WoW 10.2 Patch Notes
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Developers’ note: We’re reducing the effectiveness of many mana restoration class abilities and specific items. Healers have a lot of decisions and resources to manage that change depending on the type of content you are doing. At its core, we want healers to have interesting abilities and choices to make while healing, and we want you to have to manage your mana pool. We’re hoping our changes reduce the amount of overhealing and make mana matter slightly more, which should make healing across the game a more enjoyable experience.
- Frost
- Unholy
Developers’ note: In Guardians of the Dream we are looking to redistribute Unholy’s damage profile. Unholy has some of the highest burst in the game which means most of their damage profile needs to be tuned around that window. The goal with these changes is to reduce their 3 minute burst while increasing their rotational damage and giving more impact to their 45 second windows which should allow for an overall more healthy damage profile across a fight. We fully expect Unholy will still excel in their Gargoyle windows but they should now also have a little more impact outside of it as well.
Unholy Assault now increases all damage dealt by 20% (was granting 20% Haste for 20 seconds).
Soul Reaper damage increased by 20%.
Death Coil damage increased by 12%.
Scourge Strike damage increased by 12%.
Festering Strike damage increased by 20%.
Festering Wound damage increased by 10%.
Raise Dead (Main Ghoul) damage increased by 10%.
Summon Gargoyle damage reduced by 30%.
Army of the Dead ghoul damage reduced by 25%.
Ghouls summoned by Apocalypse now have their own scaling from the Death Knight’s stats separate from Army of the Dead.
Apocalypse Ghoul damage increased by 12%.
Many talents have changed locations and/or available connections.
Sigil of Flame now moved to Demon Hunter baseline.
Sigil of Flame initial damage increased by 200%.
Elysian Decree has been moved to the Demon Hunter class tree.
New Talent: Live by the Glaive – When you parry an attack or have one of your attacks parried, restore 4% of max health and 10 Fury. This effect may occur once every 5 seconds.
New Talent: Champion of the Glaive – Throw Glaive has 2 charges and 10 yard increased range.
Immolation Aura damage reduced by 8%.
Sigil of Flame duration increased by 2 seconds.
Spectral Sight cooldown reduced to 30 seconds (was 1 minute/30 seconds), and Haste now affects its global cooldown.
Metamorphosis cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 4 minutes).
Darkness now has a 15% chance to avoid all damage from an attack. Chance to avoid damage increased by 100% when not in a raid.
Demonic’s duration for Demon form reduced to 5 seconds (was 6 seconds).
The Hunt initial damage increased by 22% and damage over time damage increased by 30%.
Unrestrained Fury is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and increases max Fury by 20 (was 10/20).
Shattered Restoration is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and increases Shattered Soul healing by 10% (was 5/10%).
Illidari Knowledge is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and reduces magic damage taken by 5% (was 3/6%).
Will of the Illidari is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and increases max health by 5% (was 3/6%).
Rush of Chaos is now a 2-rank talent (was 1) and reduces Metamorphosis cooldown by 30/60 seconds (was 60 seconds).
Quickened Sigils no longer reduces cooldowns of Sigil skills.
Precise Sigils no longer increases Sigil durations by 2 seconds.
Erratic Felheart now reduces cooldown of Fel Rush/Infernal Strike by 8/15% (was 10/20%).
Flames of Fury has been adjusted – Now a 2-rank talent (was 1). Sigil of Flame deals 35/70% increased damage and generates 1/2 Fury per target (was 2).
Chaos Nova cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 1 minute) and Fury cost reduced to 25 (was 30).
Any Means Necessary now correctly shows the same percent value before and after talenting into it.
Cycle of Binding now works with Precise Sigils.
Inertia now triggers correctly after using Immolation Aura twice before using Fel Rush.
Unnatural Malice, Relentless Pursuit, Extended Sigils, Misery in Defeat, First of the Illidari, Fodder to the Flame, Unleashed Power, and Concentrated Sigils have been removed.
- Havoc
Many talents have changed locations or been combined into choice nodes, primarily among those in the bottom half of the tree.
Demonic Appetite is now baseline for Havoc and causes souls to generate 20 Fury (was 30).
Fel Eruption is now baseline for Havoc.
New Talent: Dash of Chaos – For 2 seconds after using Fel Rush, activating it again will dash back towards your initial location.
New Talent: Demon Hide – Magical damage increased by 5%, and Physical damage taken reduced by 5%.
New Talent: Deflecting Dance – You deflect incoming attacks while Blade Dancing, absorbing damage up to 15% of your maximum health.
New Talent: Scars of Suffering– Increases Versatility by 4% and reduces threat generated by 8%.
New Talent: Inertia – When empowered by Unbound Chaos, Fel Rush increases damage by 18% for 5 seconds.
New Talent: A Fire Inside – Immolation Aura has 1 additional charge and 30% chance to refund a charge when used. You can have multiple Immolation Auras active at a time.
New Talent: Chaotic Disposition – Each time you deal Chaos damage, there is a 7.77% chance to duplicate 17% of the damage, up to 3/7 total times. 2-rank talent.
Fel Barrage has been redesigned – No longer channeled, drains 8 Fury every 0.25 seconds, lasting 8 seconds or until Fury is depleted. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets (was 8).
Eye Beam damage increased by 15%.
Fel Rush damage increased by 60%.
Fel Rush now enforces a global cooldown of 0.5 seconds (was 0.25 seconds).
Felblade now enforces a global cooldown of 0.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
Metamorphosis duration reduced to 20 seconds (was 24 seconds).
Glaive Tempest cooldown increased to 25 seconds (was 20 seconds), damage increased by 15%, and damage reduced beyond 8 targets (was 5).
Initiative’s effect is no longer triggered or denied by damage over time effects.
Initiative’s critical strike chance bonus reduced to 10% (was 12%).
Momentum now increases damage by 6% (was 8%), lasts 6 seconds (was 5 seconds), and duration stacks to a max of 30 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Unbound Chaos is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and increases next Fel Rush damage by 250% (was 200/400%).
Critical Chaos is now a 1-rank talent (was 2), and has refund chance 30% of your Critical Strike chance (was 20/40%).
Dancing with Fate now increases Blade Dance’s final slash damage bonus by 25/50% (was 20/40%).
Serrated Glaives is now a 1-rank talent (was 2), and has been adjusted – Enemies hit by Chaos Strike or Throw Glaive (was only Throw Glaive) take 15% (was 10/20%) increased damage from Chaos Strike and Throw Glaive (was Chaos Strike and Eye Beam).
Growing Inferno is now a 1-rank talent (was 2), and increases damage by 10% per tick (was 5/10%).
Soulrend has been renamed to Soulscar. Soulscar is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and causes 100% of damage to be dealt over time as Chaos (was 60/120%).
Isolated Prey has been adjusted – No longer causes Fel Rush to grant Fury; now causes Immolation Aura to always critically strike.
Throw Glaive now triggers Cycle of Hatred’s effect when Furious Throws is selected.
Shattered Destiny now increases demon form duration per 10 Fury spend (was 8).
Burning Hatred now generates an additional 40 Fury (was 50).
Inner Demon now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
Tactical Retreat and Unbound Chaos have swapped talent locations.
Felfire Heart has been removed.
- Vengeance
A few talents have changed locations and/or had new connections added.
New Talent: Ascending Flame – Sigil of Flame initial damage is increased by 50%. Multiple applications of Sigil of Flame may overlap.
New Talent: Illuminated Sigils – Sigil skills have 1 additional charge. You have 20% increased chance to parry attacks from enemies afflicted by Sigil of Flame.
Shear damage increased by 21%.
Fracture damage increased by 21%.
Soul Cleave damage increased by 23%.
