Disney Dream Valley
“Disneyland” was released in 2023 and is a life simulation adventure game launched by Gameloft. Set in the magical Valley of Dreamlight, players take care of Disney and Pixar characters who have lost their memories due to a curse. The game was initially planned as a free-to-play title and became a paid title after its success in early access. Players explore various biomes, scavenge plants infused with dark magic, and use magical tools.
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Star coins earned by selling items can be used to purchase items, upgrade buildings, and fast travel. Interaction with villagers involves building friendships through activities and tasks. The main story revolves around restoring the Valley of Dreamlight, unlocking memories, and overcoming the Forsaken, a dark force connected to the player’s inner child. The game encourages creativity, customization, and connections in an enchanting magical world.
You are watching: How to Feed Cobras Disney Dreamlight Valley Guide? Gameplay, Plot and More
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How to Feed a Cobra Disney Dream Cobra Guide?
Feeding a cobra at Disneyland’s Dreamland involves the following specific steps:
Identifying Cobras: Cobras are found in the Sparkling Dunes biome of the Timeless Isle and come in different variants.
Obtain Eggs: The cobra’s preferred food is eggs. You can buy eggs from Chez Remy for 220 Star Coins each.
Approaching a cobra: When you encounter a cobra among the shimmering sand dunes, approach it with caution. When a cobra notices your presence, it lowers its head.
“Red light, green light”: When the cobra raises its head, stay still so as not to disturb it. Wait for the cobra to lower its head again.
Feed the cobra: When the cobra lowers its head, approach it and interact with it. Select eggs from inventory and feed them to the cobra.
Disney Dream Valley gameplay
Disney Dream Valley is a 2023 life simulation game in which players take care of a magical valley filled with Disney and Pixar characters. The game is set in Dreamlight Valley and combines exploration, farming, and social interaction. Players control customizable characters with magical abilities, synced with real-time on their device.
The main goal is to restore the valley haunted by dark magic and lost memories. Players clear night brambles, gather resources, and use magical tools such as pickaxes and fishing rods. Star Coins serve as currency, earned by selling items and used to purchase items or upgrade buildings.
Interacting with villagers, completing quests, and befriending characters all add to the depth of the game. The enchanting world encourages creativity and provides an enjoyable experience for players of all ages.
Disney Dream Valley Plot
The plot of “Disney’s Dream Valley” revolves around a player who seeks to escape city life and enter the dream world “Dream Valley”. Under the guidance of Merlin, they discovered that the once harmonious valley had fallen into disrepair due to the disappearance of the ruler and the spread of night thorns, causing the villagers to lose their memories in “oblivion”. Players are armed with dreamlight magic and aim to restore the valley.
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They clear giant night thorns, restore memories, and unlock areas where villagers seek refuge. As players help the characters and restore business, they will uncover their roles as the former rulers of Dreamlight Valley. The dark force, the Forsaken, reveals itself as the player’s inner child, corrupted by negative emotions.
The story culminates in Forgiveness, where players and the Forsaken work together to save the valley from destruction and bring harmony to Dreamlight Valley.
Disneyland of Dreams release date
“Disneyland” will be released on December 5, 2023. Developed by Gameloft Montréal and published by Gameloft, the game is a life simulation adventure game available on multiple platforms, including Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, Windows, iOS, macOS, and Apple TV. It initially entered Early Access on September 6, 2022, for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
The macOS version joined Early Access on December 6, 2022, and received its second content update at the same time. Originally planned as a free-to-play game, its early access success led to a move to a premium model, with early access requiring a Founder’s Pack or an active Xbox Game Pass subscription. The game was fully released on December 5, 2023, along with its first paid expansion pack, A Rift in Time, and an Apple Arcade arcade version.
Disney Dream Valley Characters
serial number |
Available roles |
1 |
Anna |
2 |
Ariel |
3 |
beast |
4 |
Beauty |
5 |
Buzz Lightyear |
6 |
donald duck |
7 |
Elsa |
8 |
eve |
9 |
fairy godmother |
10 |
fly high |
11 |
Jack Skellington |
12 |
Christoph |
13 |
Maui |
14 |
Merlin |
15 |
Mickey Mouse |
16 |
minnie mouse |
number 17 |
Moana |
18 |
Sister Gothel |
19 |
Nala |
20 |
Olaf |
twenty one |
prince eric |
twenty two |
Long Hair Princess |
twenty three |
Remy |
twenty four |
scar |
25 |
Scrooge McDuck |
26 |
Simba |
27 |
seam |
28 |
Ursula |
29 |
vanellope |
30 |
31 |
woody |
Disney Dream Valley Trailer
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Source: https://dinhtienhoang.edu.vn
Category: Gaming