National Space Day Science Quiz With Answers

National Space Day Science Quiz and Answers

Q1: What was the first satellite launched by ISRO?

a) Bhaskara-I


c. Aryabhata

d) Rohini

Answer: c) Aryabhata

Caption: Launched on April 19, 1975, Aryabhata was India’s first satellite and marked the beginning of India’s space journey.

Q2: Which mission made India the first Asian country to reach Mars?

a) Mangalyaan

b) Chandrayaan-1

c) Gaganian

d) Astrosat

Answer: a) Mangalyaan

Caption: The Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) launched in 2013 made India the first Asian country and the fourth space agency in the world to enter Mars orbit.

Q3: Which Indian satellite is dedicated to studying the sun?

1) GSAT-30

b) Aditya-L1

c) Astrosat

d) Cartosat-3

Answer: b) Aditya-L1

Caption: Aditya-L1 is India’s first mission dedicated to studying the Sun, with a special focus on the corona.

Question 4: What is the main objective of the Chandrayaan-1 mission?

Landing on Mars

b) Exploring the lunar surface

c) Study the Sun

d) Launching a communications satellite

Answer: b) Exploring the lunar surface

Description: Launched in 2008, Chandrayaan-1 was India’s first lunar exploration mission aimed at mapping the lunar surface and searching for water.

Q5: What was the name of India’s first manned space program?

a) Shakti

b) Mangalyaan

c) Gaganian

d) Navigation Information Center

Answer: c) Gaganyaan

Description: Gaganyaan is India’s first manned space program, which aims to send Indian astronauts into space.

Question 6: Which satellite system provides regional satellite navigation services to India?

1) Indian Satellite Organization

b) Indian Ocean Navigation Satellite System


d) Cato Satellite

Answer: b) IRNSS

Description: Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), also known as NavIC, provides precise position information for India and surrounding areas.

Q7: What is the main purpose of the GSAT series of satellites?

a) Weather forecast

b) Earth Observation

c) Communications

d) Space Exploration

Answer: c) Communication

Description: GSAT series satellites are mainly used for communication purposes, supporting telecommunication, broadcasting and broadband services in India.

Question 8: Which Indian Space Research Organization mission placed a satellite into geostationary orbit for the first time?

1) GSAT-1


c) SLV-3

d) Apple

Answer: d) Apple

Description: Launched in 1981, the Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment (APPLE) was India’s first experimental geostationary communications satellite.

Q9: What was the name of the rocket used by the Indian Space Research Organization to launch India’s first satellite, Aryabhata?


b) Kosmos-3M

c) Land-based launch vehicles

d) Sullivan

Answer: b) Kosmos-3M

Caption: The Ayepota spacecraft was launched from Kapustin Yar on April 19, 1975 by a Soviet Cosmos-3M rocket.

Q10: Where are the Indian Space Research Organization’s launch vehicles mainly developed?

a) Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota

b) UR Rao Satellite Centre, Bangalore

c) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum

d) Indian Space Research Organisation Propulsion Systems Complex, Tamil Nadu

Answer: c) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum

Description: The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre at Thiruvananthapuram is the lead centre for design and development of launch vehicles for the Indian Space Research Organisation.

Question 11: What was the previous name of Launch Vehicle Mark-3 (LVM-3)?

a) GSLV Mk I

b) High-voltage energy storage device


d) Australian Aviation Safety

Answer: c) GSLV Mk III

Caption: ISRO’s heaviest rocket, Launch Vehicle Mark-3 (LVM-3), was earlier known as Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk III).

Q12: What is the name of the satellite that provides remote sensing data for disaster management?



c) Indian Satellite Organization

d) Navigation Information Center

Answer: a) RISAT

Explanation: RISAT (Radar Imaging Satellite) provides round-the-clock surveillance and is essential for disaster management and agricultural monitoring.

Q13: Which Indian launch vehicle is called the “workhorse of ISRO”?


b) Land-based launch vehicles

c) Sullivan

d) Australian Aviation Safety

Answer: a) PSLV

Caption: The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is known as the “workhorse of ISRO” for its continuous and successful launches of satellites into space.

Question 14: Which ISRO mission first confirmed the presence of water on the Moon?

a) Chandrayaan-1

b) Chandrayaan-2

c) Mangalyaan

d) Astrosat

Answer: a) Chandrayaan-1

Explanation: Chandrayaan-1, through its lunar impact probe and onboard instruments, confirmed for the first time the presence of water molecules on the Moon.

Q15: What is the main focus of ISRO’s Astrosat mission?

a) Solar Research

b) Mars Exploration

c) Multi-wavelength astronomy

d) Weather monitoring

Answer: c) Multi-wavelength astronomy

Caption: Astrosat is India’s first dedicated multi-wavelength space observatory designed to study celestial sources at different wavelengths.

Also read: India’s journey to becoming a space power since independence