How to Get Cold Resistance in Monster Hunter Stories 2

As soon as you set foot in the Loloska region of Monster Hunter Stories 2, the icy conditions will hit you hard. The snowy plains of Loloska may be beautiful, but they can also be deadly. Frostbite can affect both you and your monsters in battle, so gaining some resistance to protect you from the elements is an absolute must.

How to avoid frostbite in Monster Hunter Stories 2

If you or your monsters suffer frostbite during combat, you will be unable to move and will be forced to skip your turn. To avoid this unfortunate fate, your first stop before exploring the wild areas of Loloska should be to acquire some cold resistance. You can do this in one of four ways.

Heat haze

The first and easiest way to protect you and your monsters from frostbite is to get some Heat Mist. Heat Mist is an item you can buy at the shop in Sekimura. It only costs 100 Zenny, but it won’t last forever.

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Destruction Heat HazePrima Games Screenshots

If you have no other protection against the cold, then you’ll have to buy a lot of thermal mist to cover your entire Loloska adventure. Therefore, thermal mist is best used as a temporary solution before moving on to a more permanent solution.


Each location in Monster Hunter Stories 2 offers its own weapons and armor based on the monsters you encounter there. Luckily, much of Loloska’s armor offers cold resistance. Of course, to craft armor, you have to encounter and defeat enough local monsters to collect their drops, so heat haze is still a necessity on at least your first expedition.

Monster Hunter Stories 2 Wings of Destruction Cold Resistant ArmorPrima Games Screenshots

Cold-resistance armor will protect you from frostbite, but it won’t help you against monsters.

Cold resistance gene

If you want to permanently protect your monsters from frostbite, you must tweak their DNA. The local monsters of Loloska are naturally adapted to the icy environment. This means that many of them have resistance to cold, which is inherent in their genetic code.

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Destruction Heating GenePrima Games Screenshots

Sneak into monster nests and steal some eggs while exploring Loloska. Monsters like Logombi, Zamitros, and Popo often possess something called a “Warmth Gene.” Use the Channeling Ritual to transfer the “Warmth Gene” to other monsters, giving them permanent protection from the cold.


The final way to gain cold resistance is to use bottle caps to buy amulets from Melynx Inc. Melynx Inc. sells a variety of items, including items, weapons, armor, and of course amulets.

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wing of Destruction AmuletPrima Games Screenshots

These amulets offer a variety of different kinds of support. Some amulets let you use items without actually consuming them, increase your dodge rate, or let you regain some health at the end of a turn. The Destroyer (M) and Cold Resistance amulets both increase your damage and give you cold resistance, making them a good option for those who want to avoid frostbite in MHS2.

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