Who is Nahid Islam? Student Leader Behind Protests in Bangladesh! Check here!

Naheed Islam, a sociology student at Dhaka University, has led student protests in Bangladesh demanding reforms to the government job quota system. The protests have been supported by various student groups and activists across the country.

The students began protesting against Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in an attempt to force her to meet their demands.

As a month-long anti-quota and anti-government protests broke out in Dhaka, the incumbent prime minister has fled the city to escape the growing unrest, leading to heightened tensions between the government and the protesters.

Facts about student leader Nadim Islam

Nadeem Islam is a 26-year-old student of sociology at the University of Dhaka. He is widely recognized for his advocacy of human rights.

He served as the national coordinator of the Students Against Discrimination movement, which focused on the quota system for government jobs. The movement began in June 2024, when the Bangladesh Supreme Court restored the 30% quota for veterans and descendants of freedom fighters.

The movement argues that the quota system, a politically manipulated way of obtaining government jobs, is unfair and discriminatory because it limits opportunities for otherwise qualified candidates.

Islam has been outspoken against Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League party, calling them “terrorists” and declaring in a speech to protesters at Dhaka’s Shahbagh Square that students “took up sticks today” and if sticks don’t work, they are ready to “take up arms.”

Nadeem Islam kidnapping case

At least 25 men in plain clothes abducted Islam from his home in Sabujbagh on July 19, 2024. Nadeem revealed that he was blindfolded, handcuffed and tortured while in captivity.

He was repeatedly interrogated about his participation in the protests. On July 21, 2024, two days after his abduction, he was found unconscious and covered with bruises under a bridge in Purbachal.

On July 26, 2024, Nadim Islam was abducted again from Gonoshasthaya Nagar Hospital in Dhanmondi. He was taken away by people posing as members of various intelligence agencies, including the Dhaka Metropolitan Police Detective Branch. However, the police denied any involvement in the abduction.

in conclusion

Nasheed Islam was just an average sociology student at Dhaka University. But an unfair quota system reinstated by Bangladesh’s Supreme Court turned the soft-spoken Nasheed into a passionate activist for equal opportunities for all students.

Islam was the inspiration for a student protest over quotas for government jobs that has escalated into a “Remove Hasina” movement. Hasina gained national attention in mid-July when authorities jailed him and many other Dhaka University students as protests turned deadly.

According to Nakid Islam, a geography student, Nakid Islam is strong-willed and energetic and will not give up until his demands for justice and accountability are met. He has always been a fighter for the best for the country and will continue to lead positive change.

The police arrested him, tortured him until he passed out, and dumped him on the side of the road. Despite this, he kept fighting. Everyone is proud of Nasheed’s resilience and determination in the face of adversity. His courage is an inspiration to others who are fighting for justice and equality.