GK Quiz on F1: The Ultimate F1 Brainiac Quiz

Formula 1 is the pinnacle of motorsport, with a rich history and complex rules. Are you a true F1 fanatic? Test your knowledge with these general knowledge questions and test how well you know this fast-paced sport!

1. Which governing body is responsible for sanctioning Formula 1 racing?

a) International Olympic Committee (IOC)

b) International Automobile Federation (FIA)

c) International Cricket Council (ICC)

d) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Answer: b)

2. When did the first season of Formula One take place?

a) 1920

b) 2000

c) 1980

d) 1950

Answer: d)

3. How many points does the winner of a Formula 1 race earn (as of 2024)?

a) 25

b) 15

c) 20

d) 10

Answer: a)

4. What do red flags mean in an F1 race?

a) The entry window opens

b) Changes in weather conditions

c) Safety hazards that need to be stopped immediately

d) Driver change

Answer: c)

5. Which team holds the record for most Formula One World Constructors’ Championship titles (as of June 2024)?

a) McLaren

b) Ferrari

c) Mercedes

d) Red Bull

Answer: b)

6. The checkered flag marks the end of a Formula 1 race. What does pole position represent?

a) Fastest lap time during the race

b) Complete most pit stops

c) Winner of the previous match

d) The front row of the starting line

Answer: d)

7. What is the term for a single-seater Formula 1 car?

a) Formula One

b) Grand Prix racing

c) Open wheel vehicle

d) Prototype

Answer: a)

8. DRS is a movable aerodynamic device used in Formula 1 cars to aid overtaking. What does DRS stand for?

a) Drag reduction speed

b) Driver ranking system

c) Drag reduction system

d) Downforce Reduction System

Answer: c)

9. Which country hosted the first Formula 1 race?

a) United States

b) United Kingdom

c) Italy

d) Germany

Answer: b)

10. Michael Schumacher is the person who has won the most Formula One world championships. How many championships has he won in total?

a) 7

b) 5

c) 9

d) 11

Answer: a)

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