About “Despicable Me”
Despicable Me is a popular animated comedy film that tells the story of Gru, voiced by Steve Carell, a former supervillain who plans to steal the moon. Released in 2010, it marked the beginning of the Despicable Me series and became a hit for its humor and heartwarming moments. Gru adopted three orphan girls, Margo, Edith and Agnes, and their appearance gradually changed his view of life.
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You are watching: Will There Be A Despicable Me 4? Check Despicable Me 4 Release Date
The film introduces the mischievous Minions, little yellow creatures who love to cause chaos. Despicable Me, directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud, explores themes of family, redemption and the transformative power of love. Its success led to sequels, spin-offs, and the enduring popularity of the Minion characters.
Will there be a Despicable Me 4?
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Yes, there will be a Despicable Me 4! The film is scheduled to be released on July 3, 2024. The story will continue Gru’s adventures, with Steve Carell returning to voice Gru, and other familiar actors including Kristen Wiig and Miranda Cosgrove. The plot is expected to involve Gru and his family fighting together in the League Against Evil.
The film was confirmed by Illumination and Universal Pictures in February 2022, with the release date remaining unchanged despite challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and strikes in 2023. Directed by Chris Renaud and produced by Chris Meledandri, Despicable Me 4 is eagerly anticipated by fans of the successful animated series.
Despicable Me 4 actors
Features |
actor |
Felony Gru |
Steve Carell |
lucy wilde |
Kristen Wiig |
Minions |
Pierre Coffin (voice) |
Margot |
Miranda Cosgrove |
undisclosed role |
Steve Coogan |
Despicable Me 4 plot
The plot of “Despicable Me 4” revolves around Gru and his family teaming up with the Anti-Villain League to deal with new bad guys. The film will be released on July 3, 2024. The story follows Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) and his wife Lucy (voiced by Kristen Wiig) as they juggle family life while facing a threat posed by a powerful villain that could destroy the world. .
Details about this villain are still a secret, but the film promises to be one of Gru’s craziest adventures yet. Directed by Chris Renard and produced by Chris Meledandri, Despicable Me 4 continues the beloved animated series with its blend of humor, family moments and the playful antics of the Minions.
Despicable Me 4 release date
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“Despicable Me 4” will be released on July 3, 2024. Directed by Chris Renaud, this highly anticipated animated comedy is the fourth major entry in the Despicable Me franchise. The film stars Steve Carell as Gru, Kristen Wiig as Lucy Wilde, and Pierre Coffin as the Minions. Miranda Cosgrove has also joined the cast as Gru’s eldest adopted daughter Margo, while Steve Coogan plays an undisclosed role.
Development began in September 2017, with official confirmation in February 2022, and production starting in June 2022. As part of the deal with Netflix, “Despicable Me 4” will first stream on Peacock for four months after its theatrical release, and then move to Netflix for 10 months. a few months before returning to Peacock for the remaining four months.
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Source: https://dinhtienhoang.edu.vn
Category: Entertainment