Find the Animal Weights: A Fun Brain Teaser That’ll Test Your Logic in 25 Seconds

Brain teasers are more than just riddles; they are a mental exercise that improves your cognitive abilities and provides surprising entertainment.

The puzzles come in all shapes and sizes, from logic questions to word game challenges, and are suitable for all ages.

So, what exactly are brain teasers? A brain teaser is a puzzle that requires thought and unconventional thinking to solve. Unlike math problems, which have clear answers, brain teasers often have misleading clues or require you to approach the problem from a different angle.

Try: Brain Teaser: Are You in the Top 5%? This deceptive letter puzzle will test your concentration.

This kind of “lateral thinking” can enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills, making it a great way to keep your mind sharp.

In this brain teaser we call out to all math lovers!

Get ready to exercise your intelligence and test your math skills with this brain teaser.

In the pictures below, some of the animals are labeled with their value.

Your task? Find the weight of each animal and add them to the final equation.

You might think this challenge seems easy, but here’s a major twist! You need to solve this equation in 25 seconds.

This brain teaser is about more than just summing. Brain teasers like this one can help:

Brainteaser: Calculate the weight of animals in 25 seconds


Brain teasers are a great way to keep your mind sharp, have fun, and maybe even impress your friends with your problem-solving skills.

This question tests your logical and creative thinking. You can easily solve it by studying the equation carefully and applying basic arithmetic operations.

This puzzle requires you to use both logic and creative thinking to solve. The equations in the puzzle provide clues to the value of the items, but you’ll need to use your brain to figure out how to interpret them.

How many values ​​have you found so far?

Time is running out. Hurry!

When you are under time pressure, you have to focus and think quickly. This helps you better recognize patterns and make logical connections.

Time is up!

So, how many values ​​can you find in this brain teaser?

If you have found all the values, then congratulations. Your logic skills have been well rewarded.

If you don’t find any value, don’t give up, you can definitely do it. Just scroll up to the top and try to complete this puzzle.

Here is the answer to this brain teaser question.

Calculating the Weight of Animals: Solutions


In the third equation in the figure, the total weight of the three rabbits is 12 kilograms.

Assume that the weight of a rabbit is X, which means





The weight of a rabbit is 4 kg

The first equation is that we have a bird and a rabbit, both weighing 5 kg

Assuming the weight of the bird is Y, this means


Calculating the weight of the rabbit according to the above formula, we get




So the weight of the bird is 1 kg

The second equation is that a pig and a bird both weigh 99 kg.

We set the value of pig to Z

Ziye = 99

Z-1 = 99

Z = 99+1

Z = 100

The weight of this pig is 100 kilograms

The last equation is for the pig, the bird, and the rabbit. We want to calculate the total weight of these three animals.

Therefore, we get


The weights of all animals were derived from the above data:


So the total weight of all animals is 105 kg

Hope you enjoyed this brain teaser. Keep trying these puzzles and you will surely become a true puzzle master.

Must try: Brainteaser: Who is different from everyone else? A mind-blowing brainteaser!

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