Don’t Call Me Shirley: 15 Best Quotes In Airplane!, Ranked


  • Airplane! is a hilarious parody of airplane disaster films, filled with iconic quotes and rapid-fire jokes that keep audiences laughing.
  • The movie cleverly uses mundane conversations and outlandish scenarios to deliver unexpected humor, keeping viewers engaged with each rewatch.
  • Leslie Nielsen’s deadpan delivery of lines like “Don’t call me Shirley” elevates the comedy, making Airplane! a timeless classic.



The “Don’t’ Call Me Shirley” quote is just one of the lines that make Airplane! one of the funniest movies ever made. It is a parody of the airplane disaster genre which was popular for a time. The movie follows a flight that is put in danger when a severe bout of food poisoning incapacitates the pilots and many passengers, and the desperate efforts to land it safely. Of course, the movie doesn’t take that premise seriously at all, only using it as an excuse to deliver some wild humor.

Few movies have been as quotable as Airplane!, with so many lines still being quoted to this day. Part of what makes such a memorable comedy is the incredible amount of jokes they throw at the audience. Fans are hardly done laughing at one joke before another even funnier one comes along. The movie has become a comedy classic and features some of the funniest, most memorable lines in cinema history, including the famous Airplane! “Don’t’ Call Me Shirley” quote.

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15 “Don’t You Tell Me Which Zone Is For Loading, And Which Zone Is For Stopping!”

Female Announcer

Ted shows up at the airport in Aieplane

It takes a very confident comedy movie to stick in jokes that will likely go unnoticed by the audience the first time watching it. Airplane! is so packed with gags that it is easy to miss some and still have plenty of laughs. However, that also helps make it such a fun movie to revisit as the audience can find something new each time. One example of this comes during the various scenes inside the airport.

There is initially a male announcer’s voice letting the travelers know where they are allowed to park. However, a female announcer is later heard giving the opposite information. This continues a few more times with the tone of the announcers getting more passive-aggressive. It then becomes these two announcers having a full-blown argument and hashing out their various marital issues for everyone to hear.

14 “Well, To Be Honest, I’ve Never Been So Scared. But At Least I Have A Husband.”

Mrs. Hammen

Dr Rumack with Elaine in the kitchen facility in Airplane

Another thing that Airplane! achieves so well involves the supporting ensemble within the plane. Though they are smaller roles with characters who only get a few lines each, they help to bring the movie to life and some of them get big laughs in the process. Even amidst the chaos and impending doom of the flight, the nervous passengers can be counted on for a laugh.

Randy is one of the supporting flight attendants in the movie who is not a big part of the movie either, but during one scene, Rumack gets in on her as she cries and tells him she doesn’t want to die having so much left to experience. She laments that she doesn’t even have a husband before Rumack comforts her. He then turns to one of the passengers, Mrs. Hammen, to check on her and she admits she is scared but takes solace in being married which causes Randy to burst into tears again.

13 “No, I’ve Been Nervous Lots Of Times.”

Ted Striker


While Airplane! is a very rewatchable movie, its humor tends to sneak up on audiences with jokes hiding in plain sight within mundane conversations. The audience laughs at the cleverness of the joke as well as the fun in that they didn’t see the obvious gag coming. When Ted gets on the airplane for the first time since his traumatic experiences in the war, he is on edge and his kind seatmate asks if he is nervous, and he admits he is. When the nice lady asks if it is his first time, Ted assures her with this obvious line.

So many of the jokes in Airplane! rely on the similar setup and punchline of a character taking what someone said in a different way than intended. It is a seemingly easy style of wordplay that is used in a brilliant way with it delivering laughs while also catching the audience off guard.

12 “No… That’s Just What They’ll Be Expecting Us To Do.”

Rex Kramer

Robert Stack as Rex Kramer speaking into a radio in Airplane

One of the great aspects of Airplane! is how the movie takes clichéd and tired genre dialogue and sticks it where it doesn’t belong. These well-worn lines seen in countless high-stakes and serious thrillers become hilarious because of the context in which they are used. Such is the case with this quote from Rex Kramer, a no-nonsense military man helping guide the plane to the ground.

Though he has been working tirelessly to save the plane, Kramer seems to forget the purpose as the plane approaches. Someone asks him if they should turn the runway lights on, to which Kramer replies, “No… that’s just what they’ll be expecting us to do,” as if they are suddenly trying to trick the plane into landing. The line is made even better by Robert Stack’s intense delivery with him squinting his eyes and looking off into the distance to really sell the moment.

11 “Wait A Minute. I Know You. You’re Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.”


