The Legendborn Cycle Recap: 8 Things To Remember Before Reading Oathbound

Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Legendborn and Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn.Tracy Deonn’s Legendborn Cycle continues with Oathbound this March, and the third installment promises to up the stakes for Bree and her friends significantly after Bloodmarked‘s ending. Deonn’s Legendborn took the book community by storm upon its 2020 release, offering a new take on Arthurian legend and masterfully blending it with a dark academia setting. Bloodmarked continued Bree’s story in 2022, and it left readers eager to know what would become of her, Sel, and the Order after the sequel’s twisty conclusion.

It’s been three years since Bloodmarked debuted, and readers will finally get some of the answers they’re looking for from Deonn’s best-selling YA fantasy series this month. Oathbound is easily one of the biggest fantasy books of 2025, and it rivals Sunrise on the Reaping as one of the most-anticipated books releasing in March. It’s been a while since Bloodmarked came out, so readers might need to refresh their memories before diving into the third Legendborn book.


Bree Rejected Her Oath To The Order After Arthur’s Betrayal

Arthur Took Advantage Of Bree To Steal Her Body

Bree is casting spells on the book cover for Legendborn.

Among the biggest developments to occur at the end of Bloodmarked is Bree rejecting her oaths to King Arthur, as it’s the only way she can expel him from her body after he possesses her. Arthur uses his bargain to help Bree against her in Bloodmarked, taking advantage of the fact that she’s a medium to eventually take over her body. Arthur wants to escape the dream he’s been trapped in, so he puts Bree in that realm instead. Since her oath to him is what binds them, Bree is able to reclaim her body by rejecting it.

And after everything the Order and Arthur put Bree through in the second installment of the Legendborn Cycle, it’s no surprise Bree has no interest in upholding her vows to the king.

And after everything the Legendborn Order and Arthur put Bree through in the second installment of the Legendborn Cycle, it’s no surprise Bree has no interest in upholding her vows to the king. Her decision raises questions about what comes next, however, as she’s the only known Scion of Arthur, and she notes at the end of the book that she doesn’t intend to leave Excalibur in pieces. Only time will tell how Bree’s connection with Arthur factors into future books, but it’s unlikely we’ve seen the last of him heading into Oathbound.


Bree Relinquished Her Connection To Her Ancestors

Vera’s Warning May Come Into Play In Oathbound

Oathbound cover featuring Bree Matthews with purple and red streaks surrounding her hands and arms

It’s not just Arthur that Bree revokes her oath to in Bloodmarked. She also turns away from Vera and her ancestors, realizing that her power comes from her and her alone. Bree burns her ancestral plane, telling Vera that she’s finally prioritizing herself and her own choices. While it’s a big moment for Bree’s character, it does raise concerns, as she seems to be acting out of grief, and Bree’s connection to her ancestors has protected her in the past. And when she rejects it, Vera warns, “Consider that chaos favors imbalance.”

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Vera’s warning is likely to come up again in Oathbound, especially now that Bree is embracing the chaotic nature of her power and collaborating with the Shadow King. It’s unclear what the effects of her decision regarding her ancestors will be, but it might be difficult for her to reopen that door — even if Rootcrafters are far more considerate and merciful than the likes of the Legendborn Order.


Selwyn Kane Succumbed To His Demon Blood

Natasia Kane Might Be Able To Help Him

Two characters cast spells that are red and blue in the Legendborn Bloodmarked book cover.

Selwyn Kane spends most of Bloodmarked fighting the urge to succumb to his demon blood, but he finally does at the end of the book. He does so to save Bree, absorbing her root when she turns into a dragon in Arthur’s dream realm. This pushes him over the edge after an entire book spent resisting his blood, and it’s possible he won’t be able to come back from it. However, thanks to Bree’s bargain with the Shadow King, Sel has a chance of getting some of his humanity back in Oathbound.

Bree gambles that she’ll be able to save Sel, and we’ll likely find out whether that risk pays off in Oathbound.

The Shadow King knows where Natasia Kane is hiding, and he brings her son to her at the end of Bloodmarked. While she doesn’t promise that she can help Sel, Natasia is living proof that Shadowborn don’t necessarily need to give in to their demon nature. Bree gambles that she’ll be able to save Sel, and we’ll likely find out whether that risk pays off in Oathbound. Given Sel’s complicated relationship with his mother, that dynamic also seems likely to play a prominent role in the upcoming sequel.


