right.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
To progress, players must find two more journals.
Head south down the street until reaching Jo’s Surf & Skate Rentals. Inside, on the cashier’s counter, players will find this journal.
Jo’s Final Farewell: Enter the parking lot behind the previous location, where a unique zombie named Jo’s Shambling Body will appear. Defeat him and loot the journal he drops.
The stash location is marked on the map. The next building north of the parking lot is Marla’s Tapas & Tacos. Climb onto the roof using the white parked truck in the alley, then jump onto the roof and climb onto the white roof. Proceed through the fence, being cautious of an explosive trap. The stash is located at the end of the roof. Two zombies will also spawn, but defeating them is optional. Opening the stash rewards players with a purple-rarity Crowbar.
Completing the Jo’s Rainy Day Stash Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 grants players the Primed Crowbar unique weapon and 2000 XP.
[REDACTED] (Weapon Quest)
[REDACTED] is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. In this mission, players start at Venice Beach and follow a paper trail to discover a classified weapon that will turn the tide of battle against an undisclosed enemy.
To begin the quest, players need to locate and defeat Lt. Ford, a unique zombie found in the barracks in the west of Venice Beach. Lt. Ford will only spawn after completing all 33 side quests and can be recognized by the name Lt. Ford above his head. Defeat him and loot his journal.
The objective of the quest is as follows:
- Head to the north-west corner of Venice Beach, accessed through the sluice gates and the tower with a fast travel map and quest giver. Look for a container with an electric hazard in front of it. Enter the container, destroy the boxes blocking the path, and reach the stash at the end. Opening the stash rewards players with the Legendary Assault Rifle called Bodycount.
Completing the [REDACTED] Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 grants players the Bodycount Legendary Assault Rifle and 2000 XP.
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Ocean Avenue (10 Lost & Found Quests)
Drunk And Disorderly (Weapon Quest)
Drunk And Disorderly is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. In this mission, players start at Ocean Avenue and follow a trail of drunken texts to retrieve a kick-ass new weapon from a group of intoxicated individuals.
To begin the quest, players need to find Journal #1: Dudes Who Chug, located in the restroom on the ground floor of the Lotusville Mall in the south-east corner. The restroom door is initially locked during the story, but it becomes accessible after completing the main story. Pick up the journal to initiate the quest.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
- Proceed to the following locations and retrieve the journals
Journal #2: Dudes Who Get Inked: Travel to Venice Beach and enter the Tattoo Parlor west of the Blue Grab Grill HQ. Defeat a unique zombie named Grant and loot the journal he drops.
Journal #3: Dudes Who Get The Munchies: From the Tattoo Parlor, head north along the promenade until you reach Lenny’s building next to the weed dispensary. Defeat a unique zombie named Cole and loot his journal.
Journal #4: Dude, Interrupted: Fast travel to The Pier (Santa Monica) and find the journal on a table just outside the Pier Grill.
Defeat the enemy called Jordan (Firestorm Slobber) in the north-east corner of the Pier and loot Jordan’s Car Keys.
Claim your kick-ass new Party Starter from the dudes’ car: Fast travel back to Ocean Avenue and locate the Serling Hotel on the map. From the ground floor of the mall, enter the Staff Only door in the south-east corner and proceed downstairs to the parking garage. Find a white SUV, the first car to the right of the parking garage exit. Use Jordan’s Car Keys to unlock the trunk and obtain the legendary Party Starter brass knuckles.Completing the Drunk And Disorderly Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 rewards players with the Party Starter unique brass knuckles and 2000 XP
Missing: Laura (Missing Person)
Missing: Laura is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all the objectives of the Missing: Laura Lost and Found mission.
To start the quest, players need to advance the story in the Ocean Avenue area. Once progressed enough, the missing person letters will be marked on the map with a red icon.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
Fast travel to Venice Beach and head south to the police station. If you haven’t been there before, shoot the fuse box through the window in the hallway to open the door. Interact with Laura’s cell door to proceed.
Enter the room opposite Laura’s cell door. Inside, there are two journals to pick up: Journal: Keeper of the Keys and Journal: Arrest Notes of Detainees.
Police Chief Malloy has the key to Laura’s cell. Track him down!: After picking up the journals, a quest marker will appear east of the police station. Go to the marked spot and defeat the zombified Police Chief Malloy in a shop. Loot his key.
Return to Laura’s cell and use the key to open it. Defeat Laura and her friend (optional) who are inside the cell. This will complete the mission. Additionally, you can loot Journal: Crying Wolf from Laura.
Completing the Missing: Laura Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 rewards players with 1500 XP.
Missing: Davis (Missing Person)
Missing: Davis is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all the objectives of the Missing: Davis Lost and Found mission.
