How to Level Up Fast in The First Descendant

The First Descendant’s upgrade system plays a big role in the game’s progression. There are a lot of mechanics in games that are usually tied to player level, but in The First Descendant, your main abilities are largely dependent on it. Here’s how to quickly level up in The First Descendant and advance your progression directly to the endgame.

The best way to level up quickly in First Descendants

First Descendant Upgrade

The best way to level up is to play quests, preferably the main story quests. You can roam around each area, completing side quests while killing all enemies on your way, but it’s a slow XP accumulation process. You should play as many main story quests as possible, because you will unlock a main story quest that will lead you to a main story quest, where you will complete a dungeon with a final boss at the end.

You can run this quest publicly or with up to three other players in the game’s matchmaking system. These main quests provide the most experience points, and you should complete them as quickly as possible.

You can also do Void Interception battles, but these are mainly for collecting materials and items. They give a decent amount of experience, but not as much as the main story. If you want to unlock other descendants with amorphous materials, you’ll need to mix these battles up.

How to get XP boost rewards in The First Descendant

30% XP bonus for the first offspring

You can earn Descent XP Boost rewards in a variety of ways, but you won’t like how you get them. These rewards are bundled in the store or in the game’s Battle Pass. The most cost-effective way to get them is through the Battle Pass, which also gives you some Kuiper Buffs and other useful materials and cosmetics.

This is a free-to-play game, so they have to cost money. It’s not mandatory, and these boosts only last for a day, depending on which one you get. When you get one of these, you have to use it efficiently and complete missions quickly after the boost activates.

There is another way to get EXP gain boosts for free: External Components. You can find an External Component, specifically a sensor, that states “Character EXP gain modifier X”. These numbers are very small, but when you grind for hours on end, they add up.

In the end, it all comes down to your skill and persistence, because if you can complete the missions faster, you’ll level up faster. You can start to memorize the controls and even play with a friend to complete the missions faster.

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