Will Pax Dei Have a Subscription? – Answered

It’s not often that a new free-to-play MMORPG enters the market these days. There are plenty of free games on Steam, many of which include an astounding in-game store to fund further development, but the most successful ones use a subscription model. So, will Pax Dei use subscriptions or some other way to make money?

Does Pax Dei have a monthly subscription?

When the game launches in Early Access on June 18, Pax Dei will no longer offer a monthly subscription service. You’ll need to purchase the Founder’s Pack, which includes access to the game’s Early Access period, an episode (or multiple episodes, depending on your version), and other in-game items. This period will last until around June 2025, but could last longer if the developers deem it necessary.

Once Early Access ends, the studio says they will adopt a subscription-like model where players will need to pay a monthly fee to play the game. Even if you purchase Early Access, you will still need to pay a monthly fee to continue exploring the world of Pax Dei.

Unfortunately, it’s not entirely clear how this system will work. The studio did say that the total recurring cost of the game will vary depending on how many building plots players wish to control in the game. For added information, the Early Access Founder’s Pack offers between one and four plots of land, depending on which version you purchase.

Of course, nothing is set in stone yet. The game still has a long way to go, development will continue into Early Access, and monetization may change completely. We’ll just have to wait and see!

How do plots work in Pax Dei?

Since the game’s monetization largely revolves around “plot,” it’s best that we touch on this topic here, as it could directly affect the monthly fees you pay in the future.

A plot of land in Pax Dei is a buildable space that each player gets with the Founder’s Pack. You can build with the available sets, and multiple plots can be connected together to form entire player-built towns in the game world.

Additionally, if you have multiple plots, you can choose to assign one of them to an alt or keep them all on one character. This makes for a fun mechanic and a ton of personalization!

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