Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX – The Secret Bosses

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX – Secret Boss

These bosses are secret for a good reason: they are not part of the main story, and are extremely difficult. Do not attempt these bosses until all other quests are complete and your entire party is at least level 80. Good luck!



Place Clock Tower, Neverland
life value 1200
strength Forty-two
defense Thirty-four
Experience 9999

After locking the keyhole in Hollow Bastion, return to Neverland’s clock tower to find the ghost. Once you arrive in Neverland, have Peter Pan join the party and talk to Tinker Bell in the hut, who will take you to the clock tower. Before leaving, make sure your inventory is full of Ether, Elixir, and Super Potions. The MP Gift ability is also very useful.

When the fight begins, fly to any clock face and lock onto the hands. Cast your Stop spell to prevent the Phantom from sentencing one of your teammates to prison. If a character is sentenced, a countdown will appear above their head, and when the countdown reaches zero, that character will be eliminated from the fight. Once a sentence is set, you can’t stop it from happening, but you can delay it. Cast your Stop spell on the hands to slow down the sentence, and when the Stop spell expires, immediately recast it. If Sora is sentenced and the countdown reaches zero, you immediately lose.

The Phantom will be invincible until you see a small glowing orb underneath it. The orb indicates the Phantom’s current vulnerability. White means it is vulnerable to physical attacks, red means it is vulnerable to fire attacks, blue means it is vulnerable to blizzard attacks, and yellow means it is vulnerable to lightning attacks.

Since you have to use magic to hurt the phantom most of the time, it’s wise to save your magic for attacks and use items to replenish your HP and MP. This is an extremely difficult boss fight, so be patient and make sure no one is sentenced; everyone needs to contribute to defeating the phantom. As you do this, your stop spell will level up.

Rare Drop

Certain items can only be dropped by opponents, and the chance is very small. To maximize your chances of getting a rare item, equip all heroes with Lucky Shot. Goofy’s Defender Shield can only be dropped from Defender opponents. Donald’s Wizard Relic Staff can only be dropped from Wizard opponents.

Kurt Zisa

Kurt Zisa

Place Aladdin’s House, Agrabah
life value 1500
strength Forty-two
defense Thirty-four
Experience 20,000

After locking the keyhole in Hollow Bastion, return to Agrabah and talk to the magic carpet in Aladdin’s House. Take the magic carpet and it will take you to the Desert Battlefield, where you’ll meet the secret boss, Kurt Zisa. Before you go, though, fill all your item slots with Megalixirs, even if you have to craft them yourself at the Item Workshop in Traverse Town. Make sure your magic shortcuts are set to Thundaga, Curaga, and Aeroga.

When the fight begins, cast Aeroga and lock onto the orbs in Kurt Zisa’s hands. These orbs will negate your magic; you must destroy them to restore it. More importantly, when you destroy them, Zisa will fall. When down, aim for Zisa’s head and hit it with physical combos and special abilities like Ars Arcanum and Ragnarok in the brief time before it recovers.

Next, Kurt Zisa will throw up a spherical shield that protects against all physical attacks; at this stage of the fight, you can only use magic. Aim at Zisa and keep casting Thundaga to destroy the shield. Zisa will move quickly, throwing Desert Tornadoes and Fireballs at you; keep moving and collecting MP Orbs that Zisa drops to replenish your MP as much as possible, otherwise you will have to use your Megalixir reserves. When the shield is down, the boss will fall again, and you can deal direct damage to him while he recovers.

Repeat this attack pattern, alternating between physical and magical attacks, until the mechanical monster is broken into pieces. Agrabah can finally be free of the demonic threat!

Sora’s Cheer

Sora can also gain the Cheer ability. This all happens in the Hundred Acre Wood mini-game. Talk to the owl after completing the following mini-game objectives:• Winnie the Pooh’s Honey Hunt: Get over 100 licks• Block Tigger: Get over 150 points• Winnie the Pooh’s Swing: Over 40 yards• Tigger’s Giant Flower Pot: Complete in under 30 seconds• Winnie the Pooh’s Muddy Path: Get all the friends together in under five minutes

Frozen Titan

This secret boss appears after winning the Hades Cup. Talk to Phil and choose the Golden Tournament Mystery Challenge. For full details, see the chapter “Olympus Arena (Revisited)”.


This secret boss appears after winning the Hades Cup. Talk to Phil and select the Gold Tournament’s Mystery Challenge. For full details, refer to the “Olympus Arena (Revisited)” chapter in the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX Official Game Guide. This secret boss appears after winning the Hades Cup. Talk to Phil and select the Platinum Tournament’s Mystery Challenge. For full details, refer to the “Olympus Arena (Revisited)” chapter.

Expert Mode Rewards

Want more of a challenge? Complete the game in Expert Mode. Once completed, your end-game stats are displayed, and new artwork appears on the End screen. If you also complete the requirements to watch the secret movie at the end of the game, a third artwork will appear: Win the Pluto Cup, free all 99 Dalmatians, and seal all world keyholes.

XEMNAS, unknown


Place Castle Chapel, Hollow Bastion
life value 1500
strength Chapter 46
defense Chapter 46
Experience 12,000

After completing the final dimensional event in Armageddon and defeating the Behemoth, you’ll discover Xemnas. At the Final Rest Save Point, before continuing on to the Chaos World, board your Gummi Ship and return to the Castle Chapel in Hollow Bastion. Choose your team (you’ll probably want the muscle of the Beast), load up on Megalixirs and Mega-Potions, and save before the battle. Enter the new portal in the center of the room to face Xemnas.

Xemnas is an extremely tough opponent. He wields a red laser sword and moves at lightning speed. Dodge as he comes at you and get behind him as quickly as possible to counterattack. If you can’t dodge in time, use guard to block and try to counter with a combo of your own. To defend, Xemnas will throw a square force shield in front of him, knocking you back and dealing damage. To make matters worse, sprint or glide away from the area when he throws two blue energy balls at you. These energy balls will expand and explode with great force.

Magic has some effect on Xemnas. You can attack him from a distance with fire spells, but whenever you use a ranged attack, Xemnas will usually turn into a glowing cloud and fly towards you. It’s best to map gravity and lightning spells to your magic shortcuts, lock on to him at the beginning of the battle, and attack him with both spells while your magic remains in effect. Area-of-effect abilities like Trinity Limit can also do minor damage to him.

Once you get used to Xemnas’ lightning-fast reflexes, the biggest danger is his electric shock ability. Several times during the fight, he will surround you with purple electricity, and the word “Electric Shock” will appear in the command prompt. To break free, scroll down and tap the “Release” option when it appears in the command menu. It will disappear quickly (replaced by another “Electric Shock” option), so concentrate on making the right choice. If you fail and Xemnas’ electric shock ability disappears, you will die.

As Xemnas’ HP gets lower, he’ll challenge more. Watch out for his dual laser swords, as he’ll start firing more and more white energy balls. Dodge the energy balls and dual physical attacks, or fly into the air and glide to the other side of the room for a short retreat.

While you’re hiding behind Xemnas, increase your damage and trigger some powerful abilities like Ars Arcanum or Ragnarok. Hang in there. It’ll take many, many combos to take down this super-tough foe.

For a full list of Gummi Parts, be sure to grab the official Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX Game Guide .

Be sure to check out Kingdom Hearts 1.5 – Beginner Tips, Advanced Tips, and Boss Battle Tips.

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