What is Windows Recall? Know How it works and How to Turn it off?

Microsoft wants to make your PC more powerful with a new feature called Windows Recall. But what exactly is it? How does it work? This article takes a deep dive into Windows Recall, explaining its purpose, what it does, and how to disable it if you want more privacy control.

What is a Windows recall?

Windows Recall is a feature exclusive to the upcoming Copilot+ PC. It’s designed to act as a kind of “photographic memory” for your computer, helping you easily find what you see on your screen.

How do Windows recalls work?

Windows Recall periodically takes “snapshots” of your screen. These snapshots capture what you are looking at, but do not capture audio or continuous video.

You can then search these snapshots using natural language. For example, if you remember seeing a news article on a particular topic but can’t remember the website, you can search the snapshots for relevant keywords.

Benefits of Windows Recall:

Enhanced Search: Quickly find past information you’ve seen on your PC without having to manually search your browsing history or files.

Improve productivity: Recall helps you rediscover content you may have forgotten, saving you time and energy.

Convenience: Natural language search makes finding specific information in a snapshot intuitive and user-friendly.

What are the concerns about the Windows recall?

While Windows Recall offers potential benefits, some users may worry that automatically taking screenshots may violate their privacy. Here’s the good news:

Control snapshots: Microsoft prioritizes user control. You can easily disable saving snapshots completely, delete existing snapshots, or filter which applications are captured.

No cloud storage: Snapshots are stored locally on your device and are not uploaded to the cloud or shared with Microsoft.

How do I turn off Windows Recall?

If you wish to disable Windows Recall, please follow these steps:

Open Windows Settings (WIN+I).

Navigate to Privacy and Security.

Select Calls and Snapshots.

Turn off Save Snapshot.

(Optional) To delete existing snapshots, click Delete All.

Windows Recall is still in preview, and Microsoft may improve its functionality based on user feedback. Whether you choose to accept or disable it, understanding Windows Recall can allow you to personalize your PC experience and optimize your workflow.

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