These 10 Incredible Star Wars Fan Theories Make So Much More Sense Than The Canon

There are innumerable Star Wars fan theories, some of which are nearly 50 years old, but of all of them, these 10 are the very best—in fact, they’re so much better than the canon. One of the joys of Star Wars movies and TV shows is the amount of wiggle room there is for fans to come up with their own headcanon. From the beginning, there were both intentional and unintentional gaps in the Star Wars timeline, and fans waste no time theorizing about how the franchise could fill them in.

At times, these theories are even better than the answers Star Wars ultimately gives. This is true of issues with the Star Wars sequel trilogy as well as complaints about the Star Wars prequel trilogy in many ways. Across all Star Wars movies, shows, and books, though, these 10 theories are the very best, and they’re so much better than the truth in Star Wars canon.

Korkie Kryze Is Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Son (And Rey Is A Kenobi)

This Is A Popular Fan Theory, And It’s A Convincing One At That


I will never stop believing this Star Wars theory, even if it’s eventually confirmed to be incorrect in the canon once and for all. From the moment Korkie Kryze appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the fan theory that he was really Obi-Wan Kenobi’s son began spreading like wildfire. This was in part because Satine Kryze, Korkie’s “aunt,” was shockingly revealed to be Obi-Wan’s love interest. What makes this all the more convincing is that Korkie Kryze looks absolutely identical to Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his parents have never been confirmed.

It’s confusing that Korkie is meant to be Satine’s nephew because Satine’s only sibling is Bo-Katan Kryze, who has no children. Satine also isn’t married, so Korkie can’t be her nephew through marriage. What would make sense is Satine using this nephew story as a cover for a secret love affair with a Jedi. While this may seem out of character for Obi-Wan, no one had any idea he’d had a love interest at all, so is it really out of the question?

This would also make it much more possible for Rey to be a Kenobi, which has been a popular theory since the beginning of the sequel trilogy with Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Yes, Rey’s paternal side is confirmed to be a Palpatine bloodline, but little is known about her mother. Especially given there have been hints that Rey’s mother, Miramir, was Force-sensitive, it’s possible she is Korkie’s daughter, making Rey, finally, a Kenobi.

This would also make it much more possible for Rey to be a Kenobi.

Jar Jar Binks Is A Sith

Darth Jar Jar Is A Fan-Favorite Theory


When I first heard about the Darth Jar Jar theory, I thought it was just a joke. To be fair, it started that way, in part because Jar Jar is such a goofy character that it was ridiculous to imagine he could be evil. When looking a bit closer, though, thinking that Jar Jar Binks could be a Sith isn’t that big a stretch. The most compelling evidence for this theory is that Jar Jar grants Palpatine emergency powers in the Republic Senate, which is a major stepping stone in Palpatine’s rise to power.

Jar Jar grants Palpatine emergency powers in the Republic Senate, which is a major stepping stone in Palpatine’s rise to power.

Star Wars even heavily teased this theory, albeit while keeping it firmly non-canonical, with LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy. That miniseries, which presented an alternate reality in Star Wars, included several character reversals, among them Darth Jar Jar. It’s unlikely Star Wars would ever make this canon in the franchise, which makes this fan theory so much better than the reality.

Palpatine Is Anakin’s “Father”

This Has Been A Debate Since The Prequels Were First Released


Anakin’s parentage has long been a confusing part of Star Wars, ever since Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace suggested that Anakin had been a type of immaculate conception. Shmi Skywalker, Anakin’s mother, told Qui-Gon Jinn that “there was no father,” and it was really left at that. Since then, Star Wars has heavily hinted that the Force itself created Anakin, which lends itself to the Chosen One prophecy.

Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker with Darth Vader


Star Wars: The Chosen One Prophecy Explained

The prophecy of the Chosen One lies at the heart of Star Wars’ Skywalker saga – but where did it come from, and how did Anakin Skywalker fulfil it?


An equally prevalent theory—and one I like much better—is that Palpatine created Anakin Skywalker by manipulating midi-chlorians within Shmi Skywalker’s womb. This would make sense, as Palpatine’s Sith master, Darth Plagueis, is known to have possessed the ability to create life. This would also mean that Anakin/Darth Vader was a part of Palpatine’s plot all along, and he had gone to incredible lengths long before The Phantom Menace to make sure all he planned came to pass.

That Is Captain Rex In Return Of The Jedi

Fans Are Desperate To Have This Theory Confirmed


Yet another fan-favorite Star Wars theory is that it is Captain Rex in Return of the Jedi. Rex is one of Star Wars’ best characters, and he has increasingly appeared in Star Wars’ shows, from The Clone Wars to Star Wars Rebels. Many believe that Rex’s first on-screen appearance actually predates these shows by a wide margin, though, and actually came in Return of the Jedi.

There is specifically a Rebel fighter in Return of the Jedi that bears a striking resemblance to Captain Rex, especially Rex when he is a bit older, such as in Rebels. It would be incredible for this fan theory to be proven true, as it would make Rex’s legacy even greater and confirm that he was still alive at this time. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to ever be confirmed, as Dave Filoni explained why he won’t confirm this Rex theory.

Leia Was Experiencing Force Visions—Not Memories—Of Padmé

This Would Explain One Major Lingering Plot Hole


In Return of the Jedi, Leia told Luke that she remembered flashes of their mother, including that she was beautiful but sad. This suggested that, although Luke never knew Padmé, Leia lived with her, at least for a time. This is something that George Lucas even considered—that, at the end of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Padmé would go with Bail Organa and Leia to Alderaan but would eventually die. (I truly wish this had been the story, as Padmé’s death still bothers me.)

