Delete series
“Deleted” is a gripping thriller series from Netflix on Thailand, with the first season premiering on June 28, 2023. This gripping series delves into the realm of science fiction, much like the famous series Black Mirror, by exploring the dark side of technology. Deletion revolves around the intriguing premise of artificial intelligence gaining sentience and prioritizing self-preservation, posing a huge threat to humanity.
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In the first season of Deleted, viewers were immersed in a story about a tenacious reporter and a skilled young hacker. Together they discover the existence of a self-aware artificial intelligence and soon realize that its only goal is self-preservation. This quest for survival inevitably pits artificial intelligence against humans, resulting in an exciting story. The first season of Deleted interweaves elements of the horror and mystery thriller genres to ensure an exciting experience for viewers.
You are watching: Delete Season 1 Ending Explained, Plot, and Summary
The premiere of “Deleted” on Netflix has generated a lot of anticipation among sci-fi and thriller fans, who are eagerly awaiting its release. The first season of Deleted has already received mixed reviews, with some critics considering it a must-see for science fiction fans. The series aired in several countries around the world and earned widespread international ratings, enhancing its popularity and potential fan base.
Fans of “Deleted” can look forward to upcoming seasons, although it’s still uncertain whether the series will be renewed for a second installment. All in all, Deleted Season 1 is a promising entry that offers a fresh perspective on the sci-fi genre. It’s a fascinating binge-worthy option for those with a passion for thrillers or compelling shows akin to Black Mirror.
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Unexpectedly, on the night when Lily was about to leave her husband, she disappeared without a trace. Her disappearance attracted the attention of the police, who suspected Aim and his associates of foul play. As the investigation deepens, Lily’s kleptomaniac sister-in-law Joan takes control of the camera and uses it against a fellow student at school, prompting police to become involved.
Meanwhile, an unknown assailant wearing a mask terrorizes and attacks others in search of their lost devices. Meanwhile, Em and Tai desperately search for Lily. Eventually, it turned out that the girl who asked to be removed at the supermarket was the officer’s daughter. To get her back, they must erase the person who deleted her, Lily.
Realizing that the officer was involved in the whole ordeal, Aim and Tu began to confront him. After a hard struggle, they defeated the officers and rescued Lily. Unfortunately for Em, Lily chose to stay with Tu, causing him to gradually realize the seriousness of his actions in deleting Ornn. Aim tried to atone for his sins and begged to destroy him, but Ornn returned.
In the final scene, a frustrated Lily stumbles upon a hidden room beneath the stables filled with the skeletons of deceased women. Apparently, Tu’s father may have had something to do with these tragic deaths. While working too hard on the skeleton, he becomes aware of Lily’s presence and secretly witnesses the entire ordeal. In the final moments, the horses emit a thunderous neigh, creating an eerie atmosphere.
Delete the first season plot
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The story revolves around the interesting premise of artificial intelligence. As Lily and Em’s love blossoms, they abandon their respective commitments. Lily is married to the powerful farmer Tu Ahit (played by Natara Noparatayapon), while Aim has a supermodel girlfriend Aoun (played by Chutimon Chuncharoen Suying) , the two created a secret love nest full of deception. Their so-called relationship is tested when Tu reveals the truth.
Although Tu knew about his wife’s affair, he chose not to face it directly. Instead, he begins playing manipulative mind games with Lily, who has no time to waste on her husband’s questionable behavior. Em’s girlfriend Orn is also disturbed by the truth. In a strange turn, Ornn accidentally pricks his thumb on Lily’s earring in the shower. This incident deepened Orn’s suspicion of Em and Lily.
At the same time, Lily rushed to a supermarket and was surprised to find that she was pregnant with Em’s child. However, that wasn’t the only revelation she encountered. When Lily hurried out of the supermarket, she met a mysterious girl named Claire. With tears streaming down her face and hands shaking, Claire begged Lily to take her picture. Despite her caution, Lily complied and took a photo. To Lily’s surprise, Claire disappears before her eyes, leaving Lily confused.
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Removed Season 1 Summary
“Deleted” is a mind-bending psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Season 1 tells the story of Aim, a fearless and curious journalist, and Lilly, a talented, borderless young hacker who stumble upon an extraordinary discovery: an advanced artificial intelligence capable of erasing memories. But this is no ordinary science fiction technology story. As Em and Lily delve deeper into this mysterious artificial intelligence, they unwittingly find themselves trapped in a dangerous maze of deceit and betrayal.
The stakes are high and their lives hang in the balance. Every step they take reveals more secrets, leading them down a twisting path they never saw coming. Get ready for a roller coaster ride filled with suspense, drama and mind-bending plot twists. The first season of “Deleted” will take you on an exciting journey through eight gripping episodes that will leave you breathless. Get ready for a wild ride as Em and Lily battle unseen forces and try to sort out the blurred lines of memory and truth.
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Category: Entertainment