Kareem Abdul-Jabbar talks to a kid while as a pilot in Airplane

One of the most recognizable faces in Airplane! is someone not usually known for acting. Kareem Adbul-Jabbar was a basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers at the time and seeing him pop up as a pilot named Clarence is a thrill for the audience. There are a number of great cameos throughout the movie but this is one of the best and it gets better when he gets called out.

While Abdul-Jabbar’s character of Clarence is focusing on his job as a pilot, a young boy points out that he isn’t Clarence but Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Hilariously, Clarence tries to insist that he is not and continues to sell himself as a character in this movie. The fourth wall breaking gets funnier when Abdul-Jabbar’s professionalism fades away once the kid starts talking trash about his basketball skills.

10 “It’s A Big Building With Patients, But That’s Not Important Right Now.”

Dr. Rumack

Tha cast playing musical instruments on Airplane.

Though there have been great parody movies over the years, few match the rapid pace of Airplane! The frequent wordplay misunderstandings throughout the movie are a great example of how so many jokes are crammed into the script, with the filmmakers looking to get laughs out of every conversation and scenario that they possibly can. The wordplay is a lot of fun, but Leslie Neilsen frequently shows how much better they can be in the hands of a truly skilled actor.

Dr. Rumack assesses the situation with the sick passengers. He then tells the flight attendant that they need to land and get these people to a hospital. Concerned, she says “A hospital? What is it?” A straight-faced Rumack explains what a hospital is. The movie can afford such throwaway jokes as this since it has so many other great ones to follow.

9 “You Can’t Take A Guess For Another Two Hours?”

Dr. Rumack


Leslie Nielsen steals the show as Dr. Rumack, a man who immediately takes control of the situation and faces the serious situation they are in with stone-faced professionalism and calmness. However, it is that stoic nature in Neilsen’s performance that makes him so hilarious when delivering one of the goofiest lines. Of course, the “Don’t call me Shirley” line is his most famous, but he has so many brilliant quotes in the movie.

When the situation grows dire, Rumack and the pilot have an intense conversation in which he asks the pilot if he can guess when they can land. The pilot responds with “Not for another two hours.” Rumack asks, “You can’t take a guess for another two hours?” It is a perfect example of how Nielsen’s dry delivery made these lines funny and it is hard to imagine Liam Neeson living up to his comedic skills in The Naked Gun reboot.

8 “I Just Want To Tell You Both, Good Luck. We’re All Counting On You.”

Dr. Rumack

Leslie Nielsen and Robert Hays talking in the cockpit in Airplane!

Recurring gags the Zucker Brothers added make Airplane! fun. While a line or moment might not seem funny at first, the more it repeats itself or comes back into the story again and again, the funnier it gets. As Ted and Elaine attempt to land the plane, Rumack pokes his head into the cockpit and gives them some simple words of encouragement, “I just want to tell you both, good luck. We’re all counting on you“.

It actually feels like a rare authentic moment that highlights the seriousness of the climax, but it is, of course, also the setup for more jokes. As the plane begins to lose control, he sticks his head in and repeats the same line, making it seem a lot less helpful considering the circumstances. Finally, once the plane is safely landed, he sticks his head in again and says the same thing. What starts as a normal line grows into one of the biggest laughs in the movie.

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7 “By The Way, Is There Anyone On Board Who Knows How To Fly A Plane?”

Elaine Dickinson

Ted and Elaine in the cockpit with the inflatable co-pilot in Airplane!

Airplane! picked the perfect sub-genre of movies to parody. All the tension of those thriller movies set on airplanes from the era gets replaced by the film pointing out how silly the premises are. Though it’s true that there is a sense of terror on a flight, it was often caused by the most ridiculous of circumstances in these kinds of films. Airplane! has a great time poking fun at it all.

With all the pilots taken out by food poisoning, the remaining crew tries to figure out how to land the plane safely while keeping everyone calm. Elaine addresses the passengers, before asking for any pilots present, which turns the whole plane into a panic. The fact that she thought such a request might go unnoticed is funny enough in itself. Throw in the absurd yet hilarious situation that set this up and it’s a classic.

6 “Calm Down! Get A Hold Of Yourself.”

Various Characters

The passengers on the flight in Airplane

The movie does a great job of taking small, recognizable moments from movies, like the Airport movies that Airplane openly mocks, and twists them into absurdity. For instance, disaster movies like this always seem to have that one character who can’t deal with the situation and begins to freak out. Just as often in these cases, the more rational characters have to give this person a slap in the face to calm them down.