Throw Glaive damage increased by 30%.
Chains of Anger now increases duration of Sigil effects by 2 seconds in addition to its previous effect.
Chains of Anger now correctly increases cast reticle size of Sigils.
Soul Carver now generates 3 soul fragments on initial strike (was 2).
Fel Devastation damage increased by 30%.
Fel Devastation cooldown reduced to 40 seconds (was 1 minutes).
Stoke the Flames damage bonus for Fel Devastation reduced to 35% (was 40%).
Fiery Brand now deals damage every 1 second (was 2 seconds), dealing the same total damage over its duration.
Fiery Brand duration increased by 2 seconds.
Burning Alive now causes Fiery Brand to spread every 1 second (was 2 seconds).
Calcified Spikes now provides its benefit if Demon Spikes is refreshed in addition to when it expires.
Demon Spikes can no longer be cancelled manually.
Meteoric Strikes now reduces the cooldown of Infernal Strike by 10 seconds (was 8 seconds).
Fel Flame Fortification now reduces magic damage taken while Immolation Aura is active by 12% (was 10%).
Feast of Souls healing value increased by 100% and no longer has an initial tick.
Bulk Extraction cooldown reduced to 1 minute (was 1 minute 30 seconds).
Soul Barrier absorb values increased by 60%.
Fiery Demise now increases your Fire damage dealt to enemies afflicted by Fiery Brand by 25/50% (was 20/40%).
Focused Cleave now increases Soul Cleave damage to primary target by 50% (was 40%).
Agonizing Flames is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and increases movement speed by 10% (was 10/20%) and Immolation Aura duration by 50% (was 25/50%).
Extended Spikes is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and increases duration of Demon Spikes by 2 seconds (was 1/2 seconds).
Burning Blood is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and increases Fire damage by 10% (was 5/10%).
Darkglare Boon is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and Fel Devastation refreshes 20-40% of cooldown (was 10-20/20-40%) and refunds 20-40 Fury (was 10-20/20-40).
Darkglare Boon and Sigil of Chains have swapped talent locations.
Fel Flame Fortification and Revel in Pain talents have swapped locations.
Deflecting Spikes is no longer connected to Calcified Spikes and Retaliation in the talent tree.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (4) Set Bonus – Souls required to trigger Recrimination increased to 60 (was 20).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (4) Set Bonus – Duration of Fiery Brand applied by Set Bonus reduced to 3 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Heart of the Wild has been updated – Now additionally reduces the cast time of Balance spells by 30% and increases their damage by 20% (was 30%) and generates 1 combo point per 2 seconds while in Cat Form and increases Physical damage by 20% (was 30%).
Innervate duration is now 8 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Druid of the Flame Cat Form has been updated.
- Balance
Developers’ note: In Guardians of the Dream we’d like to diversify Balance’s talent builds in different content and provide more viable options. Wild Mushrooms was too expensive to compete with other talent options, so we combined it and Fungal Growth into a single point. We also removed the conflict between maintaining Rattle the Stars and maximizing Starlord – we like the “save resources and spend during Eclipse” gameplay of Balance and feel Starlord epitomizes it better.
Mastery: Astral Invocation has been updated – Your Nature spells deal increased damage and additional damage to targets affected by Sunfire. Your Arcane spells deal increased damage and additional damage to targets affected by Moonfire.
All ability damage increased by 2%.
Starsurge damage increased by 6%. This does not affect PvP combat.
Shooting Stars damage increased by 15%.
Nature’s Grace now grants 10% Haste (was 15%).
Power of Goldrinn damage increased by 20%. Moved to where Starlord was located in Fractures in Time.
Starlord has moved to where Power of Goldrinn was located in Fractures in Time.
Rattle the Stars has been redesigned – It is no longer a buff that stacks when you cast Starsurge or Starfall and is now a passive bonus that always reduces the cost of Starsurge and Starfall by 10% and increases their damage by 12%.
Fungal Growth has been removed. Wild Mushrooms now includes the effects of Fungal Growth.
Wild Mushrooms damage reduced by 12% and the Fungal Growth damage over time has been reduced to 60% of Wild Mushroom damage (was 70%). Fungal Growth’s damage over time now deals damage over 10 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Friend of the Fae’s tooltip updated – “When a Faerie Dragon is summoned, your spells deal 10% increased damage for 20 seconds.”
Developers’ note: This is a tooltip consistency change, not a functional change. Balance spells whose tooltips say they modify your Arcane and Nature spell damage, like when you get the benefit of both Eclipses during Celestial Alignment, provide double their bonus to Astral spells. Friend of the Fae does not.
The positions of the Aethereal Kindling and Lunar Shrapnel talents have been swapped.
Fixed a few issues with Balance’s Mastery. Mastery’s default damage bonuses now correctly increase the damage of Wild Mushroom, Power of Goldrinn, and Orbital Strike.
- Feral
Developers’ note: Apex Predator’s value varies a lot in single target and AOE, so we’re evening that out a little. We’re trying a new version of Ashamane’s Guidance, as we don’t love the randomness of the current version with the updated Berserk design – it’s hard to optimize its damage and resource generation without using external tracking mods. The new version will have more consistent value and rewards you for maintaining your most important bleeds.
New Talent: Saber Jaws – When you spend extra Energy on Ferocious Bite, the extra damage is increased by 40%/80%. Replaces Cat’s Curiosity.
Ashamane’s Guidance’s effect for Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane has been redesigned – During Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane and for 30 seconds after it ends, your Rip and Rake each cause affected enemies to take 3% increased damage from your abilities.
Feral Druids can now cast Innervate in Cat Form.
Rampant Ferocity damage increased by 10%.
Relentless Predator now reduces the Energy cost of Ferocious Bite by 10% (was 20%).
Apex Predator’s chance to trigger is increased against a low number of targets and decreased against a high number of targets. Its chance to trigger is about the same as before against 4 targets.
- Guardian
Developers’ note: Guardian Druid’s Rage generation scales exceptionally well with large numbers of targets, often resulting in resource saturation. This adjustment to Blood Frenzy is meant to tone down Rage income in scenarios with large target counts.
Thrash’s rage generation from Blood Frenzy now has a target cap (was previously uncapped).
Blood Frenzy now grants 3 Rage each time Thrash deals damage (was 2).
- Restoration
New Talent: Liveliness – Your damage over time effects deal their damage 25% faster, and your healing over time effects heal 5% faster.
Cenarius’ Guidance’s Incarnation: Tree of Life functionality has been redesigned – During Incarnation: Tree of Life, you summon a Grove Guardian every 10 seconds. The cooldown of Incarnation: Tree of Life is reduced by 5 seconds when Grove Guardians fade.
Incarnation: Tree of Life now additionally empowers Wrath, causing it to deal 20% more damage and be instant cast.
Reforestation now grants Incarnation: Tree of Life for 10 seconds (was 9 seconds).
Grove Guardian’s Nourish healing reduced by 16%.
Grove Guardian’s Swiftmend healing reduced by 20%.
Grove Guardian’s Wild Growth healing from Wild Synthesis reduced by 20%.
Grove Guardians are now present on the totem bar.
Regrowth initial healing increased by 20%.
Regrowth heal over time effect increased by 42%.
Regrowth now costs 3.2% base mana (was 3.4%).
Rejuvenation healing increased by 25%.
Wild Growth healing increased by 15%.
Wild Growth now costs 4% base mana (was 4.4%).
Cenarion Ward healing increased by 25%.
Swiftmend healing increased by 30%.
Wrath and Starfire damage increased by 90%.
Sunfire now costs 1.8% base mana (was 2.4%).
Luxuriant Soil now causes Rejuvenation to have a 1%/2% chance to jump to a nearby ally (was 1.5%/3%).
