4 Best Starting Locations in Pax Dei

Pax Dei is not your typical survival crafting game, however, it is advertised as an MMORPG. You will be playing in a sandbox world with thousands of other players, everyone is competing for the best plot location. Your starting area is not important, as each area is balanced. However, it is important to place your starting plot, as this is where you will build your base. Here are the best starting locations where you can place your starting plot in Pax Dei.

River bank

River of Peace

Building a base near a river has several benefits, especially in the early game. You can obtain Flint by picking up Flint, which spawns almost exclusively near rivers. This resource alone can help you craft the basic tools you need to unlock other workbenches.

Food is also plentiful in the area, and you’ll occasionally find some animals that will provide you with some bone fragments, sinews, hides, and meat. Trees are everywhere, so you can easily get some sapwood. Flax also spawns nearby, as do other plants and mushrooms.

Depending on your starting area, you may be far from mountains that have iron ore, granite, and other useful resources. However, you have to take the good with the bad.


Mountain Pax Dei

Mountainous areas are rich in gneiss, granite, and iron ore. The iron ore alone is worth building a base nearby. Since you need hundreds of iron ore to make iron ingots and smithing recipes, you’ll never have a problem running out of these resources.

You can also find resources like flax, barley, and berries around the area. Trees still grow here, so sapwood will never be a problem. Animals like wild boars and foxes frequent the area, so you can also easily get leatherworking and archery resources. The only problem is having to travel through the mountains every time you want to explore. Again, take the good with the bad.

Plains or grassland

Plain Peace God

Some areas have greener pastures, like the plains. Forget the pun, the biggest benefit to building on the plains is that the terrain is flatter in the area, which makes building foundations easier. These areas are usually in the middle of everything, so if you run around a bit more, you’ll also have easier access to all the resources.

There are abundant resources here, such as flax, sapwood, and gneiss. Surprisingly, you can also find clay around the meadows. Animals such as deer and wild boar also spawn in the area. You have a source of meat, and you can also get berries in these areas.


God Blessed Forest

A forest is not an ideal starting location, and it really isn’t a very good choice if you plan on building one in a forest. You should build your base next to a forest and make the most of the resources you find in the forest. You’ll see lots of animals around, and you’ll never run out of trees or sapwood.

The forest is full of mushrooms, and the variety of them is astounding. You also have access to an unlimited supply of berries and plants for all your cooking needs. Animals also frequent the area, and you might even come across a bear, which will give you a large animal hide. It’s not necessary to fight a bear early in the game, though, so this can be a pro or con in different situations.

Where should you place your starting plot in Pax Dei?

At the end of the day, it really comes down to the resources you have available. You can get through the game even if you have your base in the worst possible location. Early gamers definitely have the advantage of picking good starting plots, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a decent starting plot, too.

From an aesthetic point of view, it all depends on where you want to be. Once you’ve spent 100 hours in the game, it can get a bit boring to think about where to put your base. In a way, being in the center is probably the best place, because you’ll be exploring all the areas often.

In the first 15-20 hours, you might feel like you should place your base near an iron ore deposit, because that stage of the game is pretty brutal. However, you’ll run into other problems, and eventually, you’ll overcome them one by one. All areas have their pros and cons, which makes it more balanced, especially considering it’s a sandbox MMORPG.

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