What is Plastic Ice VII? An Exotic Phase of Water

In addition to the well-known solids, liquids and gases, water exists in various states. For a long time, in theory, the existence stage of water under extreme temperature and pressure conditions. At one such stage, Plastic Ice VIIExperiments are now observed for the first time in experiments using advanced neutron spectroscopy (ILL). This discovery provides key insights into molecular dynamics and planetary science.

Key Points

1. Plastic Ice VII is a hybrid phase with solid and liquid-like properties. 2. 3 were observed at 450-600K and 0.1-6 GPA using advanced neutron spectroscopy. Contradicting the initial MD simulation, a fourfold rotation mechanism 4 is shown. Related to planetary science, especially for cold celestial bodies. 5. Neutron scattering is a key tool for studying extreme pressure water phases.

What is Plastic Ice VII?

Plastic Ice VII is a unique water phase predicted by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations 15 years ago. It combines the properties of solid and liquid to create a Mixed state The molecules form a rigid lattice while maintaining rotational motion.

What are the key features of Plastic Ice VII?

Plastic Ice VII includes a cube lattice with rotational motion formed at its maximum temperature of about 450–600 K. Below the table, all its features are described in detail:




Cubic crystal lattice, similar to Ice VII


Pictosecond rotational motion, unlike traditional solid ice

Formation conditions

High temperature (450-600K) and pressure (0.1-6 GPA)

Scientific methods used

Quasi-elastic neutron scattering (Qens)

Scientific methods and observations

Neutron scattering and identification phase

This study uses quasi-elastic neutron scattering (Qens) to analyze molecular motion across different states. Three different stages were identified:

  1. Liquid water: The molecule exhibits transformation and rotational motion.
  2. Solid ICE VII: Both types of exercise are completely frozen.
  3. Plastic Ice VII: The molecules retain rotational motion but lose conversion motion.

How to set up an experiment for observing external water phases?

For this purpose, neutron experiments were performed at 5 and 6 sharp using a time-of-flight spectrometer. Sample conditions reached 60,000 times the atmospheric pressure of stable plastic ice VII. Advanced thermodynamic control and sample environment allow successful observations of this exotic stage to be successful.

What was the breakthrough discovery of this experiment in the exogenous water stage?

According to Maria Rescigno’s PhD student at Sapienza University, there are two suggestions, here are:

1. Unexpected molecular rotation mechanism

In contrast to the initial MD prediction, studies show that water molecules in plastic ice VII follow a fourfold rotation model, in Jumping plastic crystals. This suggests that molecular behavior is more complex than previously assumed.

2. Phase transition insights

Other neutron and X-ray diffraction experiments explore how ice VII is converted to plastic ice VII. The survey results show that:

  • According to the simulation method, the transition can be first order or continuous.
  • Continuous transitions suggest possible precursors Super electronic stagehydrogen freely diffuses through the oxygen lattice at higher temperatures and pressures.

Will the discovery of Plastic Ice VII be important for planetary science?

The discovery of Plastic Ice VII is of great significance to understanding the internal structure of icy planets and satellites.

Potential applications

Astral body


Ganymede & Callisto (Jupiter’s moon)

Understand ice dynamics and glacier flow

Uranus and Neptune

Explore extreme pressure conditions and internal composition

Exoplanets with a rich atmosphere of water

Assess the presence of exogenous water phases

Neutron scattering in planetary science

  • Traditionally, underutilized neutron scattering is invaluable for mapping hydrogen dynamics in planetary ice structures.
  • The ability to replicate planet-related stress in experiments enhances our understanding of alien water behavior.

in conclusion

The first experimental observation of Plastic Ice VII marks a major milestone in the alien phase of studying water. The results challenge existing molecular models and provide new perspectives in planetary science, especially in understanding the composition of cold satellites and planets. Future research may find more Extravaginous water phasepotentially reshape our understanding of planetary interiors and high-pressure physics. With the development of experimental technology, research Extravaginous water phase New dimensions of physics and planetary science will continue to be revealed.