How to Get the Best Eggs in Monster Hunter Stories 2

In Monster Hunter Stories 2, not all monsters are created equal. Some eggs are better than others, and the better the egg, the better your monster. Learning how to identify quality eggs is essential if you want the best monsters. In this guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about identifying quality eggs so you can have the most powerful monsters possible.

Where to find the best eggs in Monster Hunter Stories 2

The first step in finding the best eggs in Monster Hunter Stories 2 is to find the best nests. Monster nests are large rocky cave entrances scattered across the wild landscape. However, some nests are made of gold instead of regular rock. These rare gold nests are your first stop in your search for the best quality eggs.

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Once you find a nest, take out the monster it belongs to first, then go straight for the eggs. If you’re lucky, the monster may be asleep or simply not there, leaving the nest for you to loot. When searching for eggs in a monster nest, you’ll get some indicators to tell you how good the egg is.

The most obvious sign is that the egg glows brightly when you pick it up for Navirou to evaluate. Navirou evaluates eggs based on smell and weight. You’re looking for eggs with the worst odor. These eggs will produce monsters with the best genes.

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If you’re not satisfied with the egg you picked up, put it down, find another egg and repeat the process. You can’t do this forever, though. One day, the eggs will run out and you’ll have to pick up the last egg.

This method works in all monster nests, not just golden nests. It’s definitely possible to find nice eggs in regular nests, and golden nests only increase your odds. Once you’ve got your loot, run off into the sunset with your newfound egg to the Stable to hatch it.

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