Grove Tending healing increased by 30%.
Abundance now caps at 12 stacks, for a maximum of 60% crit/cost reduction (was uncapped).
Inner Peace now reduces the cooldown of Tranquility by 30 seconds (was 60 seconds).
Spring Blossoms healing reduced by 25%.
Embrace of the Dream healing reduced by 30%.
- Flourish now extends the duration of all your heal over time effects on friendly targets within 60 yards by 6 seconds (was 8 seconds), and increases the rate of your heal over time effects by 25% (was 100%) for 6 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Flourish cooldown is now 60 seconds (was 90 seconds).
Flourish procs from Convoke the Spirits now extends heal over time effects by 3 seconds (was 4 seconds) and lasts 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (2) Set Bonus – Now increases the healing of Regrowth’s periodic heal by 35% (was 50%).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (4) Set Bonus – Now increases the rate of your heal over time effects by 26% (was 30%).
Fixed an issue that caused Efflorescence to slay Grove Guardians.
Circle of Life and Death has been removed.
- Augmentation
Developers’ note: Our goal with these changes is to reduce the power of stacking as many Augmentation buffs as possible on the same 4 targets in raid scenarios. We want to support having multiple Augmentation Evokers in a raid, but also prevent having 4 of them feel required to do maximum damage. By forcing these buffs to spread themselves out, it should still be viable to have multiple Augmentation Evokers without being overpowered.
If 2 Ebon Mights are already active on an ally, Ebon Might will now seek a nearby ally with fewer than 2 Ebon Mights.
Ebon Might’s priority to apply to other Augmentation Evokers has been reduced and will apply to other damage dealing roles first.
If 2 Presciences are already active on an ally, Prescience will no longer be able to be applied to that ally.
When casting Prescience with an enemy selected, its priority to apply to other Augmentation Evokers has been reduced and will apply to other damage dealing roles first.
Prescience now has 2 charges.
Prescience now clears on raid encounter and Mythic+ start.
Developers’ note: Augmentation’s contributions to the party, particularly in Mythic+, are too impactful and are making it difficult for other compositions to shine. As a result, we’re doing some targeted nerfs to their group utility by reducing the value of Aspects’ Favor, Molten Blood, and Ebon Might.
Ebon Might grants 8% of the Evoker’s primary stat (was 10%).
Ebon Might now clears on raid encounter and Mythic+ start.
Shifting Sands now prefers to apply to an ally who does not already have Shifting Sands.
Aspects’ Favor increases maximum health by 2/4% (was 3/6%).
Molten Blood absorption reduced by 50%. This does not affect PvP combat.
- Devastation
Developers’ note: We are reducing the effectiveness of Mastery: Giantkiller and adding a health floor for the damage bonus. The goal is to bring some damage out of Dragonrage due to the talent Tyranny and make Devastation less reliant on hitting high health targets, while still retaining the flavor and gameplay of the Mastery. This makes them less bursty in PvP and allows them to be more flexible in raid and dungeon content. To compensate for the reduced damage during Dragonrage, we’re increasing Devastation’s overall damage as well.
Mastery: Giantkiller reduced by 25%. For example at level 70, 180 Mastery rating now grants 1.5% Mastery (was 2%). In addition, damage no longer falls off once the target reaches 30% health.
All damage increased by 8%.
Disintegrate damage increased by 15%.
Inherent Resistance reduces magic damage taken by 4/8% (was 2/4%).
Attuned to the Dream increases healing done and healing received by 3/6% (was 2/4%).
- Preservation
Living Flame healing increased by 20%.
Verdant Embrace healing increased by 35%.
Resonating Sphere applies Echo to the first 3 allies it hits (was 5).
Cycle of Life now accumulates 10% (was 15%) of your healing over 8 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Rewind recovers 33% of damage taken in the last 5 seconds (was 40%).
Fluttering Seedlings no longer occur from Emerald Blossoms that are triggered from Echo.
Fluttering Seedlings healing has been increased by 20%.
- Augmentation
Developers’ note: We like the idea of Hunter’s Mark highlighting specific targets on the battlefield, so we have made an adjustment to Hunter’s Mark to cause it to increase all damage taken by 5% on targets above 80% health.
- Hunter’s Mark now increases all damage taken by the target by 5% while the target is above 80% maximum health.
When applying Hunter’s Mark out of combat or before a pull, it continues to have no cooldown. If you apply Hunter’s Mark while in combat, Hunter’s Mark receives a 20 second cooldown.
Fixed an issue where Entrapment didn’t share diminishing returns with other root abilities.
Fixed an issue where several talents or set bonus effects that modified damage dealt or critical damage dealt did not properly affect the damage of Poison Injection.
- Beast Mastery
Developers’ note: Aspect of the Wild and Call of the Wild have struggled to be compelling choices during Dragonflight. Both of these cooldowns were competing for similar design space to make you and your pets feel stronger in a way that feels different than Bestial Wrath. After evaluating these abilities, we have decided to replace Aspect of the Wild entirely and convert it into passive options on the talent tree. The removal of Aspect of the Wild allows us to double down on Call of the Wild being a strong pet summoning cooldown for the Beast Mastery spec. We’re also lowering the number of talent points in the Thrill of the Hunt and Dire Command talent nodes from 3 to 2, which should give you some extra flexibility in your talent choices.
New Talent: Savagery (Passive) – Kill Command damage is increased by 10%. Barbed Shot lasts 2 seconds longer. Replaces Aspect of the Wild.
Master Handler has been redesigned – Each time Barbed Shot deals damage, the cooldown of Kill Command is reduced by 0.5 seconds.
Call of the Wild has been slightly redesigned – Cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes) and the base ability now also has the added functionality: Whenever Call of the Wild summons a pet, the cooldown of Kill Command and Barbed Shot are reduced by 50%.
Wild Instincts has been redesigned – While Call of the Wild is active, each time you Kill Command, your Kill Command target takes 3% increased damage from all of your pets, stacking up to 10 times.
Bloody Frenzy has been redesigned – While Call of the Wild is active, your pets have the effects of Beast Cleave, and each time Call of the Wild summons a pet, all of your pets Stomp.
Thrill of the Hunt is now a 2-rank talent (was 3). Each rank grants 2% critical strike chance, stacking up to 2/4 times (was 3%, stacking 1/2/3 times).
Dire Command is now a 2-rank talent (was 3). Each rank grants 15/30% chance to trigger (was 10/20/30%).
Bonus pets from Call of the Wild now spawn on top of your target rather than by your side.
Aspect of the Wild and Snake Bite have been removed.
- Marksmanship
Developers’ note: Windrunner’s Guidance being unreliable has added too much variance to a hunter’s performance on each dungeon or raid attempt. This should keep the Wind Arrow theme strong and useful, while being predictable and reliable for how it interacts with your other abilities and the Trueshot cooldown.
Windrunner’s Guidance has been redesigned – Each Wind Arrow fired reduces the cooldown of Rapid Fire by 0.5 seconds, and every 8 wind arrows increases the duration of your next Trueshot by 1 second, up to a maximum of 10 seconds.
- Survival
- Wildfire Bombs now correctly states that damage is reduced when damaging more than 8 targets.
- Wildfire Bombs now deal 40% increased damage to your primary target.
Developers’ note: The Aberrus Survival set bonus increases the value of Wildfire Bomb while in single target encounters in a way that has worked out well. We want to keep this interaction going forward for Survival, so we are removing it from the set bonus and just making all variants of Wildfire Bomb, including any periodic damage effects, deal 40% increased damage to your primary target when using Wildfire Bomb.
