How to Craft a Bow in Pax Dei

There are a lot of animals around Pax Dei that are quite passive and will flee when you get close. As a typical hunter, you need a more efficient way to capture these animals for their resources. One way to hunt is with a bow, but even though the Wooden Arrow crafting is already there by default, you still need to unlock it. Here is a quick guide on how to unlock and craft a bow in Pax Dei.

How to unlock bow crafting in Pax Dei

Basic arrow feathers table

When you look at the crafting menu, you’ll find that you have the option to craft Wooden Arrows. However, you won’t find any bow weapons that you can craft. There are a lot of things you need to unlock before you can unlock any type of bow crafting. First, you’ll need to craft the Basic Fletching Tool from the Basic Carpenter’s Bench.

Once you have it, you’ll need to use it to make a Basic Fletching Bench. With your new bench placed, look for bow crafting tools. You’ll find a Basic Bow, a Primitive Longbow, and a Basic Longbow. Most of them aren’t worth it, as the Basic Longbow basically does three times as much damage as the other bows.

If you just want to hunt rabbits, then the basic bow will be enough. However, you may find it difficult to fight wild boars, or even deer. You only need 2 long wooden handles and 1 sinew to make a basic bow. For the basic longbow, you need 2 long wooden handles, 6 sinews, 3 thick leather belts, and 2 thick linen ropes.

Now that you have the basic fletching tools, you might as well unlock the basic leatherworking bench and get those leather crafting recipes.

What resources should you stockpile as a ranger?

Basic Longbow Making Pax Dei

When using a bow, you will need to craft ammunition or arrows. Wooden arrows use sapwood, which is easy to find. However, you will also need some flint arrows for tougher fights, especially if you want to engage an Inquisitor.

You’ll want to collect as much flint as possible, as it’s used not only to craft basic tools, but also to craft flint arrows. Five flint arrows require three pieces of flint, so it’ll take a long time to amass your ammunition.

You’ll also need to grow flax to make most crafts, as well as basic tailoring tools and install a spinning wheel to turn this flax into coarse linen thread. You can raise wild boars from the forest or mountains to get tendons, and you can also get some much-needed bone fragments from them. This can be a long shopping list, but you should expect more, especially when you get into the blacksmithing industry.

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