What Are BHISHM Cubes? Know Everything About India’s Gift to Ukraine

Amid the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the humanitarian crisis is dire, with countless lives affected by the lack of adequate medical facilities and supplies. In this backdrop, India has stepped forward and made a significant contribution to emergency medical treatment in Ukraine – BHISHM Cubes. These are not just ordinary medical kits; they represent cutting-edge solutions designed to save lives in war zones and disaster-affected areas.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the successful handover of four BHISHM cubes to the Ukrainian government. Ukrainian President Zelensky thanked Prime Minister Modi for the humanitarian assistance and stressed that these cubes will speed up the treatment of the wounded and help save precious lives.

The Indian Health Initiative Sahyog Hita & Maitri (BHISHM) is a unique effort that will ensure rapid deployment of medical facilities. It consists of cubes containing medicines and medical equipment. The BHISHM cube was presented to the President today. @ZelenskyyUa. pic.twitter.com/gw3DjBpXyA

— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 23, 2024

What is the BHISHM Cube?

BHISHM cubes are compact and portable medical devices designed to provide immediate care in emergency situations. BHISHM stands for Bharat Health Initiative for Sahyog Hita & Maitri and embodies India’s commitment to cooperation and friendship. These cubes are fully equipped to handle a wide range of injuries and medical emergencies, making them a valuable resource in conflict zones and disaster-affected areas.

Each BHISHM cube contains a range of medical supplies and equipment needed to urgently treat injuries, including trauma kits, surgical instruments, medicines and diagnostic tools.

The cube is equipped with the surgical tools required for a basic operating room (OR), enabling it to perform 10-15 surgeries per day. These range from minor surgeries to more complex surgeries that are critical in emergency situations.

Each BHISHM Cube can handle approximately 200 cases, meeting a wide range of medical needs. When local medical facilities are overwhelmed or unable to provide services, the BHISHM Cube becomes an indispensable asset.

Designed for autonomous operation, the BHISHM Cube is designed to function even in the most challenging environments. It generates its own electricity and produces limited amounts of oxygen, which is critical to sustaining life and supporting medical operations in remote or conflict-affected areas.

Importance of BHISHM Cube in War Zone

War zones are extremely difficult environments for providing medical care. Medical facilities are often targeted, supply chains are disrupted, and medical staff face huge challenges in providing medical care under fire. In such situations, the ability to provide medical care quickly and effectively can mean the difference between life and death.

India’s donation of BHISHM Cubes to Ukraine is a shining example of how innovative medical solutions can make a real difference in the most challenging environments. As a portable, durable and comprehensive emergency medical solution, BHISHM Cubes is not only a response to the current crisis, but also a blueprint for future humanitarian aid efforts.