The empowerment buff from Coordinated Assault now lasts for 5 seconds (was 3 seconds).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (4) Set Bonus – No longer causes Kill Command to increase damage taken from Wildfire Bombs.
Fixed an issue where the Coordinated Assault empowerment buff had the wrong spell description.
- Arcane
Fixed an issue with the Arcane Missile Volley reach extending far further than intended.
Fixed an issue where Clearcasting would trigger off non-Mage spells.
Fixed an issue where gaining Clearcasting from Cascading Power wouldn’t correctly gain all the Clearcasting modifiers including Slipstream’s channel while casting benefit.
Fixed an issue where consuming a Concentration proc would not also grant Nether Precision if talented.
Fixed an issue with Arcane Surge not splashing beyond 5 targets as indicated on the tooltip.
Siphon Storm’s tooltip has been updated to clarify that it grants 1 Arcane Charge.
- Fire
- Arcane
- Holy
All healing reduced by 8%.
Holy Light healing increased by 40%.
Flash of Light healing increased by 30%.
Touch of Light healing now increased by 500% (was 700%).
Holy Prism heal increased by 40%.
Word of Glory healing increased by 10%.
Glimmer of Light healing and damage is now increased by 4% per target (was 6%).
Glimmer of Light damage increased by 10%.
Blessed Focus now increases the healing of Glimmer of Light by 40% (was 25%).
Hand of Divinity now increases the healing of Holy Light by 40% (was 80%).
Merciful Aura healing is now increased by 20% (was 50%) while Aura Mastery is active.
Merciful Aura healing increased by 15%.
Saved by the Light’s absorb shield increased by 50%.
Barrier of Faith now creates an absorb based on 25% of healing done (was 50%).
Aura Mastery now increases the effectiveness of Devotion Aura to 12% (was 15%).
Daybreak now restores 2000 mana per Glimmer consumed at level 70 (was 3000).
Blessing of Winter now restores 10% mana over 30 seconds (was 15%).
Reclamation now restores up to 10% of Crusader Strike and Holy Shock’s mana cost (was 15%).
Holy Shock now costs 2.8% base mana (was 2.4%).
Sanctified Plates is now 40% less effective.
Blessing of Sacrifice now splits 20% of all damage (was 30%).
- Protection
- Retribution
Blade of Vengeance now functions as an addition to your single target Blade of Justice rather than replacing it.
Fixed a few targeting issues that caused Wrathful Sanction to trigger multiple times on one Judgment cast.
Fixed an issue causing unintentional Divine Purpose and Empyrean Power proc consumption.
- Holy
Developers’ note: Power Infusion has proved to be too impactful due to how it stacks with cooldowns on specializations that excel at dealing damage in a short window. We’re reducing it’s duration and amplitude to balance our burst classes and keep them more in line with steady-state damage dealers.
Power Infusion Haste reduced to 20% (was 25%) and duration reduced to 15 seconds (was 20 seconds).
New Talent: Mental Agility – Reduces the mana cost of Purify, Purify Disease, and Mass Dispel by 50% and Dispel Magic by 10%.
Shadow Word: Death now deals 8% of the Priest’s maximum health in damage when it fails to kill a target instead of the backlash damage being based on damage dealt.
Tithe Evasion now reduces Shadow Word: Death damage dealt to the Priest by 50% (was 75%).
Shadow Word: Death backlash damage is now reduced by damage reduction effects.
- Mass Dispel cooldown is now 2 minutes (was 45 seconds).
Developers’ note: We’re reducing the frequency that Priests have access to Mass Dispel as the value of the spell is exceeding the value of other utility at its current power level and cooldown. We’re looking to allow for more situations where magic debuffs are applied to multiple players without having a Priest trivializing the intended difficulty of the mechanics.
Improved Mass Dispel is now a PvP talent and reduces the cooldown of Mass Dispel by 60 seconds (was 20 seconds).
Improved Mass Dispel no longer reduces the cast time of Mass Dispel.
Improved Mass Dispel has been replaced with Mental Agility in the Priest talent tree.
Power Word: Life healing increased by 500% and no longer increases its healing on targets below 35% health.
Power Word: Life now costs 2.5% mana (was 0.5%).
Power Word: Life cooldown decreased to 15 seconds (was 30 seconds), but its cooldown is no longer decreased when cast on targets below 35% health.
Power Word: Life is now only usable on targets below 35% health.
Rhapsody now only highlights Holy Nova at max stacks while in combat.
- Discipline
Developers’ note: The goal of these changes is to simplify Discipline’s damage rotation as well as the number of stacking modifiers used when ramping up for burst healing. This should make it smoother to play by reducing the number of abilities pressed in sequence, allowing players to focus on managing Atonement and triaging their allies instead.
New Talent: Sanctuary – Smite prevents the next 80% damage dealt by the enemy.
New Talent: Ultimate Penitence – Ascend into the air and unleash a massive barrage of Penance bolts, causing Holy damage to enemies or healing to allies over 6 seconds. While ascended, gain a shield for 50% of your health. In addition, you are unaffected by knockbacks or crowd control effects.
New Talent: Heaven’s Wrath – Each Penance bolt you fire reduces the cooldown of Ultimate Penitence by 2 seconds.
New Talent: Overloaded with Light – Ultimate Penitence emits an explosion of light, healing up to 10 allies around you and applying Atonement at 50% of normal duration.
Schism has been redesigned to be a passive talent – Now causes Mind Blast to fracture the enemy’s mind, increasing your spell damage to the target by 10% for 9 seconds.
Harsh Discipline has been redesigned – Power Word: Radiance causes your next Penance to fire 1 (or 2) additional bolts, stacking up to 2 times.
- Shadow Covenant has been redesigned to be a passive talent – Shadowfiend enters you into a shadowy pact, transforming Halo, Divine Star, and Penance into Shadow spells and increasing the damage and healing of your Shadow spells by 25% while active (10% with Mindbender).
Developers’ note: Shadow Covenant is another ability that must be sequenced correctly and is usually stacked with other damage modifiers. By merging this effect with Shadowfiend, we can streamline the damage rotation and make Shadowfiend a more exciting cooldown at the same time.
Shadow Covenant’s visuals have been improved.
Penance damage increased by 32%.
Penance healing increased by 50%.
Power Word: Barrier now reduces 20% of all damage taken (was 25%).
Atonement healing is now increased by 50% when not in a raid.
Flash Heal healing increased by 40%.
Power Word: Shield absorption increased by 10%.
Divine Aegis is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
All damage done reduced by 9%.
Purge the Wicked damage increased by 5%.
Shadow Word: Pain damage increased by 10%.
Sins of the Many increases damage by 20% (was 40%).
Mind Blast now has a 24 second cooldown (was 9 seconds).
Mind Blast damage has been increased by 30%.
Dark Indulgence no longer grants an additional charge of Mind Blast. Instead, Mind Blast has a 100% chance to grant Power of the Dark Side.
Inescapable Torment damage increased by 60%.
Inescapable Torment now triggers from Penance in addition to Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death.
Inescapable Torment is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
Void Summoner reduces the cooldown of Shadowfiend by 4 seconds or Mindbender by 2 seconds (was 2 seconds for both).
Expiation increases Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death damage by 15/30% (was 10/20%).
Weal and Woe increases Smite’s damage by 20% per stack (was 12%) and Power Word: Shield by 10% per stack (was 5%).
Rhapsody now increases the damage of Holy Nova by 10% per stack (was 20%).
Mindbender and Void Summoner have swapped locations in the talent tree.
Fixed an issue causing Mindbender to sometimes return to your side immediately upon being summoned.
- Power Word: Solace, Light’s Wrath, Resplendent Light, Wrath Unleashed, Embrace Shadow, and Make Amends have been removed.