Padme looking concerned in the center, with her in her casket to the left and crying to the right in a combined image


19 Years After Revenge Of The Sith, I’m Still Convinced Padme’s Death Was A Big Mistake

While Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith is an excellent movie, the manner of Padme’s death was nevertheless a major mistake in Star Wars.



Instead, Revenge of the Sith revealed that Padmé had died immediately after giving birth to the twins, creating a massive plot hole regarding how Leia remembered her mother. As the sequel trilogy confirmed that Leia was Force-sensitive though, some have theorized that what Leia thought were memories of Padmé were actually Force visions. This fan theory is truly brilliant, and it’s one Star Wars should confirm. It would make so much sense that Leia would be experiencing visions of her mother and, before she was truly connected to the Force and knew that, believe they were simply memories.

Luke’s Green Lightsaber Uses Qui-Gon’s Kyber Crystal

This Would Have Been The Perfect Thread Connecting This Jedi Lineage


One of my favorite Star Wars theories that has explicitly been confirmed to be incorrect in Star Wars canon is that Luke Skywalker’s green lightsaber uses Qui-Gon Jinn’s kyber crystal. This would have been a truly beautiful connection not only between The Phantom Menace and Return of the Jedi, but also between Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi master and his most recent apprentice. In fact, this would have connected the Star Wars Jedi master and apprentice lineage.

This particularly made sense, as Star Wars has confirmed what happened to Qui-Gon’s lightsaber after The Phantom Menace: Obi-Wan took it with him during his exile on Tatooine. It would therefore make plenty of sense that Luke had access to that kyber crystal and could have used it to build his own lightsaber between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Sadly, as mentioned, Star Wars has confirmed this isn’t the case. The canon Star Wars comic, Star Wars (2020) 35, confirmed that Luke got his crystal from the planet Christophsis.

Purchase Star Wars (2020) 35 on Amazon

Mace Windu Is Still Alive

Mace’s Resurrection Would Be Far From The Most Bizarre So Far


Mace Windu seemed to meet a gruesome end in Revenge of the Sith when Anakin cut off his arm and Palpatine sent him flying out the window after electrocuting him with Force lightning. However, Samuel L. Jackson himself has long argued that Mace Windu isn’t really dead. While that may seem like a stretch on the surface, it’s actually pretty believable, especially given Star Wars’ history of resurrections.

There have been much more brutal “deaths” in Star Wars that have turned into resurrections, and, as Jackson himself points out, Mace Windu was one of Star Wars’ most powerful Jedi. It’s not impossible to imagine that Mace Windu went flying out the window but ended up grabbing onto or landing in a speeder flying through Coruscant air traffic. If that’s the case, it would be incredible for Star Wars to confirm it and bring Mace Windu back.

Anakin’s Nightmares Were Coming Directly From Palpatine

Palpatine Was So Manipulative, This Makes Perfect Sense


Anakin’s nightmares about Padmé’s death ended up being indescribably devastating to the Star Wars galaxy. Because Anakin was so terrified of losing Padmé, he was willing to betray everything and everyone he knew and loved to keep her alive. Ultimately, this played right into Palpatine’s hands, as he was able to exploit Anakin’s fears over Padmé dying to get him to turn to the dark side.

This played right into Palpatine’s hands, as he was able to exploit Anakin’s fears over Padmé dying to get him to turn to the dark side.

This likely wasn’t a coincidence, which is why this popular Star Wars fan theory suggests Palpatine had directly implanted these nightmares in Anakin’s mind, guaranteeing Anakin would be desperate to save her. Given what a mastermind Palpatine proved to be throughout this era, it’s easy to believe that this was the case. While Star Wars may not confirm it, this theory is so logical it almost feels as though it doesn’t need confirmation.

Palpatine Stayed In Hiding Until He Was Confident Luke Was Really Dead

This Theory Makes One Of Star Wars’ Most Controversial Choices A Bit Better


The revelation that Palpatine was back from the dead in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was one of the single most controversial plot points in the sequel trilogy, which is saying something, given how controversial the sequels already were at that point. In part, this was because it felt like a throwaway and a last-ditch effort to save the sequels with a popular villain. However, this Star Wars theory would make that at least somewhat better.

Ian McDiarmid's Emperor Palpatine edited over the clone army and Kamino in Star Wars


Star Wars’ Cloning Explained: Clone Army, Project Necromancer, & Palpatine’s Resurrection

Beginning in Attack of the Clones, cloning has been an essential part of Star Wars history ever since, going all the way up to Emperor Palpatine.



This theory suggests that Palpatine waited to reveal he was alive until after Luke had died in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. While that might not entirely fix the issue, particularly because audiences remain furious that The Rise of Skywalker offered little more than “Somehow, Palpatine returned,” it does at least make sense. Luke had obviously been a major threat to Palpatine and the Empire in general. Palpatine wouldn’t have underestimated Luke again, so it would likely be his plan to hide until Luke was gone.

Palpatine Used Padme’s Life Force To Save Anakin

One Of My Biggest Star Wars Grievances Would Finally Be Resolved


One of my least favorite plot points in all of Star Wars is the way that Padmé died. Padmé obviously needed to die before A New Hope, but there were so many ways this could have been done. Instead, Revenge of the Sith confirmed that Padmé simply lost the will to live, which was entirely antithetical to her character. This Star Wars theory would resolve this issue, however, and be so much better than the canon explanation of Padmé’s death.

In this theory, Palpatine would have used the Force to drain Padmé’s life and transfer that life force into Anakin when he was near death after his battle with Obi-Wan on Mustafar. This would not only explain how Anakin/Darth Vader came back from the brink of death but also give Padmé a much better ending, more consistent with her character. This also wouldn’t need to be a retcon, as it would make sense for the medical droid to have no idea why Padmé was dying in this case. Of all the Star Wars fan theories, this is perhaps my favorite.