Street Fighter 6 Year 2 DLC Includes Surprise SNK Appearances and the Return of M Bison

Street Fighter fans knew from earlier announcements that new content for Street Fighter 6 would be revealed during the Summer Game Fest. Many even predicted that the information would be related to the second year of fighter DLC. While that proved to be an accurate guess, no one could have predicted who those fighters would be–especially since half of them were crossover characters.

In one of the latest Street Fighter 6 trailers (shown below), Streets of Rage’s Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui team up with new faces to the Street Fighter series, Luke and Jamie. Since Streets of Rage is an SNK property, this marks the first time the crossover characters have appeared in a mainline Street Fighter game.

While SNK and Capcom characters have fought side by side in newer games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the last true crossover between Capcom and SNK was in 2006’s SVC: Card Fighters DS, which, as the title suggests, was a card game, not a fighting game.

This big announcement has fans speculating whether SNK’s upcoming game Streets of Rage: City of Wolves will feature some Street Fighter characters. However, nothing has been confirmed yet. The two characters announced during the Summer Game Fest are the returning B. Jenet and newcomer Vox Reaper, who uses some moves from previous character Grant.

Terry and Mai aren’t the only characters coming to Street Fighter 6’s Year 2 character DLC, though. Elena is also featured in the trailer. She’s originally from Street Fighter 3: Next Generation and returned in Street Fighter 4, but isn’t in Street Fighter 5. She’s wearing a brand new costume, though it wouldn’t be surprising if her Street Fighter 3 and Street Fighter 4 design returns as her costume 2. What’s less certain is whether her frustrating healing mechanic will make a comeback.

Finally, a heavily redesigned M. Bison shows up at the end of the trailer. It’ll be interesting to see how his supposedly resurrected death will be handled in the game’s story – and the wait isn’t long. M. Bison is set to be available later this month (June 26th). The trailer also reveals the release windows for Terry (Fall 2024), Elena (Spring 2025), and Mai (Winter 2025), in order, but since “Winter” can refer to January or February (as was the case with Ed), there’s a good chance Mai will be released before Elena.

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