Developers’ note: Power Word: Solace has a long history, but it was another example of a short cooldown damage button that cramped the rotation, so we’re removing it.
- Holy
Developers’ note: With the Flash Heal and Heal buffs, Trail of Light was overperforming, so we’re reducing its value to match its previous power level. We’re also increasing the value of Pontifex since it was an unpopular talent. Finally, we’re making Echo of Light’s period faster so that it is more responsive to damage.
Flash Heal healing increased by 40%.
Divine Star healing decreased by 25%.
Heal healing increased by 40%.
Holy Word: Serenity healing increased by 30%.
Holy Word: Salvation’s cooldown is now reduced by 15 seconds (was 30 seconds) by Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify.
Holy Word: Sanctify now heals up to 5 allies (was 6).
Symbol of Hope now restores 10% of missing mana (was 15%).
Symbol of Hope recovers 30 seconds of cooldown for a major defensive ability (was 60 seconds).
Prismatic Echoes now increases the healing of Echo of Light by 4/8% (was 6/12%).
Prayer of Mending healing decreased by 5%.
Halo healing decreased by 15%.
Echo of Light healing decreased by 15%.
Echo of Light heals every 2 seconds and lasts 4 seconds (was heals every 3 seconds and lasts 6 seconds).
Divine Image’s Dazzling Light healing decreased by 35%.
Divine Image’s Blessed Light healing decreased by 20%.
Trail of Light replicates Heal or Flash Heal for 13/25% value (was 18/35%).
Pontifex increases healing done by Holy Words by 20%, stacking 2 times (was 10%).
- Shadow
Shadow Crash damage is now reduced beyond 5 targets.
- Surge of Insanity now triggers from every 2 casts of Devouring Plague (was every cast of Devouring Plague).
Developers’ note: The rotation has a lot going on and much of that is due to the frequency that Mind Flay: Insanity and Mind Spike: Insanity are available, so we’re adjusting the frequency of the effect.
Mind Flay damage increased by 10%.
Mind Flay: Insanity damage increased by 30%.
Mind Flay: Insanity now generates 16 Insanity over its duration (was 12).
Mind Spike: Insanity damage increased by 20%.
Mind Spike: Insanity now generates 8 Insanity (was 6).
Shadow Word: Pain damage increased by 17%. Not applied to PvP combat.
Shadow Apparition damage increased by 17%. Not applied to PvP combat.
Vampiric Touch damage increased by 25%. Not applied to PvP combat.
Fixed an issue causing Deathspeaker to reset the cooldown of Shadow Word: Death to 10 seconds.
Fixed an issue causing Deathspeaker to trigger the cooldown lockout for Death and Madness.
Developer’s note: In Guardians of the Dream we are updating all 4 Rogue talent trees to bring them up to current standards. A sweeping pass was needed to make significant adjustments to address notable concerns, like: moving the first gate from row 3 to row 4 to match all other classes; improving pathing and increasing interconnectedness on every tree; removing 3-point nodes; and reducing the percentage of minor DPS talents taken in the Class tree to make room for more flavorful and robust utility options. We also wanted to use the opportunity where so many things are changing to rework or redesign some talents that needed the update, and also to add new talents to experience.
Many changes have been made to Class talent positions and connections.
Sap is now a baseline ability.
New Talent: Featherfoot (Passive) – Sprint increases movement speed by an additional 30%, and duration increased by 4 seconds.
New Talent: Superior Mixture (Passive) – Crippling Poison reduced movement speed by an additional 10%.
New Talent: Graceful Guile (Passive) – Feint has 1 additional charge.
New Talent: Stillshroud (Passive) – Shroud of Concealment has 50% reduced cooldown.
New Talent: Airborne Irritant (Passive) – Blind has 50% reduced cooldown, 40% reduced duration, and applies to all nearby enemies.
Shiv damage increased by 20%.
Shiv now costs 30 Energy (was 20) and has a 30 second cooldown (was 25 seconds).
Vigor’s location has changed and is now a 2-rank talent (was 1), increasing max Energy by 50/100 and increasing Energy regeneration by 5/10%.
Deadly Precision is now a 1-rank talent (was 2). Per rank value has not changed.
Nightstalker’s location has changed and now increases damage while Stealth is active by 5/10% (was 4/8%).
Echoing Reprimand now charges a combo point from 3/4/5 (was 2/3/4).
Reverberation now increases Echoing Reprimand damage by 100% (was 75%).
Deadened Nerves now reduces physical damage taken by 5% (was 3%).
Elusiveness now causes Evasion to reduce damage taken by 20% (was 10%).
Subterfuge refreshes duration correctly when broken out of Vanish while another Subterfuge is active.
Lethality now interacts with Blade Flurry when talented into Deft Maneuvers.
Heavy Hitter now interacts with Blade Flurry when talented into Deft Maneuvers.
Grand Melee now increases damage dealt correctly.
Improved Wound Poison, Superior Mixture, and Atrophic/Numbing Poisons have shuffled talent locations.
Seal Fate has moved to Assassination’s talent tree.
Thief’s Versatility has moved to Outlaw’s talent tree.
Find Weakness has moved to Subtlety’s talent tree.
Marked for Death has been removed.
- Assassination
Developers’ note: Assassination is known for having strong single target damage, but has two areas of concern we hope to address in Guardians of the Dream. First and foremost, their AoE has been notably weak and left them far behind the pack for dungeons and certain raid encounter types. Secondly, Assassination’s damage performance does not improve at a similar rate compared to most specs when players improve their play and coordination to take on bigger challenges, like when moving from Heroic to Mythic level raiding. For the first concern, we hope the changes here will raise the floor of Assassination’s AoE and that it will feel like a distinct Assassination-like way to deliver AoE damage. As for the second concern, it’s very important to us that we not completely rewrite the book and threaten to undermine what makes Assassination appealing for so many players from both fantasy and gameplay perspectives. With that in mind, the changes aimed at addressing this issue are more subtle. We hope to have created more room for players tackling high-end content to use their resources and encounter knowledge to get improved performance outcomes, while not increasing the number of hoops players at all levels need to jump through to get results similar to the past.
Many changes have been made to Assassination talent positions and connections.
Shadowstep is now a baseline ability.
New Talent: Sudden Demise (Passive) – Bleed damage increased by 10%. Targets below 35% health instantly bleed out and take fatal damage when the remaining Bleed damage you would deal to them exceeds 150% of their remaining health.
New Talent: Caustic Spatter (Passive) – Using Mutilate on a target afflicted by your Rupture and Lethal Poison applies Caustic Spatter for 10 seconds. Caustic Spatter causes 35% of Poison damage dealt to splash onto other nearby enemies, reduced beyond 5 targets. Limit 1.
New Talent: Path of Blood (Passive) – Increases max Energy by 100.
Exsanguinate renamed to Sanguine Blades and has been redesigned – While above 50% of maximum Energy your Garrote, Rupture, and Crimson Tempest consume 2 Energy to duplicate 25% of any damage dealt. Passive talent.
Indiscriminate Carnage has been redesigned – Garrote and Rupture apply to 2 additional nearby enemies when used from Stealth and for 10 seconds after breaking Stealth. Passive talent.
Envenom damage increased by 8% and duration reduced by 1 second.
Kingsbane damage reduced by 15%.
Kingsbane initial damage now critically strikes when used with Cold Blood.
Improved Shiv now increases Nature damage by 30% (was 20%).
Venomous Wounds’ effect now restores 8 Energy (was 6).
Thrown Precision no longer increases Fan of Knives damage by 15%.
Thrown Precision now increases Fan of Knives critical strike chance by 10% (was 5%).
Thrown Precision now causes Fan of Knives critical strikes to always apply your weapon poisons.