To start the quest, players need to advance the story in the Ocean Avenue area. Once progressed enough, the missing person letters will be marked on the map with a red icon.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
Fast travel to Venice Beach and head to the east end of the map. Pass through the fire barrier either by sliding through it or using a chem bomb curveball to extinguish it. Behind the fire, there are buses. Investigate the last bus at the end, where you will find a journal in the back. Pick it up to complete this objective and learn that Davis’ location is in The Pier.
Fast travel to The Pier (Santa Monica). In the north, there is a fenced area marked with a red quest marker. Crouch through a hole in the left side of the fence. Fight through the zombies until you reach Davis, who has transformed into a Crusher zombie. Defeat him and loot his journal.
It is Davis! Kill him!: Defeating Davis can be done in various ways. When he prepares to perform a ground slam, jumping will prevent the shockwave from harming you. Attack him after he performs shockwaves and dodge back when he is about to punch.
After defeating Davis, he will drop his phone. Pick it up, as it counts as a journal and completes the quest.
Completing the Missing: Davis Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 rewards players with an Improved Hammer and 1500 XP.
Missing: Jamal (Missing Person)
Missing: Jamal is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all the objectives of the Missing: Jamal Lost and Found mission.
To start the quest, players need to advance the story in the Ocean Avenue area. Once progressed enough, the missing person letters will be marked on the map with a red icon.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
- Fast travel to Halperin Hotel, and upon arrival, a red quest marker will appear on the map. Proceed outside the hotel, and the quest will provide additional waypoints.
- Head to the yellow search area outside Halperin Hotel. There are two guard huts within the vicinity, each containing a journal that needs to be collected.
- Located in the north of the search area, shoot the fuse box on the outside and inside through the window to open the door. Inside the hut, pick up the journal called Employee Vehicle Register.
- Found in the southwest corner of the search area, repeat the same process of shooting the fuse box to gain access. Inside, collect the journal named Our Fellow Security Guard.
After collecting the journals, a new red map marker will automatically appear in the east of the Halperin Hotel area. Proceed to the marked location.
Upon reaching the designated location, face a group of zombies and defeat them. One of the zombies will be Jamal, indicated by his name above his head. Make sure to loot the key he drops.
Use Jamal’s key to open the blue box located at the back of his red pickup truck. The truck is situated in the same flooded area where you encountered Jamal and the other zombies.
Completing the Missing: Jamal Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 rewards players with 1500 XP.
Missing: Pablo (Missing Person)
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Missing: Pablo is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all the objectives of the Missing: Pablo Lost and Found mission.
To start the quest, players need to advance the story in the Ocean Avenue area. After completing some of the missions and returning, new quests will spawn, and one of them will be the Missing: Pablo quest. The missing person letters can be found on the wall near the fast travel map, marked by a red icon.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
Fast travel to Venice Beach to advance the objective.
Head west from the fast travel point in Venice Beach and locate the tattoo parlor. Press the button on the wall to raise the gate and quickly enter the parlor. Inside, pick up the journal named Need for Needles.
Proceed south from the tattoo parlor and find a shop called Muscle Beach Nutrition. The door to the store is blocked, leading to the next objective.
Find a circuit breaker in the Venice Autos shop located behind Muscle Beach Nutrition. Take the circuit breaker and throw it over the fence to the parking lot. Climb over the wall, retrieve the circuit breaker, and insert it into the wall panel in the fenced area. Climb back over the wall, and behind Muscle Beach Nutrition, open the blue garage doors using the switch. Inside the shop, pick up the journal titled Protein Please.
Proceed north on the road until you reach a shop called Gang Green.
Defeat the zombie named Doc Marin in front of Gang Green and loot the Gang Green Gate Key. Go behind Gang Green to the parking lot, open the gate, and crouch through a hole in the wall to enter the store.
Inside Gang Green, read the journal called High Stakes. Be cautious of the shotgun traps in the store and proceed slowly to avoid them. After picking up the journal, the mission is completed.
Completing the Missing: Pablo Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 rewards players with a Fire Axe and 2000 XP.
Missing: Greg (Missing Person)
Missing: Greg is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all the objectives of the Missing: Greg Lost and Found mission.
To start the quest, players need to advance the story in the Ocean Avenue area. After completing some missions and returning, new quests will spawn, and one of them will be the Missing: Greg quest. The missing person letters can be found on the wall near the fast travel map, marked by a red icon.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
The quest takes place in Ocean Avenue. Track the quest, and waypoints will lead you to a parking garage near the center of the map. Crouch under the open garage door.
Destroy the two boxes blocking the door inside the garage. In the next room, there are elevators on the right. Press the elevator button to open one of the elevator doors. Drop down the elevator shaft.
Proceed past the exploding sacks in the next area and enter the underground garage. Listen to Greg talking.
Listen to Greg for about two minutes until he finishes talking.
Climb the wall to the right of the closed shutter. Pick up the circuit breaker on the back of a white car. Go through the door in the corner and insert the circuit breaker into the wall panel next to the workbench. The shutter will open.
Backtrack to the shutter and go through it. Head straight ahead to meet Greg.
