GK Quiz on Microsoft: A Quiz on Microsoft’s History and Products

Whether you’re a seasoned pro who’s been using Microsoft products since the MS-DOS days, or you’re new to the world of Windows, this quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the tech giant. From its humble beginnings to its current industry-leading position, Microsoft has had a profound impact on the way we work, communicate, and play. So fire up your virtual engines and get ready to test your Microsoft mettle!

1. In which year was Microsoft founded?

a) 1970

b) 1975

c) 1980

d) 1985

Answer: b)

2. What is the first name of the co-founder of Microsoft?

a) Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

b) Michael Dell and Michael S. Dell

c) Larry Page and Sergey Brin

d) Bill Gates and Paul Allen

Answer: d)

3. Which of the following is not a core Microsoft Office product?

a) Microsoft Word

b) Microsoft Excel

c) Microsoft PowerPoint

d) Photoshop

Answer: d)

4. What is the name of Microsoft’s popular gaming console?

a) XBox

b) Nintendo Switch

c) Wii

d) Sega Genesis

Answer: a)

5. What is the mainstream operating system used on most personal computers today, developed by Microsoft?

a) macOS

b) Linux

c) Windows

d) Chrome OS

Answer: c)

6. What is the cloud-based subscription service Microsoft offers that provides access to Office applications and other productivity tools?

a) iCloud

b) Microsoft 365

c) Google Drive

d) Dropbox

Answer: b)

7. What is the name of Microsoft’s virtual assistant technology?

a) Alexa

b) Siri

c) Cortana

d) Google Assistant

Answer: c)

8. What programming language did Microsoft design specifically for the .NET Framework?

a) C#

b) C++

c) Python

d) Java

Answer: a)

9. What is the name of the popular online communication platform that Microsoft acquired in 2016?

a) Facebook

b) Twitter

c) LinkedIn

d) WhatsApp

Answer: c)

10. What was the name of Microsoft’s first major operating system?



c) Windows 1.0

d) Microsoft Office

Answer: b)

Read | Microsoft Office General Knowledge Quiz: Test your Microsoft skills with this fun quiz!

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