Bree Struck A Bargain With The Shadow King

Only He Can Help Her Master Her Power

The Shadow King On The Cover Of Oathbound

Bree’s bargain with the Shadow King — who poses as Erebus throughout Bloodmarked — goes beyond saving Sel. She also hopes that the Shadow King will be able to help her master her powers, recognizing, “Only a king may teach a king.” This is a risky bargain. Although the Shadow King can’t harm Bree because of his bargain with Vera, he is eager to absorb the Scion of Arthur’s power upon her death. Bree will have to grapple with that once she’s fully trained, as the villain will have a greater incentive to ensure she dies, even if it’s at someone else’s hand.

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And with Oathbound‘s synopsis suggesting Bree’s training with the Shadow King will take center stage in Legendborn book 3, this bargain is perhaps the most important detail for readers to remember ahead of the sequel. Bree will need to outsmart the Shadow King if she hopes to escape it with her life. Given how long he’s been around, that’s unlikely to be an easy feat, even for someone as resourceful as she is.


Nick Wants To Stop The Cycle Of The Order

His Return & The Regents’ Departure Might Be An Opportunity

Nick is kidnapped and missing for much of Bloodmarked, but the latter half of the book takes his character in an interesting direction. Although Nick rails against the Legendborn Order even before meeting Bree, his experiences in Bloodmarked leave him determined to break the cycle. He’s tired of all the pain the Order causes, but he doesn’t have a plan when he tells Bree and Sel about this goal. Nick insists that he wouldn’t harm Bree to end the cycle, but he could spend Oathbound looking for another way.

He’s been brought up to be a leader within the Order, and that will be especially important after its leadership falls apart in Bloodmarked.

Although Nick isn’t the true Scion of Arthur, he’s been brought up to be a leader within the Order, and that will be especially important after its leadership falls apart in Bloodmarked. Perhaps Nick will prove the key to paving a better path forward for the members of the ancient organization. It would be a compelling journey for him to go on in Oathbound, especially as he’s separated from Selwyn and Bree.


Alice Is In A Coma After Her Encounter With Arthur

William Using Aether On Her Might Have Bigger Consequences

Bree’s best friend, Alice Chen, gets more wrapped up in the affairs of the Legendborn Order in Bloodmarked, but she pays a steep price for it in the end. Alice reaches out for Bree when Bree is being possessed by Arthur, and the king uses his immense power to throw her off. This lands Alice in a coma, which she remains in heading into Oathbound. William manages to keep Alice alive with his healing power, but Bree’s guilt over her friend’s condition is sure to factor into her story in Oathbound.



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And William notes that healing Alice may have different consequences than when he first healed Bree in Legendborn. While Bree isn’t actually a Onceborn, Alice is, and his use of aether could have unexpected effects. He notes, “I had to use so, so much, Bree, and the aether in her isn’t fading like it should.” It’s doubtful that the Legendborn Cycle will leave Bree’s friend in a coma forever, but even if she does wake up, William’s words hint that she’ll be different.


The Council Escapes & The Order Of The Round Table Is Divided

The lies and conspiracies of the Legendborn Order’s leadership are exposed at the end of Bloodmarked, leaving the Order somewhat fractured heading into Oathbound. The High Council of Regents escapes justice for all their crimes, and those loyal to the Scion of Arthur and the Order’s true goals are forced to team up with the Morgaines to help Bree. Even within the Order’s lower ranks, there’s a lot of tension, particularly because people like Tor refuse to accept Bree as their king.

All the differences within the organization might make it difficult to maintain order in future Legendborn books.

The cracks within the Legendborn Order will probably get worse now that Bree is working with the Shadow King and almost all their leadership is gone. Bloodmarked proves that even some of the Lieges can’t be trusted to uphold the Order, as some want it gone altogether. All the differences within the organization might make it difficult to maintain order in future Legendborn books.


Bree Is Torn Between Sel & Nick Romantically

Bloodmarked Fully Sets Their Love Triangle In Motion

With so much going on at the end of Bloodmarked, Bree’s love life hardly feels like a big deal — but it’s worth remembering where she left things before diving into Oathbound. There are hints of something between Bree and Sel in Legendborn, but Nick remains her primary love interest throughout the first book. Bloodmarked changes that, pushing Bree and Sel closer together in Nick’s absence. And although Bree is poised to spend a good portion of Oathbound away from them both, she’ll eventually have to sort out her feelings for both boys.

Oathbound is now available to purchase wherever books are sold. It’s also available in e-book and audiobook format.

Deonn does a great job of building Bree’s relationships with both Nick and Sel, so it’s hard to say which way the Legendborn Cycle is headed on the romance front. Bree will probably have bigger concerns in the March 2025 sequel, but there will no doubt be traces of both romances intertwined throughout her story. Of course, the series’ trio will have to survive before they can settle on such choices. Hopefully, Oathbound doesn’t make that too difficult for them.