Quiz on International Plastic Bag Free Day 2024: Let’s Check How much Do You Know About Plastic Pollution

Every year on July 3, the world celebrates International No Plastic Bag Day. The day aims to raise awareness about the harmful effects of plastic bags on the environment and encourage the adoption of sustainable alternatives.

Do you know about plastic pollution and its effects? Take this quiz to test your Green Quotient (GQ) and learn some interesting facts about how plastic use harms the environment!

1. How long does it take on average for a plastic bag to decompose?

a) 1 year

b) 10 years

c) 100 years

d) never completely decomposes

Answer: d)

explain: The United Nations mentions: “Plastic waste takes between 20 and 500 years to decompose, and even then it never completely disappears; it just gets smaller and smaller.”

2. What percentage of plastic waste ends up in the ocean?

a) 1%

b) 3.2%

c) 0.5%

d) 8%

Answer: c)

Explanation: According to our World Data website, “About 0.5% of plastic waste ends up in the ocean. Most of it stays near coastlines.”

3. Which of the following is not a viable alternative to plastic bags?

a) Double plastic bag

b) Biodegradable paper bags

c) Reusable cloth bags

d) Agricultural products mesh bags

Answer: a)

Explanation: Double-layered plastic bags offer no real advantage over single-use plastic bags. They still contribute to plastic pollution and require additional resources to produce.

4. Why does plastic pose a threat to marine animals?

a) Plastic dissolves rapidly in seawater.

b) Marine animals can easily distinguish between plastic and food.

c) Plastics can trap and entangle animals, hampering their movement.

d) Plastics are easily biodegradable and provide nutrients to the ecosystem.

Answer: c)

Explanation: The Sea Turtle Conservancy mentions that more than 1 million animals have died due to plastic waste in the ocean.

5. What percentage of plastic waste generated globally is recycled?


b) 9%

c) 5%

d) 12%

Answer: b)

Explanation: MIT Technology Review mentioned: “Only 9% of the plastic produced to date is recycled and 19% is incinerated.”

6. What is the estimated number of plastic bags used worldwide each year?

a) 18 trillion

b) 10 trillion

c) 1 trillion

d) 5 trillion

Answer: d)

Explanation: According to the World Count Organization, more than 5 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide each year, which is equivalent to more than 700 plastic bags per person per year.

7. Which city or country was the first to completely ban the use of plastic bags?


b) Tokyo, Japan

c) Mumbai, India

d) No country has implemented a total ban.

Answer: a)

Explanation: The United Nations Environment Programme states:Bangladesh was the first country in the world to ban thin plastic bags after they were found to clog drainage systems during catastrophic floods, and other countries have followed suit.

8. On average, how long do people use a plastic shopping bag before throwing it away?

a) Less than 5 minutes

b) 10 to 15 minutes

c) About 30 minutes

d) More than 1 hour

Answer: b)

Explanation: World Counts mentioned: “Plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to decompose. On average, a plastic shopping bag lasts only 12 minutes.”

9. The Pacific Garbage Patch is a massive accumulation of plastic waste located at:


b) Indian Ocean

Arctic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Answer: d)

Description: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is located specifically in the North Pacific Ocean, between Hawaii and California.

10. International No Plastic Bag Day is a great opportunity to:

a) Understand the impact of plastic pollution on the environment.

b) Organize community activities to clean up plastic waste.

c) Advocate for policies that reduce plastic use.

d) All of the above

Answer: d)

Description: International No Plastic Bag Day is an opportunity to learn about the dangers of plastic pollution, organize clean-up events, and advocate for policies that reduce plastic use.

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