Defeat the alerted zombies, including a slobber, an insect swarm walker, and regular zombies. The last ones will have a red marker above their heads for easy identification.
Return to Greg, who will raise the shutter and run off. Unfortunately, a zombie will devour him, and there is no way to prevent this. Witness Greg’s end without being able to save him.
Completing the Missing: Greg Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 rewards players with a Metal Bat and 2000 XP.
Missing: Shane (Missing Person)
Missing: Shane is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all the objectives of the Missing: Shane Lost and Found mission.
To start the quest, players need to advance the story in the Ocean Avenue area. After completing some missions and returning, new quests will spawn, and one of them will be the Missing: Shane quest. The missing person letters can be found on the wall near the fast travel map, marked by a red icon.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
Fast travel to Venice Beach and track the quest from the menu. The objective will update with a red marker in the south of Venice Beach.
Head to the quest marker, which leads to a Lifeguard Hut on the beach. Go inside and pick up Journal: Offer of a Lifetime.
Move a little north to find another Lifeguard Hut on the beach.
Defeat all zombies around the Lifeguard Hut.
One of the zombies will drop Journal: For Whom the Nell Tolls. Pick it up.
Fast travel to The Pier and exit the building.
Outside the Lifeguard HQ, defeat TJ The Lifeguard, a Fire Crusher, and loot the journal he drops.
Picking up the journal from TJ the Lifeguard concludes the missing person case.
Completing the Missing: Shane Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 rewards players with 2000 XP.
Missing: Nadia (Missing Person)
Missing: Nadia is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all the objectives of the Missing: Nadia Lost and Found mission.
To start the quest, players need to advance the story in the Ocean Avenue area. After completing some missions and returning, new quests will spawn, and one of them will be the Missing: Nadia quest. The missing person letters can be found on the wall near the fast travel map, marked by a red icon.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
Fast travel to The Metro and track the quest to see red waypoints.
Look around for signs of her: Follow the red waypoints to a locked door. Pick up the map on the wall next to the door. The map will show the locations of the four digits needed for the next objective.
Search for the four blue numbers on walls within the yellow search area in The Metro. The exact locations of the digits will be provided in the walkthrough.
Return to where you picked up Nadia’s map. Zombified Nadia, known as a Screamer, will emerge from the door. Defeat her.
Enter the room where Nadia spawned. Inside, you’ll find two journals and Nadia’s stash. Loot the stash to complete the Missing Person case.
Completing the Missing: Nadia Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 rewards players with 2500 XP.
Missing: Steve (Missing Person)
Missing: Steve is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all the objectives of the Missing: Steve Lost and Found mission.
To start the quest, players need to advance the story in the Ocean Avenue area. After completing some missions and returning, new quests will spawn, and one of them will be the Missing: Steve quest. The missing person letters can be found on the wall near the fast travel map, marked by a red icon.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
Fast travel to Monarch Studios and track the quest to see red waypoints.
Enter Studio 3 (Sitcom Set) and pick up the journal on the bed.
Interact with three items in the kitchen: soap on the counter, a box on the floor, and a phone on the stairs.
Head to the alley south of Studio 7 and enter the trailer. Open the door on the right and loot the journal on the floor.
Fast travel to Beverly Hills and follow the red objective marker.
Talk to Steve on the balcony. He will ask you to bring him three uniquely named zombies alive.
Locate and lure a Butcher zombie back to Steve. After the objective updates, kill the Butcher in front of Steve.
Locate and lure a fireman zombie back to Steve. After the objective updates, defeat the fireman zombie.
Locate and lure a Fire Crusher zombie, known as Hunk, back to Steve. After the objective updates, kill Hunk.
Finally, talk to Steve to complete the quest.
Completing the Missing: Steve Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 rewards players with the Krakatoa weapon and 2500 XP.
Missing: Rainier (Missing Person)
Missing: Rainier is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all the objectives of the Missing: Rainier Lost and Found mission.
To start the quest, players need to finish the main story and complete most of the other Missing Person quests. The quest can be found on the wall near the fast travel map in Ocean Avenue, marked by a red icon.
The objectives of the quest are as follows:
Head to the northeast corner of Ocean Avenue to enter a lab where you had a boss fight during the story.
Defeat the Fire Slobber inside the lab and loot his journal.
Fast travel to Hollywood Boulevard and go down into the Metro. Follow the red waypoint marker to a red door.
Clear out the zombies that spawn when you approach the red door.
Interact with the red door to talk to Rainier.
Enter the room with the workbench and pick up the journal on the shelf.
Follow the red waypoint marker to find Lenny (Crusher) and defeat him.
Pick up the Utility Closet Key that Lenny drops.
Go back to Rainier upstairs and interact with the red door to let him out. He has turned into a Burster. After he bursts, the mission is completed.
Completing the Missing: Rainier Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2 rewards players with the Superior Melee Punctuator Mod and 2500 XP.
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