GK Quiz on American Independence

American Independence General Knowledge Quiz: On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. On that day, the thirteen colonies severed ties with Great Britain. In this article, we will explore some of the most important aspects of American independence in the form of a quiz.

This quiz will be useful for students, history buffs, and anyone interested in learning more about American independence.

let’s start!

1. Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

A) George Washington

B) Thomas Jefferson

C) John Adams

D) Benjamin Franklin

Correct Answer: Thomas Jefferson

2. Which treaty recognized the independence of the United States?

A) Treaty of Paris, 1763

B) Treaty of Versailles

C) Treaty of Ghent

D) Treaty of Paris, 1783

Correct Answer: Treaty of Paris 1783

3. Who was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War?

A) John Adams

B) Thomas Jefferson

C) George Washington

D) Alexander Hamilton

Correct Answer: George Washington

4. Which colony was the first to declare independence from Britain?

A) Virginia

B) Massachusetts

C) Rhode Island

D) South Carolina

Correct answer: Rhode Island

5. Where did the Continental Congress meet to discuss and sign the Declaration of Independence?

A) New York City

B) Boston

C) Philadelphia

D) Washington, D.C.

Correct Answer: Philadelphia

6. Which of the following was not one of the original 13 colonies?

A) New York

B) Pennsylvania

C) Ohio

D) Georgia

Correct answer: Ohio

7. Which battle is considered the turning point of the American Revolutionary War?

A) Battle of Bunker Hill

B) Battle of Saratoga

C) Battle of Yorktown

D) Battle of Trenton

Correct Answer: Battle of Saratoga

8. What was the last major battle of the American Revolutionary War?

A) Battle of Bunker Hill

B) Battle of Saratoga

C) Battle of Yorktown

D) Battle of Trenton

Correct answer: Battle of Yorktown

9. Who were the principal authors of the U.S. Constitution (often referred to as the “Fathers of the Constitution”)?

A) George Washington

B) John Adams

C) Thomas Jefferson

D) James Madison

Correct Answer: James Madison

10. What event directly led to the convening of the First Continental Congress in 1774?

A) The Boston Tea Party

B) Boston Massacre

C) Intolerable Behavior

D) Stamp Act

Correct answer: Intolerable behavior

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