Seal Fate has moved from the Class talent tree to Assassination and is now a 1-rank talent.
Seal Fate’s effect now always triggers from critical strikes (was 50/100% chance).
Internal Bleeding damage reduced by 20%
Internal Bleeding’s effect is now also applied by Rupture.
Internal Bleeding applies to mouseover target if used from a mouseover macro.
Crimson Tempest no longer has an instant damage component.
Crimson Tempest now has an initial damage over time tick on application.
Crimson Tempest damage per tick reduced by 29%.
Crimson Tempest duration increased by 2 seconds.
Crimson Tempest now deals bonus damage when multiple enemies are afflicted, increased by 20% per target, up to 100%.
Crimson Tempest now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets (was 8).
Lightweight Shiv now also increases Shiv damage by 100%.
Flying Daggers now also increases Fan of Knives damage by 15%.
Venom Rush’s effect now refunds 5 Energy (was 7).
Vicious Venoms bonus damage effect increased to 35/70% (was 10/20%).
Vicious Venoms now increases Ambush and Mutilate energy costs by 5/10.
Leeching Poison now grants 10% Leech (was 5%). Does not apply in PvP combat.
Poison Bomb now affects an area within 8 yards (was 6 yards).
Arterial Precision’s effect now increases Bleed damage by 30% (was 20%).
Dragon-Tempered Blades now also causes your weapon poisons to apply 30% less frequently.
Blindside now causes Ambush to replace Mutilate when the effect is triggered.
Dragon Tempered Blades now correctly applies to Numbing Poison.
Zoldyck Recipe is now a 2-rank talent (was 3). Per rank values have not changed.
Scent of Blood is now a 2-rank talent (was 3), and its effect now increases Agility by 2/4% (was 1/2/3%) to a max of 20% (was 24%).
Improved Poisons is now a 1-rank talent (was 2). Per rank value has not changed.
Bloody Mess is now a 1-rank talent (was 2). Per rank value has not changed.
Dashing Scoundrel is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
Elaborate Planning has been removed.
- Outlaw
Developers’ note: Outlaw’s talent tree has produced some fun gameplay so far in Dragonflight, but it has significant issues with rigidity, lack of pathing options, high tension between early tree DPS and utility nodes, and far above average number of unskippable core skills. Some of those skills have returned to Outlaw baseline, creating room for improved pathing and interconnectedness. We have also reworked or redesigned some existing talents and introduced some new options, with the hope that it will expand the gameplay space and options available to popular Outlaw builds.
Many changes have been made to Outlaw talent positions and connections.
Grappling Hook, Blade Flurry, Roll the Bones, and Restless Blades are now baseline abilities.
New Talent: Crackshot (Passive) – Between the Eyes has no cooldown and also Dispatches the target for 75% of normal damage when used from Stealth.
New Talent: Underhanded Upper Hand (Passive) – Slice and Dice does not lose duration during Blade Flurry. Blade Flurry does not lose duration during Adrenaline Rush. Adrenaline Rush does not lose duration during Stealth. Stealth abilities can be used for an additional 3 seconds after Stealth breaks.
New Talent: Precision Shot – Increases the range of Between the Eyes and Pistol Shot by 10 yards, and Pistol Shot reduces damage you take from the target by 5%.
Deft Maneuvers has been redesigned – Blade Flurry’s initial damage is increased by 100% and generates 1 combo point per target struck.
Swift Slasher has been slightly redesigned – Now causes Slice and Dice to grant additional attack speed equal to 100% of your Haste (was based on combo points spent).
Grand Melee (Roll the Bones buff) has been slightly redesigned – Now increases damage by 5%, and Blade Flurry deals 10% additional to nearby targets.
Prey on the Weak has moved from the Class talent tree to Outlaw, and has been renamed Sting Like a Bee.
Thief’s Versatility has moved from the Class talent tree to Outlaw and is now a 1-rank talent.
Thief’s Versatility now increases Versatility by 4% (was 2/4%).
All ability damage reduced by 6%.
Sinister Strike damage increased by 10%.
Audacity now causes Ambush to replace Sinister Strike when the effect is triggered.
Between the Eyes’ critical bonus effect is now a buff on the Rogue (was a debuff on the target).
Fatal Flourish effect now has a 50% chance to trigger (was 60%).
Ace Up Your Sleeve now grants 5 combo points (was 4) and has 5% chance per combo point to trigger (was 4%).
Triple Threat is now a 1-rank talent, granting 15% chance to trigger its effect (was 5/10%).
Improved Main Gauche is now a 1-rank talent (was 2). Per rank value has not changed.
Improved Adrenaline Rush now grants full Energy when Adrenaline Rush ends (was full combo points).
Ghostly Strike is no longer affected by global cooldown.
Ghostly Strike cooldown increased to 1.5 minutes (was 35 seconds).
Ghostly Strike Energy cost increased to 35 (was 30).
Ghostly Strike damage increased by 33%.
Ghostly Strike now increases damage to the target by 15% (was 10%).
Ghostly Strike duration increased to 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Killing Spree has moved to the capstone location on the tree.
Killing Spree is now a finishing move, increasing number of total strikes per combo point (1 strike + 1 per combo point spent).
Killing Spree damage increased by 66%.
Killing Spree no longer reduces damage taken during effect.
Killing Spree now causes 100% of damage taken during effect to be delayed, instead taken over 8 seconds.
Haste now affects Killing Spree’s duration, reducing the time between strikes.
Killing Spree base delay (before Haste) between strikes reduced to 0.3 seconds per combo point (was 0.4 seconds).
Killing Spree self damage is now reduced during Cheat Death.
Marked for Death no longer benefits from the cooldown reduction effect of Restless Blades.
Count the Odds chance to trigger reduced to 8% (was 10%) and can now also be triggered by Sinister Strike.
Hidden Opportunity effectiveness of chance to strike twice reduced to 80% (was 100%).
Refreshed duration of Roll the Bones combat enhancements now matches other enhancements.
Take ’em by Surprise duration adjusts correctly with different stealth interactions.
Weaponmaster and Dreadblades have been removed.
- Subtlety
Developers’ note: Subtlety and its talent tree have been in a position similar to Outlaw. Talent gameplay outcomes have been mostly good during Dragonflight, but many talents are underused, and rigid pathing with insufficient connections have restricted talent options. We have changed, redesigned, and added new talents alongside improvements to pathing and interconnectedness that we hope will add up to feeling like there is more gameplay diversity and flexibility in the tree. We also recognize there have been some negative trends which we hope to address. To start, Subtlety’s Energy and combo point resource economies have been overflowing, which creates a cascade of issues. Uptime for key cooldowns (predominantly Shadow Dance) has also been higher than expected, reducing the relative impact of those effects, which is troublesome for a spec that is known for having moments of increased intensity and burst within those cooldown windows. So, in addition to the more general improvements and additions for talents, Subtlety has received changes that affect Energy and combo point flow to increase the relative value of effects that temporarily offer more resources.
Many changes have been made to Subtlety talent positions and connections.
Shadowstep and Black Powder are now baseline abilities.
New Talent: Ephemeral Bond (Passive) – Increases healing received by 8%.
New Talent: Shadowcraft (Passive) – While Symbols of Death is active, your Shadow Techniques triggers 40% more frequently, stores 1 additional combo point, and finishing moves can use those stored when there are enough to refresh full combo points.
New Talent: Goremaw’s Bite – Lashes out at the target, inflicting Shadow damage and causing your next 3 finishing moves to cost no Energy. Awards 3 combo points. Costs 25 Energy. 45 seconds cooldown.
New Talent: Warning Signs (Passive) – Symbols of Death increases your Haste by 6%.