That’s probably not the best way of calming someone, and Airplane! seizes on that ridiculous idea. As one passenger begins to lose it, one character comes over to slap them and calm them down only for someone else to quickly take over. One by one, the characters take their turns delivering the rough calming method, shaking her and slapping her. It goes on to reveal everyone on the plane is lined up with various weapons, waiting for their turn.

5 “Looks Like I Picked The Wrong Week To Quit Sniffing Glue.”

Steve McCroskey


Lloyd Bridges, the father of actor Jeff Bridges, was another actor whose career changed path following his successful turn in Airplane! He was a serious actor in dramas like High Noon but is probably most known for his scene-stealing work here as the stressed tower control supervisor, McCroskey, in Airplane! He perfectly fits the bill of the grizzled professional dealing with a crisis.

As he deals with the increasingly difficult situation of the doomed airplane, there is a running gag about his many bad habits. McCroskey starts by saying, “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking,” a pretty clichéd line. Later he remarks about quitting drinking as well. Then it’s pills. By the time the joke lands on sniffing glue, McCroskey is high as a kite. It is a reworking of a well-known trope.

4 “Joey, Do You Like Movies About Gladiators?”

Captain Lawrence Oveur

Captain Oveur and Roberg Murdock in the cockpit on Airplane.

Sometimes the outlandish quotes are among the funniest with them seeming to come out of nowhere to deliver the audience a surprise laugh. One such laugh comes in one of the most famous scenes in the movie. When a young boy comes to the airplane cockpit early in the flight, Captain Oveur tries to give the kid a friendly welcome, then proceeds to ask him a series of inappropriate questions.

The exchange starts innocently enough, with the captain asking the boy, “You ever been in a cockpit before?” From there, the direction he takes the conversation is unexpected. The line about gladiator movies is so random in an already very strange scene, that it’s impossible not to laugh despite the fact that things are getting very uncomfortable. Robert Graves, star of the Mission: Impossible TV show delivers the line

3 “And That, As Much As Anything Else, Led To My Drinking Problem.”

Ted Striker

Robert Hayes next to a skeleton in Airplane II

Another way that Airplane! is one of the most beloved comedy movies of all time is because of how versatile it is with its comedy. There are so many hilarious one-liners in the movie, but some of the most memorable quotes are simply setups for a hilarious sight gag which Airplane! pulls off so well.

One of the best gags is when the movie’s hero, Ted, is explaining his dark past, something his fellow passengers are regretting asking about. His experience in the Air Force left him haunted and, like many brooding movie heroes, he explains that he developed a drinking problem. Ted then takes a drink and completely misses his mouth, spilling the drink all over his head. It seems like such an obvious gag, but the reveal is one of the best jokes in the movie.

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2 “I Am Serious, And Don’t Call Me Shirley.”

Dr. Rumack


Though Leslie Nielsen became a comedy movie icon, he was a relatively serious actor until Airplane! While his overall performance is pitch-perfect and one of the biggest strengths in the movie, this unforgettable line might have single-handedly launched his comedic career. One of the movie’s most famous lines comes as Dr. Rumack asks Ted if he can fly the plane. Shocked, Ted says “Surely you can’t be serious.” Dr. Rumack responds with the iconic “I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley.”

It is a testament to Nielsen’s acting skills that he can deliver the line with such a straight face, but that makes it all the funnier and immediately cemented him as a comedy icon. It has become one of the most famous quotes in movie history and has been referenced countless times in pop culture ever since.

1 “Well, I’ll Give Him Another Twenty Minutes, But That’s It!”

Man in Taxi

A man waiting in the back of Ted's cab in Airplane!

Post-credit scenes are all the rage these days, but Airplane! perfected the use of them back before it was cool. Of course, the movie uses it to deliver one final laugh, paying off a joke from earlier in the movie in a perfect way. Near the beginning of the movie, Ted is working as a cab driver and heads to the airport to try to talk to Elaine. As he does, he leaves his customer in the backseat with the meter running.

Ted unexpectedly boards the plane and the adventure unfolds. The movie periodically cuts back to the poor man still waiting in the cab with the meter still running. After the credits roll, the movie sneaks in one more joke as the scene finds the man still waiting and beginning to suspect his driver might not return. It’s a forgotten gag that gets one of the biggest laughs.


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Director Jim Abrahams , David Zucker , Jerry Zucker Release Date July 2, 1980 Cast Kareem Abdul-Jabbar , Lloyd Bridges , Peter Graves , Julie Hagerty , Robert Hays , Leslie Nielsen Runtime 88 minutes

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