Does Pax Dei Have Crossplay? – Answered

It’s always fun to know that you and your friend group can enjoy the game together no matter where you play, even if that means playing across systems. Cross-platform play is becoming more and more common, almost a necessity in some games. So, does Pax Dei have cross-platform play?

Can you play Pax Dei Crossplay?

While Pax Dei will only be released on PC, it will be available on Steam and the Pax Dei Launcher, both of which will have access to the same server list. Therefore, you can have cross-platform play between the two platforms. However, I imagine most people will buy the game directly from Steam.

If this MMORPG launches elsewhere, like on the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, or Xbox Series X|S, it might be possible to achieve cross-platform play between digital storefronts on PC in some way, but for an indie studio, cross-platform play between consoles and PC is extremely unlikely.

Of course, this is certainly not a guarantee as no console versions have been released yet. If anything changes, we’ll let you know right away!

What is the price of Pax Dei?

Pax Dei will be available on Steam Early Access on June 18th. There will be three founder packs available for purchase, including:

  • Journeyman – $39.99
  • Craftsman – $59.99
  • Master – $99.99

Each version includes various in-game items and access to the game’s early access period, such as cosmetic items and building sets.

However, the studio did say that they intend to adopt a subscription-like model when the game is fully released in 2025, although they didn’t specify how they would make money. They did say that this might vary depending on the number of building lots you have in your account.

Is Pax Dei on your radar? It looks like the perfect social MMORPG for those who have a large group of friends and are looking for a whole new world to explore!

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