New Talent: Terrifying Pace – Gain 30% increased movement speed for 3 seconds when Shuriken Storm strikes 3 or more targets.
New Talent: Exhilarating Execution – Finishing moves heal you for 5% of damage done. Overhealing is converted to shielding, absorbing up to 10% of your maximum health.
Perforated Veins has been redesigned as a 1-rank talent – After striking 4 times with Gloomblade/Backstab, your next attack that generates combo points deals 50% increased damage.
Eviscerate damage increased by 19%.
Secret Technique damage increased by 12%.
Secret Technique’s shadow clone attacks no longer double-dip from the bonuses of Deeper Daggers, Veiltouched, and Dark Brew.
Backstab Energy cost increased to 40 (was 35).
Gloomblade Energy cost increased to 40 (was 35).
Shuriken Storm Energy cost increased to 45 (was 40).
Shadowstrike damage increased by 7%.
Shadowstrike Energy cost increased to 45 (was 40) and damage increased by 16%.
Shadow Focus now reduces Energy costs by 10% (was 15%).
Shadow Techniques no longer grants a combo point immediately when its effect is triggered.
Shadow Techniques now stores combo points with a stacking buff, up to double your max combo points. Additionally, abilities that generate combo points can expend any stored combo points to generate extra, up to your maximum combo points.
Shadow Techniques takes Premeditation into account when used 2 extra combo points are generated from having Slice and Dice active.
Find Weakness has moved from the Class talent tree to Subtlety and is now a 1-rank talent.
Find Weakness now causes attacks to bypass 30% of armor (was 15/30%).
Shadow Blades now causes all attacks (was combo point generating abilities) to deal 20% additional damage as Shadow (was 50%).
Shadow Blades now causes abilities that generate combo points to generate full combo points (was 1 additional).
Shuriken Storms triggered by Shuriken Tornado no longer generate bonus combo points from Shadow Blades.
Shrouded in Darkness now also causes Shroud of Concealment to persist after leaving its area.
Planned Execution is now a 1-rank talent and increases critical strike chance by 6% (was 5/10%).
Improved Shadow Dance is now a 1-rank talent and increases Shadow Dance duration by 2 seconds (was 1/2 seconds).
Deepening Shadows now reduces Shadow Dance cooldown by 0.5 seconds per combo point spent (was 0.7).
Shadowed Finishers is now a 1-rank talent and its effect causes 30% additional damage as Shadow (was 20/40%).
Lingering Shadow is now a 1-rank talent (was 2). Per rank value has not changed.
Deeper Daggers is now a 1-rank talent (was 2). Per rank value has not changed.
Finality buffs no longer have a duration.
The Rotten’s bonus to damage and critical strike now applies to any attack that generates combo points (was Backstab, Gloomblade, and Shadowstrike).
The Rotten’s effect no longer generates combo points.
The Rotten now causes your next 2 attacks that generate combo points (was 1 attack) after activating Symbols of Death to deal 35% increased damage (was 50%).
Replicating Shadows’ secondary targets now prioritize enemies that are not afflicted by Rupture.
Replicating Shadows distance to nearby targets is now calculated from the player, rather than the target.
Dark Brew now correctly increases damage of Instant and Wound poison.
Sepsis now grants full combo points with Shadow Blades.
Stilleto Staccato and Stunning Secret have been removed.
Mana Spring now restores 150 mana for Enhancement Shamans (was 250), 150 mana for Restoration Shamans (was 350), and 100 mana for Elemental Shamans (was 150) at level 70.
- Elemental
Splintered Elements now grants you 20% Haste plus an additional 4% Haste per extra target hit by Primordial Wave, rather than 10% Haste per target hit.
Primordial Wave can no longer be used to heal a friendly ally, it is now only an offensive spell for Elemental Shaman.
Elemental Blast can now refresh and extend the duration of the Haste, Critical Strike, and Mastery effects to up to 130% of the base 10 second duration, but will still prefer to apply a buff that you don’t already have.
Further Beyond can now extend the duration of Ascendance by up to 100% (was 150%).
- Enhancement
Developers’ note: We have shuffled a few talents around the Enhancement Shaman tree to increase some available talent choices. We’re also adjusting the functionality of a few talents to work with more melee abilities or elemental damage types to make them more attractive to a wider variety of builds. A new passive talent is available to choose rather than Elemental Blast to allow you to opt out of an extra keybind and Maelstrom Weapon spender to keep track of with Elemental Blast. We hope these changes give you some extra flexibility with your talent points and make some lesser used talents more impactful.
Several talents have been moved to a different place in the talent tree.
Starter build has been updated.
New Talent: Tempest Strikes (Passive) – Your Stormstrike, Lava Lash, and Ice Strike have a chance to cause bonus Nature damage to your target. Choice node with Elemental Blast.
Primordial Wave can no longer be used to heal a friendly ally, it is now only an offensive spell for Enhancement Shaman.
Primordial Wave spell damage increased by 500%.
Elemental Assault can now also generate Maelstrom Weapon charges from Ice Strike and Lava Lash rather than only Stormstrike.
Splintered Elements now grants you 20% Haste plus an additional 4% Haste per extra target hit by Primordial Wave, rather than 10% Haste per target hit.
Legacy of the Frost Witch now also increases Frost damage when consuming 10 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon rather than only Physical damage.
- Restoration
All healing increased by 3%.
Chain Heal healing increased by 20%.
Chain Heal now costs 5.6% of base mana (was 6%).
Healing Stream healing increased by 20%.
Healing Surge healing increased by 30%.
Healing Wave healing increased by 30%.
Riptide initial heal increased by 30%.
Unleash Life healing increased by 40%.
Primordial Wave replicates Healing Wave at 40% effectiveness (was 60%).
Primordial Wave can no longer be used to damage an enemy target, it is now only a healing spell for Restoration Shaman.
Cloudburst Totem now accumulates 20% of your healing done (was 30%).
Ascendance now duplicates 80% of all healing done (was 100%).
Mana Tide Totem now increases mana regeneration by 80% (was 100%).
Resurgence now restores 20% less mana.
Developers’ note: With Riptide, Healing Surge, and Healing Wave doing a lot more healing, Ancestral Awakening’s power was increased beyond intended levels.
Ancestral Awakening heals for 10/20% of healing done (was 15/30%).
Ancestral Awakening now prefers to heal injured players instead of always healing the lowest health player.
- Affliction
Grand Warlock’s Design has been redesigned – Summon Darkglare cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
Soul-Eater’s Gluttony has been redesigned – Soul Rot cooldown is reduced by 15/30 seconds.
Umbrafire Kindling now lasts 20 seconds (was 12 seconds).
Fixed an issue where Umbrafire Kindling would only increase the damage of Seed of Corruption to the main target.
- Demonology
Developers’ note: Demonology’s damage profile is currently too reliant on Nether Portal and Tyrant windows. In Guardians of the Dream, we’re redistributing this power to other parts of Demonology’s rotation and decoupling the synergy between these two cooldowns so that they can stand on their own rather than being dependent on one another. We still want Nether Portal and Demonic Tyrant to be impactful, powerful cooldowns – just not the only source of meaningful output for a Demonology Warlock.
Demonic Core is no longer a baseline ability. Demonbolt now grants the passive Demonic Core when learned.
New Talent: Shadow Invocation – Bilescourge Bombers deal 20% increased damage, and your spells now have a chance to summon a Bilescourge Bomber.
New Talent: Fel Invocation – Soul Strike deals 20% increased damage and generates 1 Soul Shard. The cast time of Summon Vilefiend is reduced by 0.5 seconds and your Vilefiend now deals Fire damage to nearby enemies every 1 second while active.
New Talent: Spiteful Reconstitution – Implosion deals 10% increased damage. Consuming a Demonic Core has a chance to summon a Wild Imp.
Gul’dan’s Ambition has been redesigned – When Nether Portal ends, you summon a Pit Lord that blasts your target for Fire damage every 1 second for 10 seconds.
Grand Warlock’s Design has been redesigned – Summon Demonic Tyrant cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
Ner’zhul’s Volition has been redesigned – Demons summoned from your Nether Portal deal 15/30% increased damage.
Summon Demonic Tyrant has been redesigned – Summon a Demonic Tyrant to increase the duration of your Dreadstalkers, Vilefiend, Felguard, and up to 10 of your Wild Imps for 15 seconds. Your Demonic Tyrant increases the damage of affected demons by 15% while damaging your target.
Reign of Tyranny has been redesigned – Summon Demonic Tyrant empowers 5 additional Wild Imps and deals 10% additional damage for each demon he empowers.
Imp Gang Boss has been redesigned – Summoning a Wild Imp has a 15/30% chance to summon a Imp Gang Boss instead. An Imp Gang Boss deals 50% additional damage and Implosions from Imp Gang Boss deal 50% increased damage.
Immutable Hatred has been redesigned – When you consume a Demonic Core, your primary Felguard carves your target, dealing Physical damage.
Soul Strike has been redesigned – Your primary Felguard learns Soul Strike: Strikes the soul of the target, dealing Shadow damage.
Shadow Bolt damage increased by 60%.
Demonbolt damage increased by 50%.
Doomfiend’s Doom Bolt Volley damage increased by 150%.
Vilefiend damage increased by 15%.
Hand of Gul’dan damage increased 25%.
Wild Imp damage increased 25%.
Implosion damage increased 25%.
Call Dreadstalkers damage increased 25%.
Grimoire: Felguard damage increased 30%.
All Nether Portal demons’ damage increased 30%.
Demonic Tyrant’s Demonfire damage increased 30%.
Eye of Gul’dan now benefits from Haste and Critical Strike Chance.
Pit Lord now benefits from Haste and Critical Strike Chance.
Vilefiend’s Caustic Presence damage reduced by 50%.
Demonic Knowledge now has a 10% chance of causing Hand of Gul’dan to generate a Demonic Core (was 15%).
Inner Demons no longer has a chance to summon an additional demon during combat.
Power Siphon now prioritizes Wild Imps that are not Imp Gang Bosses or empowered by Summon Demonic Tyrant.
Imp-erator is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
Malefic Impact is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
Fixed an issue where your permanently summoned Felguard would not benefit from Summon Demonic Tyrant.
Bloodbound Imps has been removed.
- Destruction
Developers’ note: We’re removing Madness of the Azj’Aqir and introducing a new talent, Chaosbringer, that increases the output of Chaos Bolt, Shadowburn, and Rain of Fire. Additionally we are adding damage to Chaos Bolt baseline. We are doing this specifically to decrease how penalizing movement can feel as a Destruction Warlock while also making these spells feel more impactful.
New Talent: Chaosbringer – Chaos Bolt damage increased by 8/15%. Rain of Fire damage increased by 5/10%. Shadowburn damage increased by 5/10%.
Grand Warlock’s Design has been redesigned – Summon Infernal cooldown is reduced by 60 seconds.
Summon Infernal damage increased by 50%.
Chaos Bolt damage increased by 15%.
Rain of Fire damage increased 15%.
Shadowburn damage increased by 15%.
Fixed an issue where Dimensional Cinders would benefit twice from Critical Strikes.
Madness of the Azj’Aqir has been removed.
- Affliction
To access additional patch notes and updates, please visit the official Dragon Flight website. There, you can find comprehensive information on the latest changes and improvements to the game. Stay up-to-date with the official source for the most accurate and detailed patch notes.
You are watching: Wow 10.2 Patch Notes and Know More
WoW 10.2 Raid Release
Raid release schedule:
Week of November 14 – Raid Finder Wing 1: Incarnates Wake (Gnarlroot | Igira the Cruel | Smolderon), Normal, Heroic, Mythic
Week of November 21 – Raid Finder Wing 2: Molten Incursion (Volcoross | Larodar, Keeper of the Flame)
Week of November 28 – Raid Finder Wing 3: The Viridian Weave (Council of Dreams | Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle)
Week of December 12 – Raid Finder Wing 4: Fate of Amirdrassil (Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame | Fyrakk the Blazing)
Notable rewards:
New legendary weapon: Fyr’alath, the Dream Render: Two-Handed Axe (Death Knights, Paladins, Warriors)
New dragonriding mounts: Reins of Anu’relos, Flame’s Guidance (Mythic Difficulty) and Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of the Blazing customization (available in all difficulties)
Reusable helm enchantment: Players will begin a questline to acquire the Incandescent Essence shortly after entering the raid and can expect to acquire it in their second month of raiding. This powerful item grants players a different effect based on their current role and is not consumed on use. These effects will be disabled in PvP. Quest progress is capped on a weekly basis and will be accelerated five weeks after the season begins to allow players to easily catch up if they miss the start of the season.
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is the ninth big update for the popular online game World of Warcraft. It was told about in April 2022 and became available to play on November 28, 2022. In this expansion, players can expect new adventures, challenges, and a focus on dragons, which are powerful and legendary creatures in the game. It’s an exciting addition for fans of World of Warcraft, offering them more fun and things to explore in the game world.
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World of Warcraft Gameplay
In World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, the game takes place on the Dragon Isles, which are divided into five different areas. The four main zones are the Waking Shores, Ohn’ahran Plains, Azure Span, and Thaldraszus, with a central city called Valdrakken in Thaldraszus where players can gather and interact, similar to Oribos in the previous expansion, Shadowlands. There’s also a fifth zone called the Forbidden Reach, which serves as the starting area for a new race called Dracthyr.
Dragonflight raises the level cap in the game to 70, the first increase since the previous expansion, Shadowlands. It also makes significant changes to the user interface and talent tree systems, introducing two branches for character customization.
A notable addition to the game is the Dracthyr race and a new class called Evoker, which is unique to the Dracthyr. Evokers wear mail armor and can specialize in ranged damage, support, or healing. Dracthyr players can choose to align with either the Alliance or the Horde, much like the Pandaren introduced in a previous expansion. Dracthyr Evokers are considered a hero class and start at level 58, with their own special starting zone.
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The profession system in Dragonflight has also been revamped, allowing players to commission the creation of items through work orders. A new gameplay feature called Dragonriding lets players raise and customize their own dragons for use in a momentum-based flight system with aerial skills. Unlike previous expansions, players can enjoy flying from the beginning of Dragonflight without needing to reach the maximum level, offering a new dimension to the gameplay.
World of Warcraft Plot
In the plot of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, the Dragon Isles, home to all dragon-kind, reappear after being hidden for 10,000 years due to the War of the Ancients. A race of dragonkin called the father wakes up from a 20,000-year slumber, placed in stasis by their creator, Neltharion (later known as Deathwing).
They discover their potential and join the Horde and Alliance to battle an ancient enemy, the Primalists, and to find their place in the world. The story revolves around empowering the Oathstones of the dragonflights, defending the Dragon Isles from old enemies, and reuniting the dragons.
It also delves into the legacy of Neltharion and his hidden laboratory, Aberrus, where shadow flame magic is sought after. The game follows various character arcs, including the Black Dragonflight’s leadership, the restoration of the Dragonflights, and the struggle against the Infinite Dragonflight’s efforts to create Murozond.
The plot is filled with alliances, betrayals, and a quest to preserve the legacy of the Dragon Aspects in the face of ancient threats and new challenges.
World of Warcraft Trailer
